Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1521: Successfully developed

"Not only the air force, master, do you know how many warships the allies served during the Cold War? More than 1,300, here only refers to simple combat warships, military transport ships, supply ships, and landing ships. They are not included in the "Ayre" The scale of these old equipment is extremely astonishing. The equipment purchased by the American Federation is only a small part of the old equipment sealed by "Ayre"."

The scale is indeed amazing...

What Sakuya said, let Li Meng know something he didn't know.

Li Meng does not have any idea about the size of "Al" armaments.

He only knows a lot, but Li Meng doesn't know how many.

However, Sakuya's words today let Li Meng know how exaggerated Al's armaments are.

At this time, Sakuya continued: "The American Federation has a very good foundation. There are many oil fields in the country. The use of fossil fuels has not been completely discarded. It has the ability to refine aviation fuel and can be self-sufficient in logistics. As for pilot training, The American Federation has purchased 100 sets of flight simulation devices. This type of simulation device can quickly train pilots. There is not enough time. They will not have too high requirements for pilots. As long as the fighter plane can go to the sky, can launch missiles and fire, and can land safely. enough."

This is also true. Special methods must be used in special times, and everything must be simplified.

Li Meng can understand the psychological state of the American Federation.

After all, the American Federation, like Austria, is quite close to the southern continent, just in a different direction.

Once a full-scale war between the demons and mankind takes place, the American Federation is vulnerable to attacks by the demons.

Thinking of this, Li Meng smiled slightly and said cheerfully: "Let them buy it. The more you buy, the better. Only when the power of the human nations become stronger, in the war with the demons, the human victory rate Higher."

If necessary, Li Meng doesn't care about selling all the sealed arms of "Ayre".

Why not?

Now mankind has a common enemy, that is the demons.

As long as the demons can be defeated, there is nothing that cannot be done.

In Li Meng’s arms, Sakuya continued: "Except for the American Federation, the Republic of Sharjah, China, the Religious Empire, the Kingdom of Barron, and other large and small countries have bought some air defense vehicles, air defense radars, There are also a varying number of warships. Among them, the Order Empire and the Sharjah Republic have the largest number. Because of their long coastline, they have bought a large number of warships. The total number is no less than a hundred. If you add the sum of the countries, it will only be on the warships. In the past two months, the First Army sold about 300 warships. Of the more than 300 warships, only a quarter of them were delivered. Because they were sealed armaments, they needed repairs and could be used after a thorough inspection. This takes time. The arms purchased by various countries are being delivered one after another. If only the existing arms list is used to estimate, it will take at least half a year."

Time waits for no one, and Li Meng's face fell into contemplation as he embraced Sakuya.

Selling arms to the outside world helped human nations improve their armaments. At the same time, the First Army also made a fortune in war. Although this was a good thing, the urgency of time made Li Meng very clear that mankind has not much time left.

Even if countries purchase a large amount of military equipment from the First Army, they cannot effectively display the capabilities of the equipment. Although the combat effectiveness has been improved, the degree of improvement is not as good as expected.

It is not to say that after purchasing a large amount of armaments from the First Army, human countries will have the ability to fight the demons. The real answer is often cruel. In the coming war, human countries will still be cannon fodder, just relative Compared with the past, the enhanced cannon fodder has been able to bring some trouble to the demons.

Li Meng never looked up to the enemy, nor underestimated it. The gap between the demons and humans is clear at a glance. Once the war starts, Li Meng really does not know what kind of result it will be.


After taking a deep breath, Li Meng let go of his thoughts.

Seeing Sakuya in his arms, Li Meng whispered: "The arms trade thing will continue like this. As long as the First Army has it, and as long as countries demand, they can sell arms without restrictions, only to enhance the strength of human countries. In future wars, the First Army can deal with the demons more easily."


Sakuya in her arms responded softly.

What the owner said is what Sakiya thought in her heart. The old-fashioned armaments on Al’s side are in a sealed state anyway. Before those old-fashioned equipment are completely damaged, if they can exert their final value on the earth, it is also the most important thing for a weapon. Ideal destination.

This is a win-win situation. Not only did Al effectively deal with the equipment that was about to become scrap iron, but the earth also got a powerful weapon. In a win-win situation, why not do it.

"Is there any progress in the development of the electromagnetic railgun?" Li Meng asked Sakuya.

It is calculated that more than two months have passed. If according to the previous plan, the First Legion should start to act against the demons. It is indeed full of ideals, but the reality is skinny, no doubt, three months. Preparation time is far from enough.

Hearing the master’s inquiry about the development progress of the electromagnetic railgun, Sakuya seemed to have realized something, and hurriedly said: “I’m about to report this to the master. News has been sent from Al, the electromagnetic railgun has been successfully developed. After hundreds of experiments, the model has been finalized, the design drawings have been delivered to various factories, and work is in full speed. It is expected that the finished product will be off the assembly line within a week."

Hearing this answer, Li Meng was relieved.

The electromagnetic railgun has always been the weapon that Li Meng cares most about, because with the electromagnetic railgun, the first legion, humans have the ability to fight the demons in a real sense.

The demons have Alcatraz islands and tin-gold mines, and their strength is rapidly increasing. Why did the First Army turn a blind eye to let the demons recklessly mine "tin-gold" and increase their strength. The main reason is that they did not respond to outer space targets. The weapon, and the electromagnetic railgun has always been the weapon of the First Army waiting to be successfully developed.

Now that the electromagnetic railgun has been successfully developed, once deployed across the country, the First Army will attack the demons without any hesitation.

Since the establishment of the Naval Command, the days of the three generals of the First Army have been much easier.

The affairs of the army can be handled by the Navy Command, and the three generals can do something they like. Of course, although the three generals do not serve in the Navy Command, the power is still above the Navy Command. Any order can be given to the Naval Command.

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