Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1503: Uproar

In the unification battle on the mainland of Austria, the First Army gained a lot of war money.

Although some dead royal families have kept their finances under the promise of the First Legion, those stubborn royal families and the First Legion are not polite.

Although the financial pressure is still not small, after the return of "Al", Li Meng no longer worry about financial problems.

There is still surplus food, although not a lot, but the plan to support the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce is still no problem.

Chen Yan was still not satisfied, still looking at Li Meng with a pitiful expression.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said helplessly: "I can only give so much. Don't worry, the development of various countries cannot only be done by the First Army. The governments of various countries will also provide a sum of money to support their own industrialization."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yan finally opened her eyes and smiled, and gently kissed Li Meng's lips to express her gratitude.

How could Li Meng be polite, he hugged Chen Yan with his backhand, bowed his head and kissed her deeply.

It was not until late at night that Li Meng and Chen Yan left the office building of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce and returned to the mansion.

At this time, Chen Qi had already returned to the mansion, waiting for the return of his daughter and master.

On the sofa in the hall, the three sat opposite each other.

"Yan'er has already told me about your plan. Do what you think in your heart. This plan is very good. I will let the First Army fully support you. Do you have any ideas about the "location" of the municipality?"

This municipality needs to be "negotiated" with other countries, at least to say hello, and location is the most important thing.

Facing the host’s question, Chen Qi nodded lightly and said: “Considering that the future direction is not only domestic trade, but also foreign trade, Opo Alon City of Bentley is very suitable. It is located at the northern end of Bentley. Facing East Asian countries, foreign trade is very convenient. The Kingdom of Austria is the city of Delhi. Although this city is inland, it has a river port connected to the sea. Its location is relatively north. It is a good starting point. Danlan The kingdom should choose the city of Gulantan. It has a population and a port. Its location faces the Indian Ocean and can be used as a starting point for westward development."

Opo Alon City, Delhi City, Kolantan City...

In his heart, Li Meng silently remembered these three cities.

Nodded lightly: "As you said, after the negotiations with the countries have resulted, the First Army will notify you immediately and get ready to enter the three countries."

Chen Qi: "Yes!"

Although the threat of the demons is close at hand, the development of various countries still cannot fall.

The Demon Race is very strong, but it is not an invincible existence for humans, which means that the Demon Race is far from being powerful enough to make humans "desperate".

If there is no First Legion, perhaps in ten or twenty years, the landscape on the earth will look different again, but the First Legion has appeared, and for mankind, it has a very powerful force. .

It is still hard to say who will win or lose, and perhaps no one will win in this upcoming war, and the final result can only be both losses.

Back in Kyoto, Li Meng began to implement his plan.

The next day, Li Meng did not go anywhere, and stayed in the mansion honestly.

But outside, Li Meng sent some "ghouls" to deliver a report to the embassies in Kyoto in the name of the ambassador of the First Army.

There is nothing special in the report, just some photos.

Although it is only a photo, this report has caused an uproar in Kyoto.

Kyoto, the palace.

Quick steps sounded in the corridor, and a slender figure was walking fast.

"Teacher, teacher!"

When she came to a door and shouted, she opened the door and walked in.

This is an office, Wang Yanmei's office. Behind the desk, Wang Yanmei is sitting in a large chair looking at the thick stack of papers on the desk with a very focused expression.

But Tyra's voice made her break away from her concentration. When she looked up to the door, she saw Tyra's hurried figure.

Speaking slightly, Wang Yanmei said calmly: "What's the matter?"

Did something happen?

Tyra was so anxious that Wang Yanmei thought so in her heart.

Without hesitation, when she came to the table, Tyra put a document in her arms in front of Wang Yanmei.

With a serious look, Tyra said solemnly: "Just today, all embassies in Kyoto have received a report from the First Army. Teacher, you should read the content of this report."

Seeing Tyra's expression so serious, Wang Yanmei was very curious about the contents of the documents on the table.

With doubts and curiosity, Wang Yanmei opened the file on the table.

Some photos...

When the seal was opened, Wang Yanmei took out the photos and looked at them one by one.

Only after watching the first picture, Wang Yanmei's face was surprised and thoughtful.

The first photo is of a starry sky. The background is dark. Only one planet is very clear. It is the "moon". The moon is very large and occupies almost one-third of the entire picture. On the right side of the moon, there is a smaller one. The ball is very conspicuous. It has a color, brownish red, and is obviously man-made.

Although it is small compared to the moon, Wang Yanmei can imagine its huge size.

what is that?

Wang Yanmei didn't know, but Wang Yanmei had a bad feeling in her heart.

With complicated thoughts, Wang Yanmei opened the second picture.

The background of the second picture is the sea and islands. Above the dense forest, there are some large and small spherical objects. They are also brown-red, and the small ones are no less than ten meters and the big ones are no less than 100 meters.

The smaller round object reminded Wang Yanmei of a race that was about to be forgotten, the envoys on the southern continent.

As far as Wang Yanmei knew, these spherical weapons were used by the envoy clan to rule the southern continent.

Is it the "Clan of the Enchantress"?

Is this possible? Not to mention the second one, but the first one is in the universe...

With doubts, Wang Yanmei opened the third one.

The third photo is a battle scene with the sea in the background. Three beautifully shaped warships are fighting against spherical objects in the sky. The scene is very intense. Blue fireballs are falling from the sky, and there are exploding flames in the sky, and they are falling. A spherical object, and the battleship was also scarred, and billowing smoke rose from somewhere on the captain.

There are only three photos, and there are only three photos in the file.

After reading the three photos, Wang Yanmei looked thoughtful, thinking about the meaning of the three photos.

Obviously, the First Army is passing something to other countries.

Looking up at Tyra at the table, Wang Yanmei hesitated slightly, and finally asked: "Is "he" back?"

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