Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1572: Tranquility before the storm

"I have notified the Danlan Kingdom and the Kingdom of Austria that they have been under martial law and are ready to fight the devil. The southern cities of the two places are evacuating civilians urgently to welcome the arrival of the war."

After arriving at the desk, Li Meng sat down on the chair.

With a finger on the screen, Li Meng opened the entire map of Austria.

The Kingdom of Austria, the Kingdom of Danlan, the two vast territories are all in the eyes of Li Meng.

The map in the screen is not only a map, but also military deployments in various places.

Just listen to Tan Ya continue: "Because of the assistance of the coalition defense forces, the positions in various places were handed over to the coalition defense forces to garrison. The first army was divided into 15 armored divisions, including 10 in the Kingdom of Austria. Division, the five divisions of the Danlan Kingdom. These fifteen armored divisions have fully entered the southern region of the two places. Once the war starts, the First Army will take advantage of its mobile advantage. When the devil attacks the position, it will take a roundabout operation. Assault, harass the devil, and give the devil the greatest casualties."

The First Army has a strong armored force. In the past few months, the construction of southern Austria has provided better traffic routes in the southern region, which has created a better foundation for the First Army’s maneuvering and circuitous operations. .

The joint defense forces blocked the devil from the front, and the First Army attacked the devil from the side. Only in this way could it exert a more powerful combat effectiveness. Li Meng had no objection to this tactic.

Tan Ya is right. The First Army is not suitable for positional warfare. Only by launching a flood of armor from the side can it cause more casualties to the devil.

The forest in the south is flat, the ground is hard, and the forest is wide, which provides good conditions for mobile operations.


Looking at the Austrian military defense map in the screen, Li Meng was lost in thought.

The devil’s changes, the first to bear the brunt of the greatest impact are the Kingdom of Austria and the Kingdom of Danlan.

On the mainland of Austria, there are 7 cities and countless villages in the area south of the Courbet Mountains.

The seven cities are Dura City, Augustus City, New South City, Nibal City, Audrey City, Enver City, and Dale City.

The evacuation order from the royal family was ignorant to the residents of Seven Cities.

They don’t know anything. Today, an evacuation order has caused the residents of the seven cities to lose their past peaceful lives. Under the call and organization of the local government, more than ten million civilians began to move towards the Courbet Mountains. Evacuate on the other side.

For a time, in the southern region of the Kingdom of Austria, the roads in the forest were full of Mercedes-Benz buses and military vehicles.

In the sky, even a large Century transport plane flew by, and the roar of huge engines rang through the world.

In order to allow the civilians in the theater to evacuate as soon as possible, the First Army also dispatched transport aircraft to assist.

More than one hundred large transport planes were running back and forth in the southern regions of the two countries at this time, evacuating people.

The tense atmosphere immediately filled the two countries, and the joint defense forces stationed on the front line were more obvious.

The devil is coming...

For most soldiers, they have no concept of demons.

Although there have been many demons on the continent of Austria, only a few people actually come into contact with demons.

The soldiers only know the horror of the devil, and when they learn that they are going to fight the devil, they instinctively panic.

Will the devil really appear?

Where will it appear? Where is the devil at this time?

These are all the information that the soldiers want to know, but their orders are simple and clear. Stand in the position, wait for the opportunity, and prepare to evacuate.

In the turmoil of the two countries, time passed bit by bit.

When the night fell, the commotion continued until late at night.

There are more than 20 million civilians who need to be evacuated from the two countries. This is not an easy task. It cannot be completed in one or two days. It takes time and enough time.

Kingdom of Austria, the city of Dura in the south.

If Kenlin Harbor is just a fishing town, Nadura City is a big city in the southern region.

Before the kingdom of Austria was unified, it was the capital of the Kingdom of Morbun, a city of one million people.

It is close to the southern coastline, only more than 30 kilometers away from the coastline. As the city closest to the sea, it has also become a "dangerous" city alongside Kenlin Harbor.

If the devil does not take the lead to attack Kenlin Harbor, Nadura City will become the first target of the devil's attack.

It was late at night, and under the moonlight, the forest was dyed with silver yarn.

In a certain forest behind the beach on the southern coastline, in addition to the roar of polluting beasts echoing in the forest, there are also some humans in the forest.

In the darkness, a few lights appeared from the other side of the beach, and amid the roar of engines, three light military vehicles galloped on the beach from far and near.

On the beach, the vehicle stopped.

More than a dozen figures jumped off the military vehicle and swayed on the beach.

"Okay, cheer me up. Our task is to pay close attention to the movement on the sea. The first and second teams, you go to the reef points on the left and right. Although it is the most sleepy time, today, all Please cheer me up and make no mistake."

"Captain, are we just watching?"

"Yes, just look at it. The order above is to monitor the sea. Any movement needs to be reported in time."

There were three teams on the beach, the roar of the engine sounded again, and two lights went to both sides of the beach.

It is four o'clock in the morning, about three or four hours before dawn, this time is not so easy to get through.

"Stare carefully, let me know if you are tired, and everyone will watch for a while."


On a rock on the beach, the team chose this place as an observation point.

There are six people in a small team with a clear division of labor. Three people stay behind the vehicle and pay attention to the movement in the forest. After all, the threat of polluting beasts should not be underestimated. One person observes and two rests.

"Captain, is there something big going on? Not to mention the establishment of the coalition defense force. There should be two divisions in Dura City now, with more than 30,000 people garrisoned. Is it really going to fight?"

In the night, the observation team on the rock chatted.

"Nonsense, isn't it the above, the devil, it's the devil, this time we are going to fight the devil, and there are not only two divisions stationed on the defense line of Dura City, but five divisions, or the number one. There are more than 80,000 people in the first division, second division, third division, fourth division, and fifth division. The two divisions you see are just the reserve team in the city, and there are three divisions outside the city. Garrison the left and right wings, as well as the front line of defense."

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