Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1488: Outlying islands

Li Meng would naturally not refuse Ji Lang's kindness. One more person is not more, and one less person is a lot less.

If Yuriko can really get her freedom back, it would be a favor to Sakiya.

Time passed by little by little, and soon night fell.

After dinner, Wei Xian found Li Meng to discuss some things about tomorrow.

Rubbing the little head of Zhu Yixuan sitting quietly beside him, Li Meng said calmly: "Xuan'er is small, but she is the queen of the Shenglong Empire and the leader of 1.2 billion people. She must bear the heavy responsibility on her shoulders. She must understand what she should do and what she cannot do in this position, and she must also understand how to choose between certain things."

Speaking of this, Li Meng looked at Wei Xian on the opposite side, and said: "Xuan'er may not understand it. It's okay. Only let her see it with her own eyes and experience it, she will understand in the future, and one day she will get real growing up."

is this okay?

Looking at the bewildered Her Majesty the Empress, and then at Li Meng who looked indifferent, Wei Xian was silent.

Maybe Mr. Li Meng was right, Wei Xian had no reason to refuse, he could only nod in silence.

Late at night, Al also ended an extraordinary day.

What happened at the Ark Base is destined to be known only by a few people. For most people, "Ayre" is still unique and the center of the entire universe.

However, this kind of cognition will one day be completely subverted in "Ayre", and one day, the dusty secrets will be unearthed bit by bit.

At that time, the ideology of "Ayre" humanity will completely change.

No words...

Time is passing, and when the long night leaves, Al ushered in a new day.

When Li Meng took Zhu Yixuan out, Yuriko had already been waiting outside.

"Mr. Li Meng!"

Still in that lady's suit, Yuriko bowed her head when she saw Li Meng walk out of the door.

With a slight smile, she held the petite and lovely Zhu Yixuan with her hand, and Li Meng said, "I've been waiting for a while, let's go."

Without saying more, pulling Zhu Yixuan, Li Meng walked forward along the corridor, while Yuriko followed behind him silently.

Today is the day to return to the "Thanglong Empire", and Wei Xian is already prepared.

When Li Meng and his party left the main building of the Ark Base, Wei Xian was already waiting at the exit of the apron.

"Mr. Li Meng! This is..."

Looking at the Yuriko behind Li Meng suspiciously, Wei Xian was a little puzzled.

I have seen it, but I don't know the name. Wei Xian can remember that this lady should be Ji Lang's guard, how could she appear next to Mr. Li Meng.

Regarding Wei Xian's confusion, Li Meng just said, "Let her follow."

Although Mr. Li Meng didn't say it clearly, Wei Xian didn't ask much, so he nodded and said, "Please here, the royal plane is ready to take off."

The apron of the Ark Base is still very large, located on the right side of the main building, covering an area of ​​no less than 100,000 square meters, with ten large aprons, 20 medium-sized aprons, and forty small aprons.

On the periphery, there is a runway more than 2,000 meters long.

The runway and apron are the basis for countries to quickly transport goods to the Ark base.

Li Meng can imagine that in the next few months, the sky of the Ark base will be full of aircraft taking off and landing, and this huge apron will be full of fighters from various countries.

At this time, the apron was still quite empty. In the huge field, there were only two bloated transport planes. They were dark green in color. The wings were very short and had a big belly. There was a huge diamond on each side of the front main wing and the rear aileron. The engine, the captain is about 70 meters in length, and the height is no less than 20 meters. Undoubtedly, these are two big guys.

On the other side of the two giant transport aircraft, there is also a large aircraft.

Although it is also bloated, it is much slenderer than the transport aircraft. The painting is also white with some golden lines. It is about two-thirds the size of the transport aircraft. Compared with the transport aircraft, it is a lot smaller.

It has four cylindrical engines, which are much smaller than the engines on the transport plane.

This passenger plane was the royal plane of the Thang Long Empire, and it was also the target of a group of four.

They were said to be four people, but there were a lot of bodyguards behind them. They were the guards of the queen and the guards stationed in the palace. Since the queen was out, they wore plain clothes and guarded the queen.

In this "Ark Meeting", the guards who can guard the Queen's side are naturally carefully selected. There is no need to doubt the loyalty. Wei Xian can still guarantee this.

Although the cabinet is in a weak position in the confrontation with the prime ministers of the left and the right, the cabinet still has the final say in the palace.

Under the leadership of Wei Xian, a group of four and many bodyguards boarded the royal plane.

It has to be said that the interior of the special plane is still extremely gorgeous. In the upper cabin, it is like a five-star hotel, which is very spacious and comfortable, showing luxury.

"Tower tower, tower tower, the royal plane of the Thang Long Empire requested to take off, request to take off."

"Take off is allowed, please follow the guide route to fly away."


With the fuselage trembling slightly, the roar of the "rumbling" engine suddenly rang.

Outside, the engine nozzles on both sides of the plane's main and ailerons turned slightly, emitting orange flames from them.

A powerful air current swept all around, and the air was twisting below the nozzle.

As the "roar" of the engine became more and more intense, the huge royal plane slowly separated from the ground, faster and faster, and finally turned into a white shadow and disappeared into the distant sky.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters and above the clouds, a bloated passenger plane was flying at an even speed.

In the vast sky, it seemed so stable, and the only "rumbling" engine roar broke the silence of the world.

The Ark base is located in the Pacific Ocean, more than 6,000 kilometers away from the Thang Long Empire, and the sailing time will exceed six hours.

The magnificent sea of ​​clouds is always so beautiful, and people can't help being attracted by it to feel the shock brought by the world.

"Mr. Li Meng, there are some things I don't know when to ask..."

In her ears, Yuriko's body was affected. She sat opposite Li Meng, her expression hesitant, as if she was considering whether to continue speaking.

Withdrawing his gaze from the window, Li Meng turned to look at Yuriko, and said calmly: "Do you want to know the situation of Sakiya there?"

Li Meng remembered everything he had said to Sakiya. Yuriko was the leader of the Rising Sun Empire’s superpower force and had a good relationship with Sakiya. Although the temperaments of both have changed a bit, it is precisely because of this. , The two talents have a common language, and therefore developed a deep friendship.

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