Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1478: Meeting (seeking monthly pass)

Soon, within a few seconds, I saw the silver curtain rippling, and a black figure walked out of it.

He was dressed in black clothes that were exquisite and not gorgeous, and his appearance was ordinary but he had a very unique temperament.

After leaving the portal, he scanned the hall with a very indifferent expression.

There are so many people...

Seeing the dense figures in the hall below, Li Meng muttered in his heart.

Their outfits are similar to those on the earth, and black suits are the most common.

However, Li Meng also saw a few uncomfortable figures.

One line came from the left. She was standing in front of a group of bodyguards, wearing a very loose and gorgeous dress, wearing a crown, and a pair of beautiful eyes looking at him, only curiosity on her beautiful face.

The other one is from the right. He wears a gorgeous samurai robe and a top hat on his head. Behind him is not a bodyguard in a black suit, but a group of samurai uniforms with long waists. Samurai with sword.

The person beside him caught Li Meng's attention. She was wearing a black women's suit, and she was incompatible with the warriors beside her. She stood beside him with a cold expression and her waist-length hair was very supple.

The last figure is from the front left. She is very small, about seven or eight years old. She is dressed in a small golden dragon robe and a golden crown. Her small face is looking at him curiously. By the side, standing by an older man, he was dressed in a gray robe, with a...well, it should be "Confucianism".

The distinguished guests arrived, and the heads of countries greeted Li Meng all the time.

The first person to contact Li Meng was a middle-aged man. He was dressed in a suit and had a strong physique.

"I am the President of the Allied Powers "Rangtup". It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Li Meng."

There is no problem with language. With the help of the mastermind, Li Meng has long acquired the languages ​​of Ayers.

Every world has the etiquette of every world. Seeing Lang Tepp stretched out his hand, Li Meng naturally stretched out his hand and shook his hand.

The second person who greeted us was the one wearing a samurai robe. He nodded, covered his chest, bent over, and said in his mouth: "I am Emperor Ji Lang, the Emperor of the Rising Sun, welcome your visit, Your Highness Li Meng."

The name is the same as Sakuya, the only difference is his identity. He is the emperor of the Rising Sun Empire, so he is also called His Royal Highness.

Nodding slightly, Li Meng was also speechless.

Regarding this, Ji Lang didn't care. He knew that Li Meng was from another world, and he might not understand their language.

The third person who greeted me was a woman wearing a loose robe and a crown. She approached Li Meng with curiosity. She carried her long skirt and gave a very elegant gift to Li Meng, and said softly, "I am Soville. The queen of the empire "Sophia", it is nice to meet you, Mr. Li Meng."

As she said, she stretched out the right hand with white gloves and stretched out towards Li Meng.

Li Meng still knew about the etiquette of the Suville Empire.

However, Li Meng did not kiss her hand, just stretched out his right hand to pinch her little hand, and nodded lightly.

In response, Sophia just smiled, and stood there.

The last one was the next girl in a dragon robe. She came to Li Meng with a curious look, her childish face stared at Li Meng so directly.


It wasn't until the old man behind her pretended to cough that she quickly stretched out her small right hand and said softly: "I am the Queen of the Thang Long Empire "Zhu Yi Xuan". I am glad to meet you, Mr. Li Meng."

Looking at the little girl in front of him, Li Meng felt so cute, smiled slightly, and gently squeezed that little hand.

After some meeting etiquette, everyone can be considered to know each other.

At this time, the President of the Allied Powers, "Lang Tepp" stepped forward and said: "Mr. Li Meng, please!"

Surrounded by the heads of countries, a group of people walked out.

This time Limon's "Ayre" trip is not for fun, but has business to do.

In a large conference room, as the heads of state were seated, a meeting officially began.

Since this meeting needs to be kept secret, only the heads of the four countries can participate, namely the Allied Powers, the Rising Sun Empire, the Sauer Empire, and the Thang Long Empire. These four countries can be said to summarize the entire human power on Al.

Looking around the heads of the four countries on the round table, Li Meng, who was the master, spoke for the first time.

"Earth, Al, two different worlds, two different planets, you should also realize in your heart, where is the origin of mankind? On the earth, or in Al? I don’t know, neither do you It may be known, but one thing is undeniable. Our human ancestors also traveled through the stars in a certain era. This can explain why we humans exist in two different worlds, not just Al and Earth, perhaps In the endless universe, we humans exist in more worlds."

Although the language speaks the words of the earth, Li Meng is directly transmitted to the heads of various countries through the power of the soul. For the heads of countries, the words that appear in their heads are the language they are familiar with.

This made the eyes of everyone on the round table light up, and they looked at Li Meng in surprise.

How did he do it?

The voice unexpectedly appeared in his mind, and it was still the purest native language.

Although unexpected and surprised, the heads of countries will not interrupt Li Meng's words at this time.

"Compared to the earth, Al’s environment is undoubtedly beautiful. There are no demons, no alien creatures, and no polluting beasts everywhere. On the earth, mankind is facing the disaster of extinction. I need your help. The purpose of my "Al" trip."


To Li Meng's words, everyone at the round table looked different and was silent.

They naturally knew what Li Meng's help meant, but...

Everyone’s reaction was within Li Meng’s expectation. It is naturally impossible to help freely, even if his presence in "Ayre" is so noble, but if the interests of various countries are involved, noble status is not much. Useful.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said calmly: "Of course, any help needs to be based on fair trade. I naturally won't let you help me free of charge."

Li Meng's words made everyone interested. Except for "Zhu Yixuan", the empress of the Shenglong Empire, everyone else looked at Li Meng with curiosity.

In the eyes of everyone, Li Meng said: "I know that the main brain in "Ayre" has given you a lot of pressure, and I can let the main brain withdraw completely and no longer interfere with the development of the "Ayre" world.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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