Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1562: Demon Space Battleship


In the center of the blue sea of ​​fire, a huge roar rang out loudly.

The flame was disturbed, the blue sea of ​​fire was instantly dissipated, and a huge air current visible to the naked eye swept the sky, sweeping the demon battle group in the sky.

Dozens of Mozu aircraft were immediately torn to pieces, and the wreckage burned in the sky and fell.

The counterattack of the giant demon caused more plasma plasma groups to fall, and the sky suddenly rained with blue fireballs, like a waterfall leaning towards the giant demon.

In the blue flash, continuous explosions enveloped the huge demon.

Facing the concentrated fire attack of the demons' battle group, even the huge demons could not bear it.


An angry roar resounded from the explosion, sweeping the sky with great might.

With this roar, the flying demons that had fought with the First Army group in the sky outside the northwest city seemed to have been summoned. They dropped the enemies in front of them and rushed to the demons battle group above the city of Silil. .

Some small demons appeared on the roofs of buildings everywhere in the city. They waved the scepter in their hands and launched fireballs into the sky one after another.

In the sky, flying demons overwhelmed the demons fighting group.

For a time, the war in the sky started again in the sky over Silerlin, but this time the protagonist was no longer the First Legion, but the Demon Race.

In the sky, the flying weapons of the demons and the flying demons were suddenly entangled, fighting and chasing each other.

The demons have plasma cannons and plasma cannons with a faster rate of fire, while flying demons can only release fireballs. When releasing fireballs, it takes some time to accumulate power. In terms of firepower, the demons in the sky have an advantage. But the overall fighting situation, the Mozu battle group is at a disadvantage.

Although the flying demon is not as good as the demon battle group in terms of firepower, the flying type is more mobile, more flexible, and larger in scale. Although the flying demon has lost a lot in the battle with the First Army, the overall The number is far more than the demon battle group, and more importantly, the flying demon is not a long-range unit. It has strong claws and has a strong melee ability.

Often a Demon Sentry will be overtaken by a few or even a dozen, rushing on the body frantically and biting.

It only takes a few minutes for the Mozu aircraft to be torn off the power source by flying demons.

In the powerful firepower, although a large number of flying demons fell, a large number of Demon fighters were destroyed and fell from the sky in a raging fire.

For a while, there was a meteor shower over Sri Erlin again.

Just as the demons battle group and the demons were fighting in the air over Sylillin, a huge fleet appeared on the sea northwest of Alcatraz Island.

After more than ten hours, the main fleet finally arrived at Alcatraz Island.

At this time, the sky has gradually dimmed, and the setting sun is slowly disappearing on the western sea level.

"Let the drone swarm return immediately. This is our opportunity for the melee between the demons and the demons. Release the landing craft and we must evacuate the people on the island in the shortest possible time. How much have we lost in the second wave of drone swarms?"

In the command room of the main fleet flagship, Natasha's voice echoed.

After taking over the command, Natasha is the supreme commander here, and she exercises the right to proceed.

"Two thousand seven hundred and twenty-four aircraft were lost, and only one-third of the four thousand unmanned fighters were able to return to Austria."

In less than an hour of fighting, one-third of the fighters were destroyed, and the losses were not uncommon.

In a sense, demons are more terrifying than demons.

Not only the air force, but also the ground forces on the frontline suffered heavy losses.

Stretching out her right hand, Natasha tapped the crystal panel on the command platform a few times.

The battle damage of the front-line ground forces suddenly jumped out.

In this brief ground battle, a total of 2,124 people in the First Army gave their lives, with no fewer than 3,000 wounded, only one-third of the soldiers were unharmed, and 76 armored units were destroyed. , Most of them are multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles.

In the sky above Sirillin, the devil and the demons are fighting fiercely. You come and go, and the fighting airspace almost covers the entire Alcatraz island.

Facing the enemy of the devil, the demons temporarily forgot the First Legion, which allowed the fleet of the First Legion on the sea to effectively evacuate the people on the island.

On the vast sea, hundreds of warships are moored and floating, and a large number of landing craft are running around the fleet and the coast like ants. Under the background of fierce battle in the sky, more than 200,000 civilians on the island are quickly evacuation.

"It seems I can't win..."

Looking at the situation on Alcatraz Island in the distance, Li Meng, who was hidden in the void, muttered to himself.

The demons are very strong, there is no doubt that the scale of nearly 5,000 flying weapons also allows the demons to fight against the demons, but the scale of victory is tilting towards the demons.

The Mozu aerial battle group not only has to face attacks from the ground, but also fight with flying demons several times the size of its own. Under the combined attack of ground and air, the losses of Mozu fighters are rapidly expanding.

From time to time, there are demon aircraft falling in the sky, the frequency is very alarming.

In the city, the huge demon that had been specially taken care of by the Mozu battle group, with the help of his subordinates, has left the battlefield and is not participating in the battle or being attacked.

The previous demon battle group's attack on it seemed to be fierce, but no damage was seen on its body. Only the flame sword in his hand, its burning flame seemed much dim.

Seemingly aware of something, Li Meng looked towards the sky.

In the flagship command room of the main fleet of the First Army.

"General! The demon space battleship is approaching. Two, no, three. They have already left the orbit of the moon and are approaching the earth. They are expected to arrive in the orbit of the earth in ten minutes."

The sudden appearance of the news made all the officers in the command room disappointed.

A staff officer hurriedly said: "The electromagnetic railgun must be activated immediately and ready to attack. We must take the lead."

"Wait, now the demons are fighting the demons. Their target may not be us. The target may be the demons in the city. Now the enemy we have to face is the "demon". The demons are second. I should wait. , Watch the changes."

Someone expressed different opinions.

Another officer said: "The situation is unclear at the moment. The fleet's target is too large and it is easy to be attacked by enemy space warships. If they are placed in the earth orbit above us, the threat to the fleet is too great, even if they The goal of "Demons" is "Demons", and there is no guarantee that they will not aim their guns at us. If we allow the Demon space battleship to orbit the Earth, we must grasp the timing of the attack."

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