Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1484: situation

However, the mastermind also makes sense.

After all, Al is a world that belongs to mankind. Not to mention the present, even for the future, it is necessary for the First Army to stay behind in "Al".

"The population of the Thang Long Empire is 1.2 billion. If the royal regime can be maintained, the future of this empire is unimaginable. Master, this is an investment, an investment that can get rich returns. You cannot and should not Refuse."

When did the "mastermind" talk so much, it seems that the mastermind is very concerned about this matter.

Although he didn't say anything in his heart, after the mastermind's persuasion, Li Meng had already made a decision in his heart.


After taking a deep breath, Li Meng looked at Zhu Yixuan.

With a smile on his face, Li Meng waved to Zhu Yixuan and said, "Come here."

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhu Yixuan's petite body jumped off the sofa lively, and walked lightly to Li Meng's body, and her two small eyes looked straight at Li Meng.

Li Meng never imagined that in the future, he would enter the wedding hall with her.

Li Meng understands that as long as he agrees, this political marriage will be implemented, and he will receive a lot of strange eyes.

Of course, Li Meng will never back down on what has been decided.

Looking at the slim, very cute little girl in front of him, Li Meng reached out and rubbed the little head.

With a smile on his face, he said with a chuckle: "You have to be mentally prepared. When you grow up, I will become an uncle."

This is naturally a lie. Not to mention that the spirit body has long since escaped the limitations of birth, aging, sickness and death. Even the human body, Li Meng has many ways to stay young, which naturally scares Zhu Yixuan.

Hearing this, Wei Xian's face loosened slightly. Although I don't know what happened and why Mr. Li Meng changed his attention, they are undoubtedly lucky.

Zhu Yixuan shook her head cutely, and said softly, "I...I won't care."

At a young age, she didn't know what marriage was, but she would know one day.

With that said, Zhu Yixuan stretched out her hands to Li Meng like a "hug".

A child is a child. Perhaps Zhu Yixuan does not understand marriage, but she knows that her partners must maintain a close relationship.

What could Li Meng say about this, so she had to hold Zhu Yixuan wearing a dragon robe in her arms and put it on her lap.

Clutching Zhu Yixuan's petite body, Li Meng's eyes turned to Wei Xian, who had been smiling since then.

He seemed very pleased to see her Majesty and Li Meng being so close.

Looking at Wei Xian, Li Meng said calmly: "Tell us about the domestic situation. In your eyes, is the situation still under control?"

The smile on his face was put away, Wei Xian shook his head heavily, and said: "Since the death of the first emperor, the prime minister has controlled all the local governments outside the imperial palace in the past few years, and the generals stationed in various places have also had various reasons. I was replaced and replaced by the people who left and right the prime minister. The forbidden army guarding the palace also had close confidantes. Even the cabinet I control has many ministers who are loyal to the prime minister. If it weren't for the royal family, it would have great prestige in the hearts of the people. I'm afraid the prime ministers left and right have torn apart from the royal family long ago."

After hearing what Wei Xian said, Li Meng said thoughtfully: "In other words, do they still have any concerns?"

Wei Xian nodded and said, "Yes, the Shenglong Empire has a population of 1.2 billion, and the territory is vast. Even the prime minister on the right and left cannot guarantee that all local governments and the local garrison will be loyal to them. Once they are torn apart from the royal family. Facially, they are also worried that someone will hold the banner of the "pure prince's side" against them. Therefore, in the next ten years, they will only control the entire empire by overhead the royal family."

Speaking of this, Wei Xian's face was dark, and he said solemnly: "Once the Queen is an adult, everything will change. They will control the life of the Queen and marry the young offspring of the family. Once the Queen has an heir, their The goal is reached, huh, no one knows this blood transfer method, their hearts are simply shameless."

At the end, Wei Xian's old face was flushed, very angry.

The confrontation of rights is the most dangerous. This is not empty talk.

Especially in countries with a monarchy, the power of the monarch is closely related to the stability of the country, and the confrontation of power is more complicated and bloody.

Although Zhu Yixuan is only eight years old, she also knows right and wrong, and she can naturally understand the meaning of Wei Xian's words.

She lowered her head and stayed quietly in Li Meng's arms, without speaking or speaking.

That being said, I am afraid I will stay here for a while longer.

As if thinking of something, Li Meng smiled faintly, with an idea in his mind.

After that, Li Meng and Wei Xian talked for a long time, discussing many aspects.

How to help the royal family and how to deal with the threats of the prime minister are all in the discussions between the two.

Until late at night, the two men finished their conversation, and Zhu Yixuan was already asleep in Li Meng's arms.

"Mr. Li Meng does not need to care. Although Her Majesty's reputation is very important, she is still a child and will be Mr. Li Meng's fiancee in the future. Let her rest here tonight."

Since Wei Xian said so, Li Meng would naturally not object.

Zhu Yixuan in her arms was already asleep, and it was hard to wake her up.

Li Meng could only nod his head.

Seeing this, Wei Xian stood up and said, "Then don't bother Mr. Li Meng. I think there will be a summit meeting tomorrow. The first step in this plan is Mr. Li Meng."

Afterwards, Wei Xian left, leaving Her Majesty here, he didn't seem to have any worries.


Wei Xian naturally has his reasons.

After Wei Xian left, only Li Meng and Zhu Yixuan were left in the room.

Looking at Zhu Yixuan, who had fallen asleep in his arms, Li Meng smiled slightly and walked towards the bedroom with Zhu Yixuan in a princess' embrace.

When he came to the bedroom, Li Meng gently put Zhu Yixuan on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

After doing all this, Li Meng left the bedroom in silence and returned to the hall.

On the sofa, Li Meng sat pensively, thinking.

If you want to resolve the political chaos within the Thang Long Empire, there are natural solutions.

There are two ways, one is a bit more radical, and the other is a modest way.

Li Meng gave Wei Xian the right to choose. Li Meng originally thought that Wei Xian would choose a modest approach, which would have the least impact on the internal political system of the Shenglong Empire, but Wei Xian chose a radical approach.

Indeed, this can solve the internal political chaos of the Thang Long Empire in a short time, but it will also pay a great price.

However, this price is controllable and not necessarily a bad thing for the royal family.

Time is slowly passing by, and there is nothing to say all night.

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