Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1573: Dura City

"Tsk tusk, good fellow, with so many people, no matter how many demons you can destroy."

"It's not necessarily, Captain, haven't you heard about it? I heard that this time the demon seems to be from Alcatraz Island. The scale is amazing. Even the First Army is quite tricky. That's why the joint defense force was temporarily formed and let us participate Fighting, 80 divisions, more than one million people, if the situation is not very severe, how could the First Army be so tense."

Yes, the formation of the coalition defense force was too sudden, and the efficiency of recruiting troops was amazing.

Within a month, 80 divisions were formed.

If it were not for combat needs, how could the First Army require the Kingdom of Austria to form such a large-scale joint defense force?

Hearing this, the expressions of the soldiers in the squad changed for a while, and the atmosphere became more tense.

"If the devil really comes from Alcatraz Island, then it's clear why the above wants us to monitor the sea. Okay, let's not say anything. Keep an eye on the sea. Once the devil is found, immediately evacuate and report to it."


The soldiers did not dare to be careless, and cast their gazes to the sea.

Although the sea surface was shrouded by night, under the shining of moonlight, one could see a rough picture.

If the devil did emerge from the sea, it would be impossible to escape their eyes.

Time just passed bit by bit, one hour passed, two hours passed.

When a faint light appeared in the eastern sky, I wonder if it was an illusion, the sound of the waves hitting the beach became louder.

"Captain, Captain, have you seen it? The sea seems to be moving..."


The warning from the team members made the investigating team on the beach more vigilant, and their eyes surrendered to the sea.

Although a trace of two has appeared in the east, the whole world is still dark.

But on the sea outside the beach, there seemed to be a bright red light.

The red shimmer is like the stars in the sky, all over the sea that can be seen in the eyes.

Just as the scout team watched nervously, some figures appeared in the shallow sea.

They emerged from the water and were approaching the shore.

Just as the investigation team wondered what it was, in the darkness, only a crimson flame appeared.

From the silhouettes that could only be seen, orange flames were burning.

For a while, the darkness of the entire coast was dispersed due to the appearance of flames.

"Rakka, Rakka."

They were roaring, as if flames were expelling from their mouths.

The huge red body, the burning scales, the hideous head, and the huge bladed knives, looked at the huge red and burning figures in the shallows that were landing, and the soldiers looked scared.

This...this is the devil...

In the sea, more demons appeared. In just a few breaths, their figures had already occupied all the shallows, and countless burning figures were striding forward, like dazzling stars approaching the coast.

"Withdraw, withdraw immediately, hurry."

A roar from the communicator brought the observation teams everywhere to recover.

They hurriedly left the observation point and rushed to board the car.

The powerful engine roared, and in the yellow sand roll, three light vehicles ran wildly on the beach, rushed into the forest, and galloped through the forest.

"Report, report, found demons on the sea south of Dura City, found a large number of demons, they are landing, repeat, they are landing."

In the forest, the roar of the engine was roaring.

I saw the lights flickering. From the quiet road in the forest, three light vehicles rushed out of the forest, making a rapid turn, rushing wildly on the concrete road, and the speed instantly exceeded the speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

Amid the roar of the powerful engine, the convoy quickly moved away.

And on the coast behind them, on the coast nearly dozens of kilometers away, thousands of demons appeared from the water. They were hit by the waves, and the red silhouettes were connected one by one, surging with the roaring sound. Into the forest.

Because of their appearance, the suffocating and terrifying breath of the devil caused a burst of birds and beasts in the forest to scatter, and countless polluting beasts instinctively fled away from the terrifying breath.

At this time, in Port Kenlin, Li Meng also received a report from Dura City.

"Boom, boom!"

The rapid knock on the door echoed in the room, awakening Li Meng.

When I opened my eyes, all I could see were Natasha's wide-open eyes.

at this time……

The knock on the door let Li Meng know that it should be news about the devil.

With a light kiss on Natasha's forehead, Li Meng let go of the hand that lightly embraced Natasha's body, and stood up.

When the restraint of the waist was absent, Natasha sat up in a black veil pajamas, half exposed and breasts. The beautiful curves, the white skin under the veil, the slender and graceful long legs made Natasha look like Enchanting.

When Li Meng got out of bed and walked to the door, Natasha also stood up, the black death force surging on her body, she completed her change of clothes in an instant, still wearing the black armor.

I have to say that the ability to shape is really convenient, at least at some point, it saves Natasha as a woman a lot of time.

Outside the door, Li Meng saw Tan Ya.

Although he was with Natasha at the moment, Li Meng was not embarrassed.

Tanya is his woman, and Natasha is also his woman. In the First Legion, this is no longer a secret.

Tanya understands, Natasha understands, and Sakiya understands that although in normal times, when Li Meng is away, the three women must have some flames, but in front of Li Meng, the three of them still get along very well, at least Li Meng I have never seen the three women quarrel before, and at most they are just a few cold words.

Of course, the relationship is not very good.

"But Dura City?"

Leaving the bedroom, Li Meng asked Tan Ya outside the door.

Leaning on the desk lightly, Li Meng looked at Tan Ya.

Nodding lightly, Tan Ya said: "Yes, I just received the news from Dura City. The devil has landed on the southern coastline and is now approaching Dura City along the forest road."

Time is almost up. If the gunshots of Port Kenlin do not sound, then the probability of Dura City being attacked by the devil is the greatest.

Because when the devil was found to leave from Alcatraz Island, the First Legion had calculated the path of the devil in the forward direction of swimming in the water, and the other end of this straight line was on the coastline near Dura City.

Dura City will become the first target of the devil's attack, which can be said to be in the expectation of the First Legion.

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