Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1489: The story of the mermaid (seeking a monthly pass)


Yuriko nodded softly.

It has been more than a year, and she is very concerned about Sakiya’s situation there.

Li Meng asked puzzledly: "Since you are worried about her and care about her, why was she selected to go to "Earth" in the first place?"

At the beginning, Sakuya and the guards, these girls were not recruited by Li Meng, but a gift from the Rising Sun Empire, which was regarded as a meeting gift.

The guards were nothing. They were originally students in the Rising Sun Empire Women's Military Academy. They were orphans who lost their parents due to the war. They had no right to choose when faced with the requirements of the empire.

But Sakiya is different. Sakiya is a superpowered person with a different status. Unlike her girls, Sakiya has the right to choose.

To Li Meng’s question, Yuriko looked sad, and whispered: "Our superpower force is a sword in the hands of the Rising Sun Empire, a sword pierced into the heart of the enemy. During the war, we are at ease, although we live daily On the edge of life and death, but at that time we were able to clearly realize the value of our existence. When the war is over, the world is enveloped in peace, and we superpowers with blood on their hands cannot adapt to a life that is too peaceful. In the middle of the year, the former companions either committed suicide because they could not bear the pressure, or they became criminals because of their twisted spirits. The current superpower troops no longer exist. As early as a year ago, not long after Sakiya left, the imperial emperor The experiment on "super-powers" was completely terminated, and those of us who were super-powered also lost their status as soldiers, became civilians, and spent our entire lives under the supervision of relevant empire departments."

Speaking of this, Yuriko sighed slightly and said softly: "Since the war ended, Sakiya's mental state has not been very good. It was not until she asked to go to the "earth" that I understood what she was thinking. "Ayre", maybe the earth is more suitable for the survival rules of our superpowers."

It turned out to be like this...

No wonder Sakiya's spirit has always been in an unstable state, easily irritated, sometimes gentle, sometimes cold as frost, and after becoming a "corpse girl", this situation has only slightly improved.

Although I don't know how the superpowers of the Rising Sun Empire were born, the process may not be so beautiful.

Thinking of this, Li Meng smiled slightly and said: "She is fine. Now she is a general under the First Army. If you wish, the First Army welcomes you to join at any time."

Yuriko has been on the battlefield for a long time, and his experience and combat experience are beyond doubt. Li Meng values ​​Yuriko's abilities very much.

Is this an invitation?

Looking at Li Meng in a daze, Yuriko still shook her head for a long time.

She whispered: "I'm tired, I just want a quiet life in the future, sorry!"

In this regard, Li Meng just smiled faintly, and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, if one day you change your mind, the First Army welcomes you at any time, and I will say hello to your emperor "Ji Lang", I think, In this matter, he will not refuse."

Naturally not, Yuriko understands how important this man is in the eyes of the empire.

Don't talk about her, even if it is the entire force of superpowers, the empire will give it to Mr. Li Meng without hesitation.

For the empire, the current superpower force is no longer a big killer, but a trouble, which will bring risks to the imperial society.


At this moment, Zhu Yixuan on the side suddenly called out softly.

"What's the matter?" Looking down at the little girl beside him, Li Meng petted her little head.

Pulling Li Meng's sleeves, Zhu Yixuan said pitifully: "Xuan'er is very boring, brother tell me the story of "Earth"."

"The story..."

He smiled slightly and said indulgently: "Well, tell a story."

Seeing her brother agreed, Zhu Yixuan was very excited, her small body hurriedly climbed onto Li Meng's thigh and occupied Li Meng's arms.

A child is a child, and he doesn't know how to avoid taboos.

Do whatever you want in your heart.

To treat children, you must use the same way you treat children, and Li Meng naturally does not need to care too much.

Naturally holding Zhu Yixuan’s waistline, Li Meng said softly: "Let’s tell the story of the mermaid "Crelia". On the earth, there is a sea area called "South China Sea". Although the South China Sea is not large, But connected to many countries, this story starts with the "Emperor"..."

Li Meng’s ability to tell stories is beyond doubt, because Li Meng has experience in this area.

When Mu Ling was still awake, Li Mengke told her many stories.

Li Meng's whispers echoed in the cabin, his words were clear, and the story was interesting, and people couldn't help but listen.

Looking at the two intimate people on the sofa, no one felt any sense of disobedience to the big and the young.

Everything is so natural.

Li Meng spoke for a long time, and when the story was finished, it was already an hour later.

After listening to Li Meng's story, everyone could only feel it. It was obviously just a story, but when it was spoken from Mr. Li Meng, it seemed to be something that he had personally experienced.

But is this just a story?

"Brother! Are there really people on earth?"

Looking at Li Meng with light eyes, Zhu Yixuan asked curiously.

Rubbing Zhu Yixuan’s little head, Li Meng smiled and said, “Of course it’s true. The earth is like a magical world, with demons, giant beasts over a hundred meters away, and extraterrestrial life. Race, and there are many sub-human races. This is a wonderful world with endless secrets hidden, but for humans, this world is not so beautiful."

The corners of her mouth were slightly tortuous, and Zhu Yixuan said softly: "Then why did my brother let her go?"


With a slight smile, Li Meng whispered: "Because the mermaid's home is the sea, if my brother keeps her by his side, she won't be able to return home."


Zhu Yixuan nodded her head seemingly, although she understood the reason, she always felt something was wrong.

Obviously it is something you like, why should you let her go?

Only on this point, Zhu Yixuan still did not understand.

Holding Zhu Yixuan lightly, the smile on Li Meng's face was put away, and he fell into contemplation.

Speaking of "Cleilia", counting the time, there has been no news of her for more than a year.

I don’t know where she is now or what she is doing...

The sea is too vast. For the mermaid, they are just a drop of water in the sea. It is not easy to find them. Even if it is Li Meng, it is not an easy task even if it is Li Meng. .

Of course, Li Meng does not have that leisurely mind now.

I just thought of her, after all, he cared about this "pet" Li Meng after all.

The number of mermaids on the earth is very scarce, and there are only two mermaids.

One is in the aquarium of the Republic of Sharjah, and the other is the free body "Cleilia".

If we list the endangered species on earth, the mermaid must be at the top of the endangered species.

It would be a pity if this species disappeared.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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