Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1464: You are a demon

I don't know how long it took, and the movement in the inner temple finally returned to calm.

The strange noise was gone. On the golden bed, only Isis was panting, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

Lazily lying on Li Meng's broad chest, undulating chest, and deep breathing in his mouth, Isis has not yet calmed down from his previous passion.


With a deep breath, Isis's breathing finally returned to steady.

Speaking slightly, lying in Li Meng's arms, Isis murmured softly: "It turns out that this is the feeling."

Li Meng was a little surprised at what Isis said, and said in surprise: "Why, this is your first attempt? If I didn't guess, your age should be calculated in units of "10,000"."

Although it was the first time for her body, Li Meng thought she should be familiar with this matter.

It now appears that this is not the case.

The body moved, and found a more comfortable position in Li Meng’s arms. Isis said calmly, “I am a god. Although I am a woman, how can a human man have the opportunity to touch me? Many have chosen the male body as the host, but they will not have this interest. Their only desire is probably the unsatisfied ambition to rule."

It turned out to be like this...

Although he understood, Li Meng felt an extremely awkward feeling in his heart.

From the common sense of human beings, the demons can be called aliens.

Although it is a human body that has a relationship with him, the soul is an alien, so to speak...

Forget it, don't think about it, no matter how ridiculous it is, things will be done.


Looking at the petite and lazy Isis in his arms, this is not like an alien, but an authentic human at all.

Gently pulled up the golden blanket that fell on Isis's waist, covering Isis's white body.

Feeling the softness of the tender body in his arms, Li Meng said: "You have thought about what I said before, do you believe her?"

Although covering her with a blanket was only a small act, Isis felt very comfortable.

It was a feeling that she had never felt before. Although she didn't know what it was and what it meant, she didn't hate it, nor did she hate the feeling of being held by the man in front of her.

What the man said, Isis naturally knew what he meant.

Speaking slightly, Isis said lazily: "You said Harto, although Harto is the person who has the most chance of harming me, but I believe her, in human terms, my friendship with Harto It has been going on for tens of thousands of years. She has no reason to harm me, nor is it necessary, because it is of no benefit to her. In the past few decades, the reason why my territory still exists is not only relying on guarding, but also With Hartuo, without her, I am afraid I would have nothing now."

Does that mean complete trust?

There is no basis for Li Meng to suspect Ha Tuoer. It is just a guess. After all, the culprit for similar things is often the closest person around him. This makes Li Meng involuntarily put the object of doubt on Ha. Childcare.

Now that Isis can be sure, this is naturally Limondo thinking.

Speaking of this, Isis whispered, "Don’t you want to know the purpose of the demons? I will tell you that the purpose of our demons is very simple, which is to rule the human world. We did it tens of thousands of years ago. It is easy to rule the human beings in the wild era. Although the earth was cleansed during that catastrophe, we hid and fell into dormancy, and did not wake up until a hundred years ago, but my people still unified the human world. As the most important goal, only for this goal, my fellow races are unified in consciousness."

After a pause, Isis asked, "Do you know Sikkim?"


Li Meng nodded and said, "I know, a metal material that is resistant to high temperatures and has superconductivity."

To Li Meng’s answer, Isis said with such an appearance: "Your First Legion is really extraordinary. Sikkim may be very common for races that can get out of the home planet, but for humans on Earth, they I don’t even know the mineral Sikkim and how to use it."

No nonsense, Isis continued: "Without Sikkim, the demons can only build some small warships. Such warships do not even have the ability to get out of the planet, but with Sikkim, the demons can build high-power sub-light speed engines. , So that the Mozu can easily break free from the **** of the planet. The tin and gold deposits on the earth are very scarce. The Mozu has been searching for Sikkim for decades, and has almost searched the entire planet, and finally found it on the Devil Island under the nose. "Sikkim." After more than a year of excavation, the demons have obtained a lot of Sikkim. As far as I know, the demons already have four large warships that can get out of the planet."

Four large battleships?

The situation is a bit bad. If the demons continue to build large warships, then humans really have no chance of victory.

Thinking like this, Li Meng asked, "How much is the amount of tin and gold on Alcatraz?"

In Li Menghuai, Isis said lazily: "Not much, if you dig all of it, it should allow the Demon Race to build about fifty large battleships."

More than fifty large battleships?

This number caused Li Meng's face to change slightly, his expression only solemn.

We can't let the demons continue to dig, and then let the demons frantically build large warships, there is no possibility of victory for human beings.

How to do?

What Isis said gave Li Meng a sense of crisis that he had never had before.

At this time, Isis in Li Meng’s arms said: “If I were you humans, the first thing to do is to prevent the demons from continuing to dig "Sikkim". Only by cutting off the source of the demons’ "Sikkim", humans may not have one. The ability to fight, after all, the use of advanced technology by the demons is still very low. Because of some material limitations, the demons are still very fragile. The chemical weapons possessed by humans can also cause great damage to the demons."

Isis's words made Li Meng stunned for a while, and looked down at the calm face in his arms.

The sadness on his face was put away, Li Meng smiled lightly: "You are also a demon, you will not forget your identity?"

To Li Meng’s words, Isis just glanced at Li Meng lazily, and said calmly: “I’m already yours now, at least I will consider it for you before the next rebirth and stand from your perspective. I will fight for your interests, otherwise, what's the point of me doing this?"

Looking at Isis, Li Meng suddenly felt that the demons were still very cute, and the supremacy's perception of loyalty was much stronger than that of human beings. Perhaps in Isis's eyes, the relationship between the two of them was proof of "loyalty".

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