Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1522: Hand it over to fate (seeking monthly pass)

Sakiya, Tanya, and Natasha are not ordinary ordinary people. They can't get down to leisure. Not long ago, Natasha and Tanya left Nanlin Island and went to Austria.

The identities of the two are destined to be unsuitable for staying behind, and they will use their abilities to act as battlefield commanders.

Only Sakiya stayed and accompanied Li Meng among the three.

Before his death, Sakiya was also a soldier, but as a member of the superpower army, Sakiya did not have the sense of honor of a soldier. Compared to going to the front line, Sakiya liked to stay with Li Meng more.

Sakiya patted Sakiya's soft buttocks lightly, and Sakiya got up and left the owner's embrace with understanding.

"Master! Where are you going?"

Seeing the host get up from the rocking chair and walk outside the pavilion, Sakiya asked softly.

Without stopping, Li Meng waved his hand to Sakuya and said, "Go to Qingcheng for a stroll. You don't need to accompany me, I will go back."

Seeing her master leaving behind, Sakiya looked very calm.

Although I don't know where the master is going, but the master does not let her follow, there must be a reason for the master.

Sakiya thought so, sitting on the stone bench again, opening the laptop on the stone table, and browsing.

Although the military management is now handed over to the Naval Headquarters, as a general, she must always pay attention to the situation of the First Army and the situation of the countries under her banner. The most important thing is this arms trade.

Although Asian countries have bought some arms to some extent, countries in other regions have not moved much.

After the news of the "Devil Race" was released, although many envoys from other regions came to Kyoto to understand the situation, they did not seem to believe the information given by the "First Army".

After a little understanding, the envoys returned home.

What happened in Kyoto, the First Army's ambassador to Kyoto Xiaonan all reported to the First Army in detail.

Sakuya also learned something about it and knew the relevant situation.

Generally speaking, the sense of crisis in Asian countries is stronger than in other regions, because although the demons are mysterious, they have also appeared in the eyes of Asian countries. Because they have some understanding of the demons, there is strong evidence Under the circumstances, Asian countries have to believe in the fact that the Mozu is a huge threat.

But the human beings in the Middle East and Africa are different. These countries have never contacted the demons or even heard of the demons. They also take it for granted that their area is far from the southern continent, even if the demons have a peep The ambitions of mankind, the flames of war can not burn their kingdom.

The countries in Africa are far away from Asia, and they have no contact with the outside world at ordinary times. Only one or two kingdoms with fairly good national strength have contact with the outside world. They are far away. It is normal for them to have this idea.

But the idea that the allied countries in the Middle East avoid the war in this way is a little weird.

Compared with the order empires of Western Europe, the Covenant countries in the Middle East are closer to the southern continent, separated by a kingdom of Barron and the Indian Ocean. Geographically, the threat of the demons is not far away from them, but they are Completely ignored the possible threat of the Mozu.


Sakiya didn't know, but Sakiya thought of someone, and this person was "Sa Yue".

As the only "subhuman" in the First Legion, this gave the First Legion some understanding of the subhuman race.

The Middle East, the so-called Middle-Earth Continent, in the Middle East region, the subhumans are the masters of this territory. The covenant countries are only located on the edge of the Middle East, because they have contact with the subhuman territories. The war with subhumans has never stopped.

Compared with humans, subhumans have stronger physiques, and they also have a demand for territories. Driven by instinct and ambition, they will do everything possible to expand outward, and the existence of covenant nations will undoubtedly stop them. The contradiction here lies in the ambition to expand the territory. This is also the reason why the Middle East has been trapped in war throughout the year.

In the eyes of the covenant nations, the enemy of the subhumans is the object they need to care about most, and the demons, even if they know the dangers of the demons, they have nothing to do with the covenant nations.

There are some things that can be answered well after a little thought.

Sakiya didn’t think much about it. The news of the First Army had already spread. As for the outsiders who don’t believe it, this is not something that the First Army can control. The First Army has done what it should do, and the future is left to fate. Go and arrange.

Outside the temple, on the road down the mountain, a black car was galloping.

The person in the car was not someone else, but Li Meng who had left the temple.

The weather in Qingcheng today is a bit gloomy. The sky above Nanlin Island is shrouded in thick clouds. The bright golden sunlight sometimes appears and disappears without a trace.

From time to four o'clock in the afternoon, Qingcheng is still quite lively at this time.

Unconsciously, under the rule of the First Legion, two years have passed.

In the past two years, the changes in Qingcheng are undoubtedly amazing.

More wealthy people and more businessmen will bring more jobs. With jobs, life can be guaranteed. Qingcheng has a small population and the competition for jobs is not strong. It can be said that as long as there is a hard-working heart, there is no problem supporting the family.

There are more wealthy people, so there are more cars on the streets. Although for most civilians in Qingcheng, family cars are still a luxury, but for some businessmen, vehicles for transportation are indispensable. , Having a car of your own is also a status symbol.

After entering Qingcheng, the outside of the car seemed slightly noisy.

The roar of cars, the noise of the flow of people, and the digital advertising screens on the building are all making noises, but it is the existence of these things that can reveal the prosperity of Qingcheng.

"What are you eating?"

Unconsciously, Li Meng's car came to a road with a lot of traffic.

There are too many vehicles, the roads are very crowded, and the speed of vehicles is also very slow.

A young **** the sidewalk outside the window caught Li Meng's attention.

She was holding a paper box in her hand and was eating pieces of golden food with a toothpick.

Because she was on the sidewalk not far from the window, Li Meng could smell the smell of her food even in the car.

The taste is strong and heavy, but very fragrant.

For a while, Li Meng's mouth was greedy.

He saw the girl walking out of a small alley not far behind...

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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