Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1502: Industrial Development Plan (seeking monthly pass)


With a pursed smile, Chen Yan wrapped Li Meng's neck with both hands, and said with a wink like silk: "Do you want Yaner to put down the fire for the master?"

"What do you mean?"

With a faint smile, Li Meng lowered his head to cover Chen Yan's red lips again, and kissed deeply.

The backlog of anger over the past few days is too great, and Li Meng will naturally not cover up in front of his own woman.

In the deep kiss, Li Meng couldn't wait to pick up Chen Yan, and put her seductive body on the desk.

The hands were groping on Chen Yan, a bit rough and a bit urgent.

Soon, Li Meng didn't want to wait anymore, and turned Chen Yan's beautiful and attractive body to turn his back to him.

The snow-white skin and curves were looming, and the beautiful curves stimulated Li Meng. Needless to say, Li Meng rushed forward.

In the office, a blushing picture is happening.

Only the rapid gasps and Ruoyouruowu moans were telling the people outside.

Three hours later, when the sky outside gradually dimmed, the movement in the office subsided slightly.

In the office, the two quietly hugged each other on the seats behind the desk.

Chen Yan sat lazily in Li Meng's arms, squinting her eyes, her eyes soft and tender.

Although the clothes on her body have been sorted out, they are still a little messy, which can remind people of the madness not long ago.

As for Li Meng, she was a woman holding her arms with a pleasant expression.


With a soft cry, the anger in my heart was finally vented.

Li Meng felt a very comfortable relaxation all over his body.

Sure enough, he was still too "young", and his self-control was still a bit poor.

However, after looking at the beautiful and lovely Yana in his arms, Li Meng also wanted to open his mind.

What do you care about in front of your own woman, whatever you want.

If there is no desire or desire, these long years will be too difficult.

"Master! Are things done?" Chen Yan muttered to herself in Li Meng's arms.

It has been more than half a month, Chen Yan knows where the master has gone, and also knows the purpose of the master's going to Xiangdu.

To Chen Yan's question, Li Meng replied: "It's done well, it's still going well, although the result is not so perfect."

Because nothing is done, the result is naturally not perfect.

Chen Yan said again: "When will the master leave?"

go away?

Are you leaving Kyoto?

Thinking of this, Li Meng said: "No hurry, some things need to be handled in Kyoto."

Kyoto is an international metropolis. Although China was established and many countries in remote areas have withdrawn their embassies, the world’s top powers have embassies in Kyoto. Kyoto is the only one of the First Army that is in line with international standards. channel.

"So... Master, Yana has something to tell you."

Chen Yan seemed very happy about Li Meng's stay.

Looking at Yana in his arms, Li Meng said softly: "Let's talk about business matters?"

If there is anything about Yana, there are only business matters.

Nodding lightly, Chen Yan whispered: "Because conditions do not allow, the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce has not yet been involved in the most important manufacturing industry. Now it is still mainly trading, obtaining goods from "Aier" and selling them to the earth. I have studied with my father, this is not a long-term solution."

This is indeed not a long-term solution. Al and the earth are always two different worlds, and you cannot rely on Al.

Li Meng didn't interrupt and let Yaner continue to speak.

Chen Yan continued: "I have discussed with my father that the First Army has a plan to support the industrialization of its countries. We thought of a plan that can expand the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce and bring countries quickly into the age of industrialization."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

Li Meng was still very interested in the plan that Yaner said.

Just listen to Chen Yan said: "What father and I mean is to establish cities under the direct jurisdiction of the First Army in the countries of the First Army, establish industrial zones and trade centers in the municipalities directly under the Central Government, and gradually industrialize the whole country with the municipalities as the center. Several major industries will be involved, namely food, energy, mining, and electromechanical. The main body will be built by the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce. The method of surrendering interests will allow countries to gradually enter the era of industrialization. In this way, the First Army will not only be better To control the countries under its control, economically, countries cannot escape the control of the First Army."


This is a good way. The industrial level of the countries under the First Army is very poor. If it is only for assistance and teaching, time is slow, and the First Army will not be able to obtain much benefit in a short time.

But if you follow the way Yana said, time will be much faster.

The Soul Language Chamber of Commerce has established a very good system under the leadership of Chen Qi and his daughter. Now as long as there is capital, factories can be quickly established in various countries. Although the initial pressure is high, as long as the difficult period passes, there will be a Soaring into the sky, and looking at the countries of the First Army, the market is still very large.

With resources and population, the only thing lacking now is industry.

At this time, Chen Yan said again: "We will set up soul language banks in the municipalities directly under the Central Government in various countries, and let some visionary businessmen participate in our industrialization by way of funding. According to our estimates, in the first five years, all regions The industrialization of China will have obvious achievements."

This plan is good, but there are also variables.

How to give up the benefits?

How much to give up is also a big issue. If there are fewer, the existence of municipalities will be the vampires in the eyes of all countries. They are squeezing the blood and sweat of the people of all countries. If more, the interests of the First Army will be affected.

However, since it is a good plan, of course it must be implemented, and the consequences will be discussed later.

Thinking of this, Li Meng asked Chen Yan in his arms: "Let go and do it. The First Army will fully support you. Is 50 billion crystal coins enough?"

The host agreed, and Chen Yan was naturally happy, but she shook her head at this number.

Although it is more than 50 billion, there are three countries in the territory of the First Army, and 50 billion is far from enough.

With a faint smile, Li Meng squeezed the bridge of Yan'er's nose very fondly, and said softly: "Now is the time of war, I have already negotiated with "Al". In the budget, the First Army is there. Any resources obtained are free of charge, that is to say, there will be no additional costs for the equipment, machine tools, and customized production lines of the factory.


After silently calculating in her heart, Chen Yan still shook her head, looking at Li Meng pitifully, very cute.

Li Mengle replied with the begging appearance of Yan'er, doubled it, and said, "Then 100 billion crystal coins."

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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