Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1571: Devil dispatched (see monthly ticket)

"I have my own responsibility. Even if the devil contaminates the world, even if there is only one person left, humans will fight to the death. This is the human world, and humans have the responsibility to protect it, and I am not a exception."

Isis was silent, she didn't understand why Li Meng had such a choice.

Because in the cognition of the demons, there is no concept of the so-called "hometown". For the demons, all the places they go are "home". When the home is destroyed, they may resist, but they will not fight back. They will run away to find a new home.

Whether it is the Krakens or their demons, they all exist in the universe like nomads.

The only difference between the two is that the former is a locust, which will reap all life encountered, while the latter is survival.

"Well, now the devil threatens Austria all the time, I must go back as soon as possible."

The threat of the Mozu is close at hand, there is no need, Li Meng does not want to leave Austria a step.

As he has always said, his strength is indispensable in this war.


Getting up from Li Meng's arms disappointedly, Isis looked a little bit reluctant.

I haven't seen Li Meng for a long time. I didn't expect Li Meng to just come, but he was leaving.

With a slight smile, Li Meng rubbed Isis's head and said softly: "A hundred, a thousand years, ten thousand years, if this war is won, we have time to get along, let..."

"what's happenin?"

The words were not finished, Li Meng's face changed immediately, which made Isis a little puzzled.

Shaking his head lightly, Li Meng said solemnly: "It should be the devil that has moved."

Just now, Li Meng received Natasha's call.

"I have to go……"

Leaving in front of Isis, Li Meng took a few steps back.

Above Li Meng's head, in the void, a creamy white beam of light gushed out and enveloped Li Meng in a whistling.

In the milky white light beam, Li Meng's figure turned into the purest molecule, and along with the milky white light beam, he returned to the void again and disappeared in the hall.

This is teleportation. In order to save time, Li Meng directly used the power of faith and cross-domain space.

this is……

Wormhole fluctuations?

The beam of light that suddenly enveloped Li Meng made Isis's expression stunned.

"Have you seen, Isis, this kind of arbitrarily tearing space and manipulating the existence of wormholes, he cannot belong to you alone. He is the guardian of this planet and the patron saint of mankind. In his eyes, the devil The clan is only an enemy, a locust that needs to be eliminated, he is using you, using your simplicity."

In the birdcage in the dome, Harto's voice echoed in the hall and passed into Isis's ears.

At Hattor's words, Isis was expressionless, but his face was lost in thought.

After thinking for a while, Isis smiled.

She waved her hand and said to the nearest guard: "Go to the temple of Ra, and send an envoy to the temple of Amon, I need to talk to them."

The huge golden pupils flickered slightly, and the commanding guard turned and strode away.

"What do you want to do?"

From the bird cage in the dome, Harto's voice sounded again.

doing what?

Isis smiled faintly.

"Nothing. There is a saying in humans that is very good. The enemy’s enemy is a friend. Since Li Meng has scruples, I can only do this. I have always hoped that humans can coexist peacefully with the demons. The appearance of the devil may be a good opportunity."

"Devil? What happened?"

Harto's voice was a little surprised.

The position created by the bird cage cuts off her contact with the subordinates, which prevents Harto from knowing what is happening outside.

A month ago, Isis did not tell Hattor what happened on Alcatraz.

Isis didn't hide it, and said calmly: "A month ago, a large-scale subspace crack appeared in the sky above Alcatraz, and a demon-level demon army descended on the earth."

"Devil-level demon army? Isis, you must let me out. The demon needs my power. You can't keep me here."

In the bird cage in the dome, Harto's voice became very anxious.

Isis chose to ignore Hattor's request and turned and walked towards the inner hall.

"Wait, Isis, we need to have a good talk..."

Beside the barrier behind the throne, Isis's figure paused slightly, a tear streaming down his cheek...

Stepping forward, the small and slender figure disappeared in the hall.

The speed of space transmission is undoubtedly amazing, no matter how far away, it can be reached in an instant.

In the office building of the First Corps Naval Base in Port Kenlin, Kingdom of Austria.

I saw a milky white beam of light emerging from the void, whizzing in contact with the ground. In the beam of light, Li Meng's figure appeared, appeared in the office, and appeared in the eyes of Tan Ya and Natasha.

The owner didn't leave for long, but just over an hour.

"What's the matter? Is there any movement from the devil?"

When the milky-white beam of light whizzed back into the void, Li Meng quickly asked the two women.


Natasha stepped forward and turned on the holographic projector on the table.

In the air, a picture appeared, very clear.

"Just now, the orbiting reconnaissance satellite found something strange in the waters north of Alcatraz Island."

In the picture, there is a sea, but the color of the sea is a bit weird. There are a large red figure under the sea surface, which makes the sea no longer look blue.

At this time, the picture was enlarged, and the red figure under the sea could be seen more clearly.

They are demons, they are swimming in the water close to the sea.

"They are very fast, exceeding 30 kilometers per hour, and they can reach Austria at about 6 in the morning. As for the landing site, it is still uncertain. It may be the mainland of Austria or the outer continent."

Seeing the red-colored figures underwater in the picture, Li Meng was silent.

The time has come, and Ogeria has become the target of the devil.

Although this possibility has been guessed, Li Meng still feels a headache when the situation does happen.

"The devil's winged demons have not been discovered yet. At the speed of the winged demons, they should wait until the ground forces land on the shore before they set off and attack with the ground demons. According to satellite investigations, the number of demons is about 700,000 ."


In other words, did the demons not come out in full force?

Li Meng is sure that the number of demons will never be only 700,000.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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