Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1518: A strong dose of medicine (seeking a monthly pass)

Gunia shook her head and replied: "The First Army did not elaborate, but just showed that this is a very powerful enemy. They must be prepared to defend against the enemy, and let us not care about it and manage domestic government affairs. By the way, the First Corps also said that if our country really wants to help the First Corps, we should let the troops everywhere be ready to fight."

"The First Army actually said that?"

Gunia said that surprised Oriana's face.

It seems that the situation is a bit serious...

Oriana can feel this in Gunia's words.

Kuniya nodded lightly, and said in deep thought: "Things are not simple. Over the past month, the First Army has increased its military deployment in Austria. Although the size of the army has been much smaller, it has deployed some more powerful troops. Armed Forces, 11 air force bases were urgently built on the coastline of nearly 3,000 kilometers in the south. Until now, these air force bases are still receiving incoming fighters. The scale has reached thousands, and the number is still rising rapidly. in."

"In addition to the deployment of the air force, the First Army is still transporting a large amount of supplies to Austria. The only port city on the southern coastline is "Kinlin City". In the port of this city, there are a large number of daily Transport ships entered and exited the port, and countless supplies were transported to various air force bases. In order to ensure smooth roads between Kenlin City and various air force bases, the First Army directly hired nearly 100,000 laborers and urgently built a road with a total length of more than two. A thousand kilometers of cement road."

Speaking of this, Gu Niya looked amazing, and said: "The execution ability of the First Army is indeed very strong. It is so powerful that it makes people feel incredible. In order to build this concrete road, the First Army was directly in Chur. A large cement factory was built in the Beishan Mountains. It only took less than half a month to build the factory, with the equipment in place, and the workers in place. Until now, the cement factory is still expanding, while producing and expanding. The scale is getting bigger and bigger, and the number of workers working in cement plants has reached five thousand."

Oriana felt the same way about what Gunia said.

What the Kingdom of Austria currently lacks most is the powerful execution ability like the First Army.

As long as there is a goal, it will be completed in the shortest time.

The expression on her face returned to calm slightly, and Gu Niya continued: “The first legion built roads, and many cities in the south have been greatly facilitated. This road does not bypass the town, but deliberately crosses the town. However, because of this road, the traffic in the south can be said to be far better than other areas."

For any country, good transportation is an infrastructure that a country cannot ignore.

To develop, build roads first, this is common sense.

The study is here...

Waved to the maids behind him to retreat, and they entered the study one after another.

In the study, the two sat opposite each other on the soft sofa.

This is where Oriana usually works. Some documents that require royal seals and signatures are processed here. This is also where Oriana usually stays.

With her face thinking, Olianna groaned: "Since the First Army has no special requirements, that is to say, what we can do in future wars is very limited. This may be the reason why the First Army does not tell us the truth. If you know too much about something you can't do, you will feel sad."

Now, Oriana was a little sad.

If possible, Oriana naturally does not want to see Austria fall into the flames of war again.

The Austrian continent has just been unified, and the kingdom needs enough time to stabilize the domestic situation.

Nodded lightly, she agreed with Olianna’s words, and she thought: "This war is probably not easy. For the past two years, the First Army has been on the offensive side, very strong, but now Instead, they made a defensive posture. Not only did they deploy a large-scale air force in Austria, but the navy became more powerful. There were dozens of warships in Kenlin Harbor alone.

The larger the size of the three armies of the First Army, the greater the intensity of the war.

Needless to say, the various behaviors of the First Army in Austria in the past two months are enough to explain everything.

Oriana ended the topic, and she whispered softly: "Well, since the First Army didn't say it clearly and didn't ask for assistance, we don't need to care about these things. Just do our part. Now our mission Still stabilizing the domestic situation."

Although the Kingdom of Austria has unified the mainland for several months, the domestic situation is still very complicated.

Fortunately, the civilians have no opinion on the rule of the Aredil royal family, but rather support the royal family very much.

However, the merchant class and the noble class were not so easy to deal with. In the unification war on the Austrian continent, the intensity of the war was not very high. From the beginning to the end of the war, there were only less than 30,000 casualties. The victims accounted for the majority, and the number of deaths was less than 7,000.

The damage to the city is also very low, and civilians are basically not affected much.

It also includes merchants and nobles who have no power and power.

The Kingdom of Austria is a monarchy, and aristocratic class is inevitable. Although the kingdom’s demise, most aristocrats have become commoners. Although they no longer have the title of aristocracy, they still have the status of aristocracy. There is a good name, called the exiled nobleman.

The status of exiled nobles is higher than that of common people, because such nobles have the possibility of regaining their title at any time.

Considering that they are superior, the exiled aristocrats have been appealing to the Aredil royal family to restore their title.

Speaking of this, Oriana's words paused, and she said solemnly: "The day when you succeed to the throne is getting closer, but the situation in the Kingdom of Austria is still not very good. There is still a long way to go before "stability". It’s a long way to go. Before you succeed to the throne, it’s time for the next strong medicine."

Strong medicine?

In the past few months, Gunia has been following Oriana to improve her ability to deal with political affairs, and Gunia naturally knows some of the policies that will be implemented.

Guniya hesitated and said: "Is it too fast? Right now the first legion's external situation is unknown, and the kingdom needs stability."

Oriana shook her head and said firmly: "It is precisely because the situation is unknown that the kingdom needs to be completely "stabilized" as soon as possible, and all factors that are not conducive to stability must be removed."

Speaking of this, Oriana's face slowed down, she smiled, and said lazily: "Don't worry, since the Kingdom of Austria unified the mainland, the three elders have worked very hard. Now all parts of the kingdom are in the royal family. Under control, those nobles can't overcome any waves. Since the kingdom has been reborn from destruction, everything must start from scratch, and no one can be listed."

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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