Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1563: Battle on track

The officers only expressed their opinions, and the decision was in Natasha's hands.

Opinions were not uniform, and Natasha groaned in her hood.

After a while, Natasha spoke during the dispute between the officers: "Well, the devil is our enemy and the enemy of the Demon Race. Before the demon is completely wiped out, we will suspend any action against the Demon Race. In terms of bones, neither the First Legion nor the Demon Race can hold back the opponent, seize the time to evacuate the people and leave here."


This was Natasha's decision, and it ended the dispute between the officers.

At this time, in the outer space, in the vast universe, three demon space battleships are rapidly approaching the earth.

Although they are large, the radius of each ship is no less than two hundred meters, but in the dark universe, they are tiny and indispensable, like a grain of dust, moving fast between the moon and the earth.

Soon, they approached this blue planet and entered low-Earth orbit.

A total of three ships, three huge Demon warships stopped in the earth's low earth orbit.

I saw a blue light flashing slightly, and a series of blue light **** shot out from the three demon space battleships, entered the atmosphere, and attacked the surface of the planet.

On the ground, above Alcatraz Island, I saw the blue light flashing on the clouds, like blue lightning.

In the next moment, the clouds were disturbed, and a huge blue ball of light fell from the sky, shattering the clouds, and crashing down towards Sirillin.

Like a meteorite, more than a dozen blue light **** plunged into the city.

"Boom, boom!"

The earth-moving explosions sounded all day, huge blue flames rose, and huge blue mushroom clouds with a height of several hundred meters slowly rose up. Under each mushroom cloud, the building with a radius of one thousand meters was completely destroyed, and the powerful shock wave seemed to The huge waves generally swept to the surroundings, wherever they were said, everything died.

In the city, a large number of demons were instantly swallowed by the blue flame.

In the blue flash, the huge city seemed to have a continuous small nuclear explosion.

The bombing from orbit is very powerful.

The huge demon did not escape the baptism of the artillery fire, a huge blue fireball hit it.

As if it had been deliberately aimed at, a huge blue fireball from the sky fell on its head.

Seeing an attack from the sky, it swung the flame giant sword in its hand and swung it towards the blue fireball falling overhead.


At the time of contact, an earth-shaking explosion sounded, and a huge blue mushroom cloud slowly rose. The powerful explosion and shock wave directly pressed the huge demon into the ground, and the huge demon suddenly disappeared. In the blue flame.

In the sky, the huge blue fireball is still falling continuously, although it is not dense, but the firepower is amazing.

Every blue mushroom cloud slowly rises, which will bring devastating blows to the city with a radius of one thousand meters, including demons.


From the surging flames, a huge roar rang out in the sky.

In the dissipated blue flame, the figure of the huge demon appeared again.

It stood in the ruins, and the flame of the flame sword in his hand was almost extinguished, and its body was also scarred, with golden blood flowing out of its whole body, and its appearance was so miserable.

Especially the huge and hideous head, a scorched red, billowing blue smoke.

Under this roar, flying demons in the sky roared.

Their gazes looked towards the sky, and the demon wings behind them suddenly burned, rising up into the sky one after another, turning into fiery red streamers to attack the outer space at a very fast speed.

"They actually have the ability to leave the atmosphere?"

Seeing the fiery red light disappearing fast in the sky, Li Meng was very surprised.

Yes, the flying demons of demons do have the ability to leave the atmosphere.

The battle continued in the sky over Sirilin.

But the battle is not only contained in the atmosphere, but also in the earth's orbit.

Like locusts, a large number of flying demons rushed out of the atmosphere, forming a torrent of demon space battleships in outer space, as fast as lightning.

Under the huge body of the demon space battleship, the devil is just a spark.

But the light of this spark of fire caused fatal damage to the Demon's space battleship.

Instead of launching a fireball attack, they pounced on the Demon's space battleship.

From a distance, the fiery red torrent directly entangled a space battleship.

Although there were dense blue rays to prevent the demon from approaching, it was useless. There were too many demons. Although a large number of demons died, more demons fell on the demon space battleship.

It didn't take long for the demon space battleship that was attacked by the demon to lose its stability, swayingly attracted by the planet's gravity, and fell to the surface of the earth.

When entering the atmosphere, the space battleship burned due to huge friction, turned into a huge fireball, and fell to the ground.

The space battleship falling into the atmosphere, looking at the sky from the ground at this time, you can see a huge fireball emitting a dazzling light and falling to the ground, like a falling meteorite.

Over Alcatraz Island, the sky "rumbling" sounded into one piece. In the thunderous sound, the clouds were disturbed, and a huge fireball tore the clouds, dragging a long tail flame at an oblique angle. Flew over Silerlin and disappeared on the distant sea.

Just listened to the loud noise of the "bang", the distant sea surface flashed, and the huge water column soared into the sky, it was spectacular.

A space battleship fell. It seemed to know that fighting the devil would not cost much. The sky battleships in orbit began to evacuate, and they flew into the deep space with the demons.

The demons who fluttered on the space battleship also seemed to know that they did not have the ability to survive for a long time in space, so they gave up their attacks and left the space battleship.

On the ground, the fall of the space battleship seemed to have greatly affected the confidence of the demons.

When the demon battleship above the orbit evacuated, the demon battle group that was entangled with demons over Alcatraz also began to evacuate.

In the battle, the demons gave up their targets and fled to the southeast.

At this time, Sirillin City had become a sea of ​​flames.

The raging fire almost enveloped the entire city, and there were burning plasma plasmas everywhere. In the previous attack of the demon warship, a large number of demons on the ground were wiped out, and they were extinguished in the soaring flames.

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