Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1541: Summit meeting

Faced with Li Meng’s question, Jevrich, who was walking in the front, replied: “All countries have been notified that now the leaders of the sixteen countries are waiting online, just waiting for you, Commander.”

The assistance to the communication systems of various countries is listed as the top priority list by the First Army.

Although it has only been more than two months since the last ambassador meeting, the communication systems of various countries have basically taken shape.

The communication satellites in the sky are the main body. After the open source code and control rights, countries can have their own communication satellites. Then, as long as they purchase some communication equipment of the First Army, they can effectively use the satellites and form a set of national Communication network.

In order to allow countries to have their own communication networks as soon as possible, the First Army can be said to have laid its blood.

In terms of transportation, sea transportation was directly abandoned and changed to air transportation.

In these two months, the flight routes of the First Corps Century Transport Aircraft have almost spread over half of the earth, near East Asian countries, distant American Federations, and the Order Empire.

When the transport plane of the century appeared in the sky of various countries, each country had a real understanding of the First Army.

The Century Transporter is a big guy with a bloated appearance, science fiction, and a representative of advanced technology.

This kind of large transport aircraft is beyond the reach of human beings.

The appearance of the Century Transport Aircraft also confirmed that the First Corps has technology far superior to other countries.

Under the leadership of Jevric, the group came to a communication room.

The communication room has a large space, but the light is very dark, and entering into it gives people a very dim feeling.

In the middle of the communication room, there is a half-meter high platform, and in front of the platform is a huge screen.

Although the First Corps possesses holographic projection technology, this technology has not been popularized by all nations.

In international communication, you have to use a big screen.

Li Meng is no stranger to some things about Al, he knows the function of certain equipment.

Out of the team, Li Meng boarded the platform.

Looking back, Li Meng said to Yevrich under the platform: "Let's start."


When the words fell, the lights in the communication room suddenly disappeared and became even darker.

But the next moment, the huge screen in front of the platform lights up, and its light illuminates the entire communication room.

As the pictures on the huge screen appeared, avatars appeared in the picture.

Their heads are shaking and blinking, and each head has its own country.

Countries seem to be very strange to the use of international routes.

Li Meng didn't know any of these people, and their identities were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

All are the president, chairman, or monarch of a country.

With the appearance of a new profile picture, Li Meng finally knew someone.

She has a beautiful face and long soft hair. She is Wang Yanmei, the chief consul of China.

Among these people, although Li Meng knows very little, the heads of countries are no strangers to Li Meng.

They knew the face of this young man and also knew the identity of this young man.

Although Li Meng has removed his position as "ambassador", it is not that Li Meng has nothing to do with the First Army.

Compared with the position of "ambassador", Li Meng has a more important position in the First Army. This is the common understanding of the leaders of all countries.

The ones that should have come have come, but the ones that have not come, neither the First Army nor the heads of countries will wait.

"Your Excellency Li Meng, I don't know what to call me to wait?"

Li Meng didn't know who was talking, but Li Meng knew which country he belonged to.

He is very young, at least for some old leaders, about forty years old.

His face is a bit rough, but his eyes are piercing, and his expression is very firm, giving people a very "confident" feeling.

Under his avatar, there are the big characters "American Federation".

Undoubtedly, he is the president of the American Federation.

At this time, Li Meng would not talk nonsense, and said calmly: "Three days later, that is, on January 5th, the First Army will launch operations on Alcatraz. You must be prepared for war."

As soon as Li Meng said this, the leaders of the countries were taken aback, and some people suddenly became anxious.

"Your Excellency Li Meng, is it too fast? It's only two months before the one-year deadline. It's too hasty. We don't have time to prepare. We need time, more time."

It was him who spoke, the President of the American Federation.

The American Federation is not far from the southern continent, and his worries and urgency are justified.

Compared with the presidents of the American Federation, some people are more sensible.

"Mr. Li Mengge..., what is the reason why your army is so anxious to act? The demons are foreign enemies and the common enemy of mankind. Facing the common enemy of mankind, I hope that the First Army can open relevant intelligence to all countries."

The speaker was a very young king, about 30 years old, with the characters "Balun Kingdom" under his head.

"That's right, the territory of the First Army is the closest to the southern continent. It can often come into contact with the demons and know a lot of things we don't know. Please also please give us some clarity on this matter."

"Yes, we need intelligence, more intelligence."

Countries cannot understand the decision of the First Army to move ahead. They need a reasonable explanation.

They want to know why the First Army is so eager to launch a war against the demons, and they feel very worried about the unknown.

Facing the request of the heads of countries, Li Meng surrendered the problem to the president of the American Federation.

"On this issue, you can consult the American Federation. The American Federation should know the reasons for the First Army's actions."

American Federation?

When Li Meng said this, the heads of the countries were taken aback for a moment, and their eyes moved slightly, looking at someone.

The president of the American Federation was even more surprised. His eyes were a little confused, and he seemed to be very confused by Li Meng's words.

But the confusion and perplexity only lasted for a few seconds, and he seemed to think of something, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Mr. Bamao, what is going on? If the American Federation knows the inside story, please tell me clearly."

"Yes, what exactly is hidden by the American Federation, we must know."

"What did you do?"

Seeing that the problem appeared in the American Federation, the heads of countries couldn't sit still and questioned the President of the American Federation "Bamao."

"Everyone, everybody, please be quiet, I believe President Bamao will definitely tell me to wait."

Under the round field of a certain big country, the heads of countries finally calmed down.

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