Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1519: Delegation (see monthly ticket)

The nobility class has been reshuffled. The previous nobility title is not recognized by the kingdom. Only the title granted by the royal family is recognized by the kingdom. The aristocracy no longer enjoys real power and is just a symbol of reputation. This is the policy that Oriana wants to implement. .

A hundred years ago, the Kingdom of Austria practised a lordship system. Even a small baron has his own territory. This system has great drawbacks. Once the royal family is weak, rebellion is inevitable. will happen.

This is why the Kingdom of Austria, which was once prosperous a hundred years ago, fell.

With the lessons learned, the royal family will naturally not set foot on the old road again.

The current system of the Kingdom of Austria is centralized, with powers decentralized to the local government, with the city as a unit, dividing the management area, and the city government is directly responsible to the royal family.

Under such a system, both the finances and the army are in the hands of the royal family. As long as the royal family does not cause anger and resentment, the possibility of rebellion can almost be ruled out.

Since Oriana said so, Gunya naturally wouldn't object.

Speaking of the nobility, Gu Niya thought of another thing. She asked: "Wang Hao, what do you think of the "Municipality Industrial Zone Plan" proposed by the First Army Corps? The attitude of the three veterans is a bit ambiguous. The ministers resolutely opposed it. There has been no consensus on this matter. What does the princess think in her heart."

What do you think?

When asked by Gu Niya, Oriana smiled and asked, "Do we have the right to refuse?"

Gunia was silent for Oriana's words.

Although when the First Army proposed the "City Industrial Zone Plan" to the Kingdom of Austria, the ministers in the court strongly opposed it. However, the opposition went to the opposition, and finally the control of the city of Delhi was handed over to the first. Legion.

The city of Delhi is now a municipality of the First Army, and the city government has been replaced by the General Administration of the First Army.

Seeing Gunia being silent, Olianna sighed slightly and comforted: "The ministers’ concerns are unreasonable. There are pros and cons. Everything has two sides. The reason why I was silent at the beginning was just because I didn’t know what would happen to the First Army. Yes, if the First Army is willing to help the kingdom develop industry, the existence of municipalities is indeed a boost to the industrialization of the kingdom, but if the First Army is unintentional, it will be just as the ministers feared and will only unilaterally plunder the kingdom. The blood, and the most terrifying thing is that we can’t do anything in the face of all this."

For Gunia, she believes in "pros" in terms of the pros and cons.

Because she always believed in Li Meng and the First Legion in her heart.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this moment, the landline on the desk suddenly rang.

The voice was very crisp and noisy, which interrupted the communication between Guniya and Oriana.

Hearing the landline ringing, Gu Niya quickly stood up and went to the desk to answer the phone.

"Delegation? Can you tell me from the First Corps? Well... I see."

After finishing the call, Gu Niya put down the white microphone, looking a little surprised.

"what's happenin?"

Seeing Gu Niya showing a rare unexpected expression, Oriana asked curiously.

Under Olianna's gaze, Gu Niya returned to the sofa and sat down and said: "It is the delegation of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce. They have arrived at the port of Darwin."

Oriana finally understood why Gu Niya was surprised.

Although the First Army made it clear when proposing the "City Industrial Zone Plan" to the royal family that representatives of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce would discuss related matters with the royal family, but it did not expect it would come so soon.

Getting up, Oriana got up from the sofa and said to Gu Niya: "Let's go, haven't you always wanted to know how the First Legion will help the kingdom to industrialize? I think the answer is about to emerge."

Although the delegation from the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce came a little bit suddenly, just as Olianna said, the answer will soon emerge.

In silence, Gunia followed Oliana out of the study and walked to the court.

In the side hall of the king's hall, here, Oriana received the delegation of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce.

The delegation of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce has a total of three people, two men and one woman. The handsome men and the beautiful women are all dressed in black suits and are very young in age.

When the three of them entered the partial hall under the guidance of the maid, their straight bodies, vigorous steps, indifferent expressions, and the unique temperament of the three attracted Oriana's attention.

"Please sit down!"

On the throne, Oriana, who was also on the round table, waved and whispered to the three.

The three sat indifferently, sitting upright.

After sitting down, one of the young men smiled slightly, looked at Oriana on the main seat, and nodded and said: "Presumably this is Princess Oriana. My surname is Yu, Minghui. I am glad to meet you. your turn."


Is Huaxia’s surname, Chinese?

Looking at the talking young man, Oriana said inwardly.

Very polite, at least this first sentence made Oriana very comfortable.

Opening her mouth slightly, Oriana chuckled and said, "I am Oriana. Welcome you."

No more nonsense, Yuhui took the suitcase from the companion next to him, put it on the table, opened it, and said: "The First Army should have informed your country, and the princess should also know the purpose of our trip."

"Yes, the First Army has informed us in advance."

Oriana nodded and answered.

From the suitcase, Yuhui took out a thick stack of documents, pushed it to Oriana, and said, "As for the plan of the industrial zone of the municipality directly under the Central Government, the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce is the executor of this plan. For better and more Quickly let the Kingdom of Austria enter the age of industrialization, we have formulated a plan, and this report contains our detailed planning content."

After receiving the file from Yuhui, Oriana looked at it.

The font is Austrian, which is the language used in the country, Olianna can understand naturally.

After the speech was faint, Yu Hui continued: "A country’s industrialization must not only include state-owned enterprises, but also private enterprises. For the industrialization of the Kingdom of Austria, we will involve the businessmen of your country, and the Spiritual Chamber of Commerce will take the lead to form a complete We will set up a spirit language bank in a municipality directly under the central government to provide businessmen with funds for entrepreneurship in the form of loans. This requires the royal family to publicize the country. Regarding the issue of lending, it is recommended that your country also set up a state-owned bank to provide The businessmen of China lend and finance venture capital. This will not only bring prestige to the royal family, but also a business that will not lose money. The princess should understand the profit involved.”

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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