Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1567: Bad situation

It's really eventful.

How long has the Kingdom of Austria been peaceful?

It was less than half a year from reunification. I didn’t expect peace to be so short-lived. The revival plan had not been implemented, and it was interrupted by the appearance of demons. The new war came unknowingly, and people didn’t even notice it.

"what should I do now?"

Gunia, who has just become a queen and has no experience, is not good at dealing with these emergencies.

She was thinking about the consequences of war and how many innocent people would die.

Oriana shook her head lightly, her face very solemn.

"We no longer have the right to choose. Our enemy is not humans, but demons. In the face of demons, we can only fight to the death. And the First Army is aware of this and will ask us to strengthen our country's national defense. For one thing, at least in the battle with the devil, we still have room to fight back."

"What we have to do now is to integrate the existing army to form a joint defense force, strengthen the strength of the joint defense force as much as possible, issue a decree calling for "a million army expansion", and at the same time order the southern cities to evacuate and evacuate. The preparations of the people, once the flames of war burn into the territory of the Kingdom of Austria, at least we are fully prepared.

Oriana doesn't know what the future will be like, nor can Gunia know.

But one thing is unquestionable. There is only one road before the two, and that is to prepare for the war with all strength. Only with complete preparation can we better face the powerful enemy.

"Are there going to war again?"

At this time, in the royal palace of Danlan Kingdom, Melorka City, little Catherine worriedly asked Harandi in the deputy.

In the chamber, Karina was the only company beside Catherine, and Prime Minister Harlandi sitting in the vice seat.

The news from the First Legion, now the entire Danlan Kingdom is only known to three people in the chamber.

What happened, through the information given by the First Army, the three of them already knew.

Demons, demons, no matter which one is a threat to Ogeria.

And this threat is close at hand, in the Aegean Sea in the south.

Although the three of them did not want to see the Danlan Kingdom facing the threat of war again, this time, they had no choice.

The devil would not have mercy on the enemy, and the only option for the Danlan Kingdom right now is to fight to the death.

Nodded lightly, Harandi said without a doubt: "Yes, your Majesty, as you and I have seen, no one can stay out of this war. What we will face is the devil, only Can fight to the death."

Speaking of this, Harandi had a slight expression on his face, and continued: "Make every effort to form a joint defense force, increase the strength of the joint defense force as much as possible, with 500,000, no, one million..., no, there is no upper limit, how much time, We will recruit as many troops as there are weapons and strong men. We have to deal with the worst situations."

"At the same time, the evacuation of southern cities should be carried out. Materials from various places were transported to Melorca City, defense areas were contracted, defense lines were planned, positions were constructed, and defenses were fortified at all levels until Melorca was reached. All have to pay a huge price."

Isn't this the purpose of the First Army?

Strengthen the defense of the country's own country, reduce the combat pressure on the shoulders of the First Army, and also create obstacles to the progress of the demons and cause more casualties to the demons.

Harandi, who has extensive experience, knows what to do and what not to do now.

Li Meng can't know how the three congresses decide.

But Li Meng knew very well that in this period, at this critical time, the Three Kingdoms did not dare and could not delay the retreat of the First Army.

Providing weapons to the three countries for free, it can be said that the First Army is ready to fight back.

Although the soldiers from "Ayre" have strong combat effectiveness and their loyalty can be guaranteed, the logistical pressure is too great and they are not suitable for large-scale wars of attrition. Under such circumstances, the native troops of the respective countries have entered the eyes of the First Army.

With weapons, numbers, and firepower, Li Meng did not believe that he had no ability to fight demons.

Now the size of the demon is still a mystery, but the number will never be less than one million. This is only the ground force, not counting the wing demon.

Why is Li Meng so sure, because compared to others, Li Meng has personally seen the scale of the demon in Silil Forest.

When the first subspace crack appeared, the number of demons suddenly dropped would not be less than half a million. They were scattered all over the city of Silil, and there were their figures in every street and every piece of ruins.

In the battle with the First Army on the ground, there were no fewer than 50,000 demons that broke into the city. These 50,000 demons came from only a small area near the northern city. In other places in the city, more demons were wandering. , The number is endless.

Afterwards, the Demon Space Battleship carried out an orbital bombardment of the city of Silil, which almost destroyed the city of Silil, but the loss of the Demon Ground was not large. First, the demon has a very strong resistance to flames. The plasma plasma group launched by the clan space battleship relies on high temperature killing and shock waves generated by the explosion at that instant.

Within a certain range, the plasma plasma group relies on high temperature to cause a devastating blow to the devil by shock waves.

When the Demon Space Battleship carried out an orbital bombardment of Srier Forest City, it looked very spectacular. The entire Srier Forest City was plunged into a sea of ​​fire, but the damage to the devil was not as high as thought.

The demons do have some losses, but the number will not exceed 50,000. Although it is not trivial to the entire demon army, it will not have much impact on the demons. Their scale is still amazing.

This situation did not last. After the first legion, the demon race's turn of battles, the devil's wing demon group, the ground blade demon, magic demon, and **** two-headed dog were eliminated in large numbers, and the number was very considerable.

But this situation did not continue, and finally the Mozu retreated, and the First Army also withdrew from Alcatraz Island.

Before leaving, in order to allow the main fleet of the First Army to withdraw safely, the fleet fired a nuclear bomb at the attacking Wing Demon Group.

What everyone did not expect was that the nuclear explosion not only did not eliminate a large number of demons, but was used by the demons to open the subspace crack for the second time by using the energy of the nuclear explosion.

Endless demons emerged from the cracks in the subspace. At this time, the scale of the demons was already unknown.

But one thing is beyond doubt, the scale will never be small, it will exceed everyone's expectations.

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