Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1540: Naval command

There are important things to do today, and Li Meng is sure of the time. He didn't spend too long with Sha Yue.

"His Royal Highness, it's time to get up."

Just an hour later, Wendy's urging sound rang outside the bedroom.

As if knowing what was happening in the bedroom, Wendy just stood outside the bedroom door and did not rush in.

While Wendy was waiting patiently, the bedroom door was opened.

Stretching lazily, Li Meng walked out of the bedroom lazily.

Looking into the bedroom, on the big bed behind Li Meng, you can only see Shayue who is sitting on the bed and finishing her dress.

The white shoulders and the white touch under the skirt made Sha Yue look very attractive.

Moving his gaze slightly, Li Meng looked at Wendy in front of the room, and said, "I need to go to the Navy Headquarters today. Let’s make some preparations and leave after breakfast."


Wendy responded softly, then turned and left.

As soon as Wendy walked to the door of the sleeping hall, she met Qin Qian, and a slender figure behind Qin Qian.

They have scrubbing objects in their hands, with basins and cups.

"Qin Qian, your Highness will leave it to you, and I will return as soon as I go."

At the door of the encounter, Wendy stopped and exhorted Qin Qian.


Qin Qian responded softly, expressing her understanding.

Immediately, Wendy left, and Qinqian entered the sleeping hall with a crowd of slender figures.

Washing your face and brushing your teeth are essential things in the morning, and Li Meng will naturally not list them.

Under Qinqian's service, Li Meng completed this process.

"His Royal Highness, breakfast is ready."

Wendy whispered while tidying up Li Meng's collar.

Looking at Wendy's gentle and serious face, Li Meng's hand quietly reached out and wrapped Wendy's soft waist when she honestly asked Wendy to arrange her collar.

Wendy seemed very indifferent when she was attacked by His Highness on the waist, and the movements in her hands did not stop.

"His Royal Highness, all right."

After finishing the order, Wendy put down her hand and looked at Li Meng calmly.

With a slight smile, Li Meng lowered his head and kissed Wendy's lovely and beautiful face, then let go of Wendy.

"Then go."

With that, Li Meng turned and walked outside the hall.

When Li Meng brought a group of slim figures to the pavilion in the garden, on the stone table in the pavilion, a hot breakfast was ready.

Breakfast is very simple, a bowl of millet porridge, a steamed bun, and a few pieces of beef in sauce.

After sitting down, Li Meng ate.

Li Meng actually has a great hobby of food. He likes food, and he also likes to taste some food that he has never seen before. Whether it is a street snack or a famous dish from a certain place, if he has the opportunity, Li Meng generally does not miss.

Just after eating for a while, when one third of a bowl of millet porridge was eaten, two slender figures entered the pavilion.

One is Wendy in a maid costume, and the other is Sakuya in a black short skirt.

"Your Highness!"

After entering the pavilion, Wendy stood silently, while Sakiya called softly.

Seeing that Sakuya was here, Li Meng smiled slightly and said: "It's Sakuya, come, sit here."

Stepping lightly, Sakiya sat down beside His Highness.

Looking at His Royal Highness who was eating, Sakuya said softly: "Your Royal Highness, listen to Wendy say, you are going to the Navy Command?"


There is nothing to hide, Li Meng said truthfully.

Naturally, Sakuya came and talked about it again. Li Meng said again: "Come with me later."

Since returning to Nanlin Island, Sakuya has been with him. Li Meng has become accustomed to the feeling of Saya by his side all the time, and he is used to taking Saya with him when he goes out.

Your Highness's words are undoubtedly what Sakiya wanted to hear. She nodded and said softly: "Yes."

After breakfast, Li Meng set off with Sakuya.

Today’s weather is pretty good, the sky is blue, the clouds are thin, and the sun is warm and pleasant. It is a good day to go out.

On a certain street in Qingcheng, a long black car was galloping.

The people in the car are not others, but Li Meng and Sakuya.

"Master, but Austria has a new situation? Do you need Sakuya to go to the front?"

Although Sakiya wanted to stay with his master, as a general, Sakiya did not forget the duties on his shoulders.

Sakiya's whispers around him made Li Meng look back.

Looking at the beautiful and moving Sakuya, Li Meng shook his head and said, "No, your duty is to stay by my side and guard Nanlin Island. With Natasha on the front line, Tanya is enough."


Sakuya was relieved, and his Highness said that it was exactly what she wanted.

When there is no need to go to the front line, Sakiya naturally hopes to stay with His Royal Highness.

Compared to a metropolis like Kyoto, Qingcheng is undoubtedly a small city, but within half an hour, Li Meng arrived at the naval headquarters.

After nearly a year and a half of construction, the construction of the Crystal Palace is in the final stage. Looking into the city, the Crystal Palace is the most conspicuous, with a height of more than one thousand meters. It is extremely magnificent and magnificent. forget.

The crystal palace is in the shape of a tower as a whole. The lower and middle floors have been renovated. Only part of the upper floor can still see the metal structure.

Although the overall decoration has not been completed, the Crystal Palace is a huge project, and the middle and lower floors are ready for use.

The Naval Command is located in the middle area of ​​the Crystal Palace.

After getting off the bus, passing through the huge reception hall on the ground floor of the Crystal Palace, Li Meng and Sakuya directly entered the elevator that went straight to the middle area.

"Commander! You are welcome."

When the elevator doors reopened, Li Meng saw Jevrich outside the elevator.

He was dressed in a black military uniform with a military rank badge on his shoulders, and he looked very energetic. He was holding a military salute and had a strong military atmosphere.

He was not alone, beside him, on both sides of the aisle, stood a row of figures welcoming Li Meng's arrival.

Li Meng knew most of these people.

Deputy Commander of the Navy "Lieutenant Admiral Davis", Chief of Naval Staff "Lieutenant General Warren", Deputy Chief of Staff "Major General Wilson", and some assistants.

Nodding lightly, Li Meng led Saya to leave the elevator.

Led by Jevric, the group walked forward along the wide corridor.

"Are you ready?"

As he walked, Li Meng asked Jevrich who was going to lead the way.

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