Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1568: Army expansion

"Master, don't worry, we haven't lost yet. We have Austria and Bentley. There are tens of millions of young people available. If you stand a fight, the devil will not ask for benefits. Even if the situation is not favorable In the direction of the First Army, we still have "Al"."

In the office of the port base office building, Tan Ya softly comforted, looking at the owner who was silently thinking behind the office desk.

In the battle yesterday, the direction of the situation was unexpected, but the final result has to worry people.


If it really comes to the point of returning to "Ayre", then the two years of hard work will be wasted. This is not the result Li Meng wants to see.

Standing up from the seat, Li Meng came to the window and looked at the no longer quiet port outside.

After a little silence, Li Meng turned to look at Tan Ya and Natasha inside the house for a while.

"We don’t have time. The order is passed on and we will abandon the material transfer station of Kenlin Port and change it to Delhi City. The materials stored in Kenlin Port can be transported to the inland without leaving a trace. All fleets are withdrawn, leaving a few ships to stay. That is to say, in this war, we must preserve the power of the navy and try to avoid issuing orders to make naval ships fearlessly sacrifice."

If the devil had violated the heart of Austria, Li Meng would not have the idea of ​​stopping the devil on the sea.

Because this is impractical, the existing sea power of the First Army cannot stop it, and will only ruin the navy in vain.

The battle with the devil can only find a way to win from the ground battle.

"In addition, notify the local government and ask them to evacuate the people in Port Kenlin as soon as possible. Port Kenlin will become an important stronghold in the southern battlefield. The Port of Kenlin will be immediately transformed to make it a strong position."

The location of Port Kenlin is very good. If the devil wants to invade Austria, Port Kenlin is the first checkpoint.

Of course, the entire southern coastline will not be ruled out as a landing point for the devil, but Port Kenlin is an obstacle they cannot avoid.

There is a good road behind Kenlin Harbor. If the battle is rude, the army can effectively evacuate.

Li Meng’s words did not end. He continued: “The army has moved south in an all-round way, and the air force base will be used as the basis to build forward positions, and the front lines will advance layer by layer until the Courbet Mountains. Cities are our natural positions. In these villages and towns, we must send troops to garrison. Remember, harassment is the main focus of these non-important military positions, and there is no need to defend them firmly."

This is a war of attrition, which mainly consumes the number of demons.

It is necessary for the devil to suffer casualties every step forward, even if the battle loss ratio is 10:1, the profit is still human.

Li Meng knew very well that if troops were to be deployed in every town and village in the southern region, this would disperse the forces. However, in the fight against the devil, the gathering of forces would cause large-scale casualties and consume the devil’s vitality. The purpose is also difficult to achieve

Only in the path of the devil's advancement, once, twice, countless times of blocking, using the advantage of quantity, give the devil the greatest degree of damage.

In fact, the existence of these non-important military positions has another role in blocking the demons, which is to cover the troops evacuated from the front line.

Once the frontline is defeated, it will fall into a gradual defeat cycle. What Li Meng has to do is to preserve his vitality while he is defeated, and cause as much damage to the devil as possible.

As for the front line against the devil, Li Meng already had a vision.

To the south of the Courbet Mountains, there are three larger towns that are closer to the coast.

Once the demons attack Austria, they will definitely be dominated by large cities where humans live.

Using the city's high walls, the First Army can organize a large-scale defensive battle.


Tanya and Natasha knew what the owner was worried about.

It’s time. Although I don’t know how the devil’s ground troops will spend the Aegean Sea, will the devil be trapped on Alcatraz Island by the sea? This is undoubtedly impossible.

There is no doubt that the demons will not stay on Alcatraz Island.

But to say where the devil will attack, this is a question, unknown thing,

However, the closest to Alcatraz Island is Ogeria, and Ogeria is undoubtedly the most likely to be attacked by the devil.

The First Legion must be mobilized and prepared to fight the demons.

The next thing to do is to act and wait.

Under the order, the huge war machine of the First Army began to operate quickly.

After returning from Alcatraz Island, before catching a breath, the fleet staying at Kenlin Harbor began to evacuate.

A large number of ships left the port and disappeared into the open sea in groups.

In the interior of the Austrian mainland, the troops stationed in various places also began to gather and march towards the south.

For a time, the vortex of war once again enveloped the skies of Ogeria.

During the operation of the First Army, the Kingdom of Austria was not idle.

A decree of "a million military expansion" was issued to the whole country, which caused quite a stir.

The mainland of Austria has just been reunified, and peace has just arrived. The people don’t know why the royal family wants to expand its army by one million. Is it because a new war is coming?

The one million military expansion naturally requires a reason to reassure the people.

The royal family of the Kingdom of Austria did not conceal it. Although it did not explicitly say, it also pointed out that it had something to do with the "demon".

And promised to the people that the formation of the coalition defense force was just to deal with demons.

For the people on the mainland of Austria, demons are not rare.

Because of the perennial wars among the countries on the Austrian continent, under the shadow of death, the Austrian continent has become an active place for the fallen. In hundreds of years, demons have appeared frequently. Horror, the people on the Austrian mainland have personally experienced it. It was not until the arrival of the First Army that this situation changed. After the war, Tebi conducted a large-scale search of the entire city, hiding The fallen among the human beings were almost uprooted, which allowed the Kingdom of Austria to leave the shadow of the devil.

Now that the "devil" may appear again, the royal family's reason undoubtedly touched the tight heart in the hearts of the people.

Under such circumstances, the implementation of the decree of the one-million-dollar military expansion went smoothly.

For the young and middle-aged of the Kingdom of Austria, in addition to defending their homes, entering the army is also a job that can support their families. A frenzy of conscription broke out across the country of the Kingdom of Austria.

Since there is no limit to the number of conscripts in the decree issued by the royal family, the governments of the major cities will recruit as many people as they can join the army. At a time, a large number of new barracks have appeared throughout the Kingdom of Austria.

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