Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1485: Number of armaments

Early the next morning, early morning.

In terms of science and technology, the human beings in Aier World undoubtedly have a good foundation.

When discerning the authenticity of a certain technology, only by analyzing the data, one can know the true and false answers.

Whether the technology recorded in the chip is true or not, after the "Ayre" scientists overnight distinguished, it took less than a day to reach a conclusion.

It is true. Although the information is only half, the analysis of technology in the chip is quite reasonable and rich.

For the scientists of "Ayre", this is like a treasure. They want more complete information.

At the urging of scientists, heads of state had to hold a meeting in advance.

Now that the technology in the chip has been proven, what to do next is much simpler.

"They should be anxious. Human beings have an ambition in their bones to explore the starry sky. With these two technologies, the ambitions of human beings can also be realized. Elder Ge, you should know that in the next hundred years, Al will Entering a big era of the weak and the strong."

In the smooth, mirror-like corridor, two large and one small, three people go together.

Entering the starry sky, mankind's desire to explore is satisfied, but it has also entered a more cruel law of survival.

How could Wei Xian know what Li Meng said.

He chuckled, and said: "I am old, and I can't see that day. I can only rely on the Queen to fight. I believe that with Mr. Li Meng, my Shenglong Empire will be prosperous forever."

Is it prosperous?

Looking at Zhu Yixuan, who had been following him, Li Meng couldn't help but stretched out his hand and rubbed the small head.

Zhu Yixuan just smiled sweetly at Li Meng's petting behavior, which looked very cute.

Moving on, when the three people came to the meeting room where they were yesterday, the heads of state had already arrived.

Although it is a summit meeting, there are quite a few people in the meeting room. The guards and translators of the leaders of various countries also have dozens of people. Fortunately, the meeting room is very large and looks slightly empty.

At this time, the heads of countries are much more anxious than Li Meng.

Seeing Li Meng and Zhu Yixuan sitting down, Langtepu who was waiting hastily said: "Since everyone is here, let's start."

After speaking, Lang Tepp said loudly: "After the meeting yesterday, our countries had some exchanges and debated the requirements of Mr. Li Meng. At this moment, I think you have the answer in your mind."

"Now, please raise your hand if you agree with Mr. Li Meng's request."

As soon as Rantep's words fell, the heads of the four countries raised their hands.

At this time, in the face of new technologies that humans have been unable to research for hundreds of years, they will naturally not shrink back.

They have no choice but to give it a go.

Seeing this, Rantep continued: "Well, since everyone agrees, let's let Mr. Li Meng speak."

In the conference room, everyone looked at Li Meng.

Seeing that it was his turn to speak, Li Meng did not have stage fright, and said indifferently: "This is a big battle. It will never end in a short time. It will last for several years or even more than ten years. I hope you will have a protracted battle in your heart. The earth is no better than Al, and the industrial system is very weak. The First Army not only needs more powerful and advanced weapons, but also needs to rely on Al for logistics."

Speaking of this, Li Meng glanced around the heads of countries and said: “Because the First Army needs a lot of armaments, this will create the military weakness of the four "Ayre" countries. In order to ensure the peace of "Ayre", I suggest that in the war After it is over, the mastermind will return the weapons of mass destruction to various countries. Do you have any opinions?"

Everyone looked at each other at Li Meng's suggestion, and finally nodded, expressing no opinion.

This suggestion is very good. With a time bomb on his head, no one will have the idea of ​​holding back at this time.

Moreover, "Ayre" is not only the four countries of them, but also some countries outside the system of powerful countries. Among these countries, there are strong and weak, and they need a certain amount of deterrence.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Li Meng continued: "Due to the battle with the demons, the main battlefield is in the air, and the choice of armaments is mainly in the two aspects of ground-to-air and air-to-air. I need what your countries can support. Quantity."

For Li Meng's question, fortunately everyone was prepared for this, and was able to answer this question.

Rantep took the lead: "Because the allies are a multinational consortium, they are wealthier than other countries in terms of armaments, and the allies have advanced drone series. Therefore, the allies will provide 200 squadrons of "Sky Knight" unmanned fighter jets. 4800, 50 squadrons of Apollo fighters, a total of 1200, 200 century bombers, and the required armored cabins. The ground unit will provide 2000 multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles equipped with air defense modules and 300 sets of "cleaners". Ground air defense array, 50 sets of "MG-5" air defense radars, the navy unit will provide 5 UAV aircraft carriers and 20 "Modern class" guided missile destroyers, with a total value of more than 19,000 billion."

Large-scale, this is undoubtedly large-scale, such a number of fighters, almost a quarter of the entire allied armaments.

As soon as Langterp's words fell, everyone looked at the confident and smiling Langterp with weird faces.

Facing everyone's incomprehensible gaze, Rantep said calmly: "Once new energy is obtained, these equipment will be eliminated sooner or later. In helping Mr. Li Meng, the allies have great sincerity."

Speaking of this, Langterp once again said to Li Meng: "This is only the first batch of supporting armaments. If the war requires greater demand, all military factories in the allied countries will make full production. Please rest assured, Mr. Li Meng, I have received 60,000 from the Parliament. With the support of 100 million yuan of funds, the allies will fully support Mr. Li Meng to win this war with alien races, not only for Mr. Li Meng, but also for the human beings on the earth.

Lundup took the lead, and for the heads of other countries, he has a new standard in his heart.

When Langtorp's words fell, the meeting room fell into a strange silence.

Except for the indifferent Luntep, Sophia and Ji Lang were all thinking.

As for Zhu Yixuan, she would not consider such a thing. When she was next to Li Meng from the beginning of the meeting, the two small eyeballs were placed on Li Meng, and she took a look at her from time to time.

After a long time, it seemed that a decision had been made in his heart. Ji Lang's expression changed slightly, his eyes turned to Li Meng, and he said: "Mr. Li Meng, the Rising Sun Empire is just an island nation. Although it is called the country by the military, it is not as wealthy as the allies. Can provide one-third of the existing armaments to Mr. Li Meng, China will provide Mr. Li Meng with 100 squadrons of Tianyi fighters, a total of 2,400, and 25 "qifeng-class" guided missile destroyers, equipped with missile modules. "Naginata" 15 cruisers, 5 general battleships, follow-up support will not be less than three trillion ally."

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