Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1479: Wormhole Technology

Li Meng knew exactly what the main brain did in "Ayre".

When World War III broke out in "Ayre", the mastermind triggered an omnic crisis, controlling the networks of various countries and weapons of mass destruction.

So far, the destructive weapons of the four countries are still under the control of the mastermind.

It can be said that as long as the main brain is willing, the humans on the planet "Ayre" can be destroyed easily.

Li Meng's words undoubtedly made everyone's eyes brightened, and Langterp said quickly: "Mr. Li Meng, can you take this seriously?"

With a faint smile, Li Meng said nonchalantly: "Nature is true."

Undoubtedly, the conditions given by Li Meng moved everyone's heart.

The "mastermind" that triggered the omnic crisis has always been the heart disease of all countries. If the existence of the "mastermind" can be really eliminated, it will be an irresistible temptation for any country.

The excitement on his face was put away, and he glanced at the heads of other countries, Langtepp asked Li Meng: "I wonder how Mr. Li Meng wants us to help you?"

Li Meng said calmly: "It's very simple, help me, help the earth through this crisis, and win this war with the demons."


Langterp asked again: "I don't know the strength of the "Mozu"?"

Li Meng did not conceal this point, and said truthfully: "It is very strong. They are alien life. For some reason, they slept on the earth. They only awakened a hundred years ago. They have advanced technology because the time to awaken is still short. Entering the era of primary aerospace, there are about five large warships capable of navigating in space."

Alien life?

Technology in the aerospace age?

Li Meng said that Langtepu smiled bitterly, and the others shook their heads.

Such enemies, how could they be opponents, even if they could win, the price paid would be too great.

Langtepp shook his head and said, "Mr. Li Meng is too high to look at us. Now that the technology of "Ayre" is not even easy to reach the moon, how can it be the opponent of the demons in the era of space flight."

"It depends on your determination."

With that said, Li Meng took a chip out of his arms and threw it on the round table.

Looking at the chips on the round table and then at Li Meng, everyone was puzzled.

Li Meng said indifferently to everyone’s puzzled eyes: “There are two technologies in this chip, one is controllable nuclear fusion technology, the other is plasma technology for manufacturing sub-light engines. There are only half of the information, you can confirm its authenticity. Sex, what these two technologies mean, everyone in this room should understand."

Controlled nuclear fusion?

Sublight speed engine?

Of course everyone knew the importance of these two technologies. When Li Meng's words fell, everyone's expressions changed. Looking at the chips on the round table, only fiery eyes were seen.

Although Al is already very good at using nuclear energy and has a lot of knowledge about nuclear energy, controllable nuclear fusion technology has always been a hurdle in the eyes of scientists from all over the world, as well as plasma technology.

Controllable nuclear fusion and plasma technology are the two essential technologies for entering the starry sky.

If "Ayre" can really obtain these two technologies, what it means is clear to everyone here.

Ji Lang stood up immediately, looked at Li Meng, and said straightly: "We need time, two days."

To Ji Lang's words, everyone nodded tacitly.

Yes, they need time, time to consider, and they need to check whether the technology in the chip is true.

But don't underestimate the temptation of advanced "technology", Li Meng never doubted "Ayre's demand for advanced technology."

They wanted time, and Li Meng gave them time.

After the meeting, the heads of countries hurriedly left with the chip, and Li Meng was arranged to live in a certain room of the Ark.

The Ark is very large, viewed from the outside as a whole, while the inside is divided into multiple floors and multiple areas.

Without knowing it, night gradually fell, and in the darkness, the huge ark was suddenly shrouded in brilliant lights.

On a balcony at the top of the ark, against the silver metal guardrail, Li Meng looked into the distance.

The wind is blowing gently, blowing on the face, the feeling is comfortable.

There is nothing in the distance, only a piece of darkness and the endless stars.

Looking to the sky, the moon has risen into the sky, and the silver light is very dazzling.

El’s moon is much larger than the moon on the earth. It hangs high in the sky, and the silver disk looks huge. On the other side, you can see a smaller moon, and its brilliance is also very bright. It was dim, but it was still very obvious in the night.

There is no doubt that Al has two satellites.

"Master! Do you know why I want to control the world?"

In my head, the voice of the main brain suddenly rang, as usual, without a trace.

"Why?" Li Meng asked calmly and calmly.

"Ayre, the earth, and the blue star are the only planetary coordinates that I have retained in the remaining data. Among them, Ayre is the most unique because there is still a relic of the ancient human era on this planet. The underground of the Ark base, the gate of subspace, and the mass repeater that opened the wormhole were all excavated from this ruin. On the earth, some of my seemingly incredible abilities were actually used in mass. Repeater, this is the most advanced technology in the ancient human era, you can open the wormhole connecting the two worlds at will, the transmission of the Emperor, the owner from the world of Adras back to the earth, I borrowed the mass repeater to open After the wormhole tunnel, the value of this relic, the owner should understand now."

Of course, Li Meng understands that there is only one meaning of mastermind, that is, the ruins under the Ark can promote the development of human technology. Not to mention the gate of subspace, just a device that can open a wormhole is enough to stop anyone's eyes.


Frowning slightly, Li Meng groaned: "I have promised them, so I can't make me regret it."

After a short silence, the voice of the mastermind appeared again in his head.

"For the humans in the "El" world, they still can't understand this ruin, and they don't even have the ability to enter the system. Even if I completely withdraw from this world, they won't be able to get anything useful in the ruins. For subspace The exploration of wormhole technology, even in the heyday of ancient humans, is still an experimental thing. This base should be a laboratory of ancient humans. There are only two useful things in the base. One is the gate of subspace. , The second is the quality repeater. Due to the long time, the operation of these two devices is not stable. Due to the lack of possibility of repair, in the future, if humans cannot replicate these two devices, they will lose these two technologies. Experimental data."

"what do you mean?"

Having said that, Li Meng felt that the mastermind should have some plans.

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