Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1457: The day of enthroned (see monthly pass)

Calculating her age, Karina is also thirty years old.

Sure enough, the shy women are all the same.

With his back leaning on the edge of the pool and putting his hands on the shore, Li Meng enjoys the feeling of being irradiated by the sun comfortably.

It’s rare to enjoy sunbathing while soaking in hot springs.

Not long after Li Meng was alone in the hot spring, the slight sound of footsteps rang in his ears.

You don't need to guess Li Meng to know who is here. At this time, apart from Karina, only Tan Ya knows where he is.

Sure enough, on the walkway not far from the pool, Tan Ya's black figure appeared.

She walked closer and came behind Li Meng.

Looking at the master in the pool, she whispered: "Master, the new queen of the Kingdom of Austria is about to ascend the throne, and invites the master to observe the ceremony. Will the master go or not?"

The new queen?

When he got up, Li Meng stood up from the pool, and in Tan Ya's eyes, he walked ashore smoothly.

As soon as his mind moved, the clothes on the shore suddenly turned into a mass of death power and flew on Li Meng, and a black cloth instantly formed on Li Meng.

Li Meng asked, "Who is it?"

Tan Ya replied: "It's Princess Gunia."


Li Meng did not seem surprised that Gu Niya succeeded to the throne.

Although there are many princesses in the Danlan Kingdom, Gu Niya is probably the only one who is suitable to inherit the throne.

Dinesha and Teresa are still young, and the characters of these two girls are not suitable for the throne.

Li Meng asked again: "Can the date for the enthronement ceremony be set?"

Tan Ya said: "January 1, 349 in the new calendar."

Is it the first day of the new year? It's a good day.

Today is November 9, which means there is still a month and a half.

Well, there is plenty of time.

Li Meng who thought this way said to Tan Ya: "Go, of course. The queen is enthroned. Of course, the First Legion will send someone to observe the ceremony. Since I am here, let me go."

Tan Ya would naturally not object to the owner's decision.

Tan Ya continued: "Master, there is another news about the return of Dengsha and the Kingdom of Yasi."

"Oh? Any news?"

Li Meng was still very surprised by the news. Less than three days have passed since the first negotiations between the three countries, and there was news so soon.

Tan Ya said: "Yes, not long ago, the news of the surrender of the Kingdom of Assi reached the territory of the Kingdom of Danlan. Although the envoys of the Kingdom of West Asia have not yet arrived, the news should be infallible."

In this way, the day of peace outside of Ogeria is not far away.

The kingdom of Yassi surrendered, is it far from the day when the kingdom of Dengsha surrendered?

Thinking of this, Li Meng smiled and said: "It seems that my days in Danlan Kingdom are over, um, let's say goodbye to Catherine tomorrow."

"Go, let's go back."

With that said, Li Meng took Tan Ya and left the hot spring, heading for the direction of his residence.

The Kingdom of Assi has surrendered, and the unification of the outer regions of Austria is just around the corner. It is no longer necessary for Li Meng to stay in the Kingdom of Danlan.

On the road, in the aisle in the sea of ​​flowers, while walking, Li Meng asked Tan Ya behind him: "Is the map of the southern continent ready to be drawn?"

Tan Ya replied: "70% has been completed. Only the Wanli Glacier on the southernmost side has not been drawn yet. The weather there is strange and snowstorms often appear, which greatly affects the observation of orbiting satellites and the progress of map drawing. It has become unusually slow, because the southern glacier is a no-man’s land, and the map now drawn is ready for use."

The southern continent connects with the Antarctic, and the further south, the colder the weather. Li Meng can understand the difficulty of mapping.

Of course, the cold weather can’t explain anything. After all, for the map of the southern continent, the First Army used satellite observations to draw, not artificially on the ground. However, the colder the weather, the closer to the South Pole. The closer you get, the weather will become extremely bad.

Once the weather becomes bad, the observing satellites in orbit often lose their drawable clarity.

Li Meng asked: "Anything to find?"


Tan Ya said: "According to satellite observations, there should be no polluting beasts on the southern continent. Although there are boundless forests, most of the humans living on the southern continent live in the form of villages without the shelter of tall walls. Although towns also exist, they are extremely scarce and their scale is not large."

Li Meng understood this point.

Because Li Meng's mental power is not the first time that he has swept the Southern Continent, but he didn't investigate it in detail.

He only noticed the living environment of humans on the southern continent, but did not pay attention to the polluting beasts in the forest.

However, thinking about it now, it’s really like this, because the villages and towns on the southern continent have no walls. Even if they do, they are very low and can block people, but it’s impossible to block polluting beasts. of.

The Southern Continent is so big, how can there be no polluting beasts? I am afraid there is only one reason, that is, it was wiped out by the demons, completely wiped out. Only this answer can explain that the humans on the Southern Continent are not protected by walls. Why can I live unharmed in the forest.

The southern continent is not small. Excluding the glaciers in the south, its continent is about two-thirds the size of the American continent. In the boundless forest sea, it is also a paradise for polluting beasts. If the demons can really wipe out the forest. The pollution beast shows the strength of the demons.

Even if the current First Army wants to eliminate the polluting beasts in the territory, it is not an easy task.

Of course, Li Meng never thought of completely exterminating polluting beasts.

Although polluting beasts are very harmful to humans, polluting beasts also have value.

The original energy may be eliminated in the future. This kind of radiation mutation energy cannot be used on a large scale and cannot be converted, but the rough stone is undoubtedly a good thing and a catalyst for human evolution.

The so-called evolution refers to "martial arts". Whether the arts of martial arts will evolve in the future is still to be discussed, but the existence of martial artsists undoubtedly proves that human beings have the direction to strengthen the body and have the ability to grow from being weak. The race becomes a powerful individual.

The rough stone will play a very important role in it. Even if human beings can reuse nuclear energy in the future, go out of the earth and step into the starry sky, the polluting beast on the earth is also eligible to remain.

At this time, Tan Ya only listened behind him: "Perhaps we shouldn't do anything. Since the demons haven't done any extreme behavior, we shouldn't provoke them, at least don't contact them now."

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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