Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1463: Cooperation (seeking monthly pass)

Although I had a decision in my heart, I couldn't make it so clear.

After pondering for a while, Li Meng said: "This cooperation is very suitable, but how should I trust you? How do I know if you will give me false information in a critical period? At least from a human point of view, your demons are not credible of."

Intelligence is very important. If the First Army puts the key intelligence on Isis, it is a very risky thing. Is Isis a demons or a high-level demons, if only one piece of information can determine the life and death of both parties, At that time, how would Isis choose?

Li Meng can't take risks, and the First Army can't take risks.

This is a problem. If this problem is not resolved, the two parties will not have any trust at all.

Isis also realized this, and she was lost in thought.

Just as the man in front of her said, as a high-level demon clan, if she didn't do something, she would not be trusted by the man in front of her.

What should I do?

After a long time, thinking Isis's eyes lit up slightly, and she thought of a way.

Moving slightly, she stood up, and took two steps forward. In Li Meng's surprised eyes, she sat horizontally on Li Meng's lap.

Li Meng was very confused and puzzled about Isis's surrender.

In Li Meng’s puzzled gaze, Isis clasped Li Meng’s neck lightly, and said softly: “Since I discovered the human race, I have chosen to use human females as the host. You should have discovered it too, we demon. Race is just a kind of energy body life, there is no gender distinction, long-term understanding of humans, lodged in the human brain, we also have the feelings that humans have, this kind of feelings that our family has never had before. This kind of feeling has brought a great impact to our family. When we enjoy that feeling, it also brings conflicts and divisions to our family. We are no longer united with one of them, but also actively cut off the spiritual connection. A united whole has become a single individual. In fact, we can also be called humans now."

Can also be called a human?

Frowning slightly, Li Meng said, "As far as I know, the reincarnation in your mouth is similar to the practice of "robbing the house" and occupying the body of another person."

"Occupy someone else's body?"

Isis smiled, for the first time.

She pursed her mouth and said softly, "How can it be occupied? Our family does not have the ability to erase other life consciousness. In the embryo of human females, when the baby is just formed, it is the best time for us to reincarnate. 'S baby has no consciousness, let alone soul."

It turned out to be like this...

No wonder Isis's soul is so stable, if it is a seizure, it will not be perfectly integrated with the body.

Listening to this explanation, Li Meng's sense of rejection towards the demons has been reduced a lot.

If it is really a parasitic species, it is truly an endless existence, because for any life, these species are extremely dangerous.

Looking at Limon, Isis whispered: "I understand you humans and your human society. The relationship between men and women can confirm the ownership of both parties through mating. My body is small, but for women, It’s mature enough and I believe it will bring you a sense of joy. As long as I belong to you, at least for this hundred years, I belong to you. In this case, you have reason to believe in me."

It turned out that she planned to...

It's really primitive, but her method is not bad.

Although this relationship cannot explain anything, the **** to both parties can be said to be strong or non-existent.

But at least she has this idea, this consciousness, and a perhaps sincere heart.

Li Meng knew that if he refused, there would be no future for the cooperation between the two parties.

Because there will be a wrong perception in her heart that Li Meng doesn't believe her, and this kind of thinking is extremely dangerous, maybe at a critical time, Isis will turn his head.

The only thing Li Meng has to do now is to reduce this possibility.

As a man, how could Li Meng shrink back at this time.

With a decision in his heart, Li Meng smiled slightly. The hand that he didn’t know where to put, hugged Isis’s small body, got up from the seat, and took a princess to the end of the inner hall. Go to the golden bed.

As if aware of what was about to happen, Isis's expression was very calm, without the shyness of a girl, but a little curious and expectant gaze appeared in his eyes.

Gently put Isis on the golden soft bed, looking at the petite person under him, Li Meng took a deep breath.

In terms of appearance, Isis is very beautiful, with waist-length silver hair and white face, making her look like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world, but she is not full of body, probably because of her age, and some places have not been completed. Development, although the chest is bulging, but it can only be called "small steamed bread".

In this regard, Li Meng is also a veteran, and naturally he will not be stage fright.

The right hand stretched out and slid gently on Isis's body.

Although separated by clothes, the touch is still very clear.

As the person involved, Isis, facing Li Meng and stroking her on her body, behaved very calmly, her body trembling slightly, and she seemed a little uncomfortable.

When Li Meng planned to take the next step and take off Isis's dress, he found that the golden dress Isis was wearing was too complicated. He could not find a place to start, which made Li Meng stalemate.

Seeing Li Meng hadn't moved for a long time, Isis glanced at Li Meng suspiciously.

Seeing Li Meng's embarrassment, she pursed her lips and sat up from the bed.

"Let me do it!"

With a whisper, she unbuttoned the golden dress on her own.

After a while, in Li Meng's eyes, the golden dress slipped from her shoulders, revealing the white and smooth skin of the upper body.

Seeing such alluring Isis in front of him, Li Meng's eyes gradually became hot.

The calm on her face gave Li Meng a desire to conquer.

Slightly and hurriedly, Li Meng leaned over, pushed Isis down on the bed tightly, pressed under him, and without hesitation, occupied the ruddy lips.

During the oral intercourse, Li Meng completely took off the long skirt that was halfway around the waist of Isis.

I saw a long golden skirt flying in the air, slowly falling on the ground beside the bed.

The two people on the bed overlap each other, entangled and demanded from each other.

What is happening in the empty inner hall is something that is hard to believe for the guards in the outer hall.

When the groan of Sisi Ruoyouruowu sounded from the inner hall and floated to the ears of the guards.

Many twin golden pupils shrunk slightly, puzzled, looking at the direction of the inner hall.

Many of the guards in the main hall are not young anymore. After long-term contact with humans, they naturally know what is happening in the inner hall.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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