Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1490: Peiping

Shenglong Empire, the capital "Peking".

The land of Shenglong is vast and boundless. Since the Zhu family unified this land 500 years ago, the imperial power of this empire has been maintained for more than 500 years.

Five hundred years are long. Although the world has undergone many changes, the Shenglong Empire still stands firm.

More than five hundred years of development has also made the city of Peiping become the center of Thanglong, the center of culture and politics.

The endless high-rise buildings, like urban roads with spider webs, densely packed with vehicles on the road, Luoyi endless, like ants moving, huge screen advertisements all over the city, a prosperous scene, this is the portrayal of Peking .

Beiping, Zuo Prime Minister's Mansion.

Among the high-rise buildings, there is such a green garden. The low and old buildings in the garden stand tall. They are not gorgeous, but have a kind of nobleness.

In a pavilion shrouded in green trees, two old figures are sitting opposite each other.

They are gray-haired and old-fashioned, but their spirits are very tough, with only shrewdness and gloom in their eyes.

This is the Prime Minister's Mansion, and their identities are self-evident. They are Yang Xian, Prime Minister on the left, and Hu Yong, Prime Minister on the right.

Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Yang Xian said confidently: "Hu Cheng should have heard about the news from the Ark Base."

At this, the old man on the other side just smiled faintly and asked, "How can I not know what Prime Minister Yang knows?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, everything is silent.

After a moment of silence, Yang Xian said calmly: "Elder Ge is clever. He took advantage of the opportunity of going out this time to pull the otherworlder into the water. This move is very good. Can Prime Minister Hu have a solution?"

The solution?

Hu Yong was expressionless and said coldly: "The first emperor set up the right and left prime ministers in order to disperse the power of you and me, but what the first emperor did not expect is that the union of two prime ministers is more powerful than a prime minister. , These years you and I can work together to suppress the cabinet, are you afraid of someone from another world?"

Yang Xian shook his head and groaned: "You can't say that. You and I already know a lot of secrets about your identity. You and I can't do some drastic behaviors of that identity, but to ensure his safety in the Shenglong Empire. "

Hu Yong said indifferently to Yang Xian’s words: “Naturally, I will not be stupid enough to hit "his" attention, but if hard is not good, then come soft, just expel him from the country and keep him away. The Shenglong Empire will do."

Yang Xian asked, "What can you do?"

Hu Yong smiled coldly, and Hu Yong said coldly: "What is the idea of ​​the old man, you and I naturally understand that once your majesty marries that queen, the status of the royal family in the world will be greatly increased, and the prestige in the country will also increase. At that time, any of our excessive behaviors will be regarded as rebellious, and we will be at a loss when doing anything. I will naturally not give them this time and this opportunity."

"You mean..." Yang Xian had a bad feeling.

Holding the tea cup, Hu Yong took a sip of tea and said calmly: "Now the royal family is weak, this time is our only opportunity."

Speaking of this, Hu Yong put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Yang Xian with a cold expression, and said coldly: "Completely control the palace and eradicate our opponent."

" it too fast?" Yang Xian reminded cautiously.

If you do this, there is no difference from the "gong change". It is natural not to say success, but if it fails...

Hu Yong can understand Yang Xian’s concerns, and he said in a deep voice: "Time is not on our side. We must be alone. Don’t forget, now we are the thorns of the royal family. Once we lose power, we will be What kind of end Yang Cheng should understand."

What kind of fate, Yang Xian naturally knows.

It is precisely because of this that they must be more cautious and cautious, and they must not make the slightest mistake.

At this time, Hu Yong showed confidence and said indifferently: "Don't worry, Prime Minister Zuo, you only need to ensure the stability of Beiping, and you can also stare at the garrison stationed in Qingning Mountain. There are too many factors for the instability of this army. I have to guard against it."

Kyoto is at the foot of the emperor, no more than a distant local government, and there are many foolish and loyal people.

Although the two have controlled the government for many years, they cannot completely control the garrison stationed near Beiping. This garrison is also the most vigilant object of the two.

At this time, Yang Xian naturally couldn't back down.

Yang Xian nodded and said: "This garrison will not take the initiative without the royal family's order. I have ordered people to install signal jammers around the palace, which can prevent the royal family from sending messages to the garrison. The queen is already on her way home. On the way, you will arrive in Peiping in about two or three hours. You have to make corresponding arrangements."

With a faint smile, Hu Yong's old face was very confident and said: "Don't worry, I have already made arrangements when I come. The imperial army loyal to the royal family has been replaced by me. Now the imperial army in the palace is loyal to us. people."

Speaking of this, Hu Yong stood up from the stone bench, his expression was firm, and the ambition in his eyes was unconcealed. He said loftyly: "This is a big era. If you don't advance, you will retreat. A little doll is not qualified. Nor does it have the ability to lead this great country forward. The Zhu family has ruled this land for 500 years. It is time to let the "imperial power" come to an end. The Shenglong Empire needs a better system."

Looking back at Yang Xian who was sitting silently, Hu Yong smiled faintly, and said, "Let’s go, today’s scene requires you and I to be there in person, see, tomorrow will be the beginning of the change of the Thang Long Empire, Thang Long The empire will usher in a new era."

The desire of the human heart can never be satisfied. This is the inferiority of the human race and the driving force for the development of human society.

The seemingly peaceful and prosperous Peking, undercurrent surging for a while, a storm is gradually condensing.

Two hours later, on the busy route over Beiping, a bloated royal plane appeared above the clouds in the sky and shuttled over the city.

It was lowering its height and finally approached a magnificent palace in the city.

This is a group of low golden palaces, surrounded by tall city walls. This is a city within a city. It is so magnificent and so characteristic of literature and art. At first glance, it can remind people of a nation. Greatness and prosperity.

This is the "Forbidden City" of the Imperial Palace of Thang Long.

Although this palace is old, some places have also been modernized.

There are aprons, and some pipelines can be seen in many places.

"Brother! This is my "home", does it look good?"

When the hatch opened, Zhu Yixuan pulled Li Meng off the plane with a look of excitement.

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