Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1591: Ongoing battle

"Bang, bang."

In the intensive shelling and the spitting flame, the Guardian tank on the steel front opened fire.

Amidst the billowing flames and air waves, the cannon popped out, heading towards the demon in the distance.

The demon charging at the forefront was baptized by artillery fire, shattered by artillery shells, shrouded in flames, and blown away by shock waves.

In the end, amidst a round of gunfire and roars, the crimson torrent approached the steel front.

The battle lasted a long time...

In battle, in fighting, it is difficult to feel the passage of time.

From day to night, when the rear artillery position was so misfired due to the overheating of the gun barrel, the battle on the front line continued.

The battle line slowly stretched from the bottom of the mountain to the side of the mountain, and then to the top of the mountain.

The battle lasted for three days...

"Kill! Drive them down."

On a front line that was dozens of kilometers long, the devil had reached the top of the mountain.

Under the crimson torrent, the position was shaky.

The addition of reserve forces allowed the coalition defense forces to countercharge against the devil.

On the edge of the mountain, demons and humans are fighting together.

The battle has lasted for three days. The steel front at the bottom of the mountain has already fallen. Hundreds of Guardian tanks have long been submerged by demons. In the scarlet figure, you can occasionally see the remains of the Guardian tank.

The demons seem to be tireless, and they have never stopped their charge against the position in the past three days. They seem to never know what retreat is, they only know to move forward and move forward.

The basin of gunpowder and fire was rising from the top of the mountain, and the rumble of guns never stopped.

The results of these three days of fighting are also amazing.

Although the crimson torrents are still densely packed in the basin under the mountain, there are more corpses lying on the ground, especially in the basin in front of the steel front at the bottom of the mountain. The corpses are everywhere, and there are demon accumulations everywhere. Corpse.

"Can we stop them?"

In the camp on the mountainside in the rear, Guyn sat in the camp with a tired face.

Although the first division withdrew from the first line three days ago, during these three days, the first division, as a reserve force, did not miss the battle.

The fierce battle made many soldiers wonder if they could defeat the devil and win the war.

Even Guyne had doubts about this at the moment.

The sound of guns on the top of the mountain, the sound of fighting, and the roar of the devil are clearly audible.

Although he was resting in the camp at the rear, Gayn's heart couldn't calm down.

There is fear and fear, but more powerless.

Once you reach the top of the mountain, you have to face endless demons. A battle without an end will only make you desperate.

Only when facing the devil in person can you experience the feeling of powerlessness.

No matter how many soldiers were sacrificed and how many demons were eliminated, the battle seemed to never end.

The front line at this moment is like a bottomless pit that swallows lives. No matter how many soldiers are filled in, it cannot be blocked or buried.

"Beep, beep."

In the face helmet, the unignorable reminder sounded again.

It is an order from the Naval Command to support the front line.

At this moment, he can't back down, the soldiers haven't collapsed, so how can he back down.

"Yes, you can support the 14th Division and get to the position within five minutes."

Gane stood up with a slight expression on his face.

Looking at the tired-looking officers in the camp, Gayn said loudly: "Okay, come with me to support the frontline operations and drive those monsters off the ground. In this war, everyone will desperately follow me. "

The order to support the front line has been issued, and under the leadership of Gain, the soldiers of the first division swarmed from the camp and rushed to the position on the top of the mountain.

"Kill me!"

Gane, who rushed to the top of the mountain, took the lead, holding a rifle and was the first to rush towards the fighting demon.

This shocked the guards around him so much that they quickly followed.


Amidst the roars, the soldiers of the First Division rushed into the position, and the black mass pressed against the demon.

For a time, in the 14th division position that was gradually collapsing, with the addition of the first division, the collapsed front finally stabilized.

And this situation happened everywhere in the position.

Once the position of a certain division shows signs of collapse, there is only one solution, and that is to send more soldiers to support it. Yes, this war is all about consumption, using human lives to stop the devil.

Yes, it is very cruel, but the coalition defense forces have no choice, nor does the First Army.

The Courbet Mountains must be guarded. Once it falls, the entire northern region will be attacked by demons. By that time, the casualties will increase several times, a hundredfold, and civilians who have no place to evacuate will also follow the fall of the city. Destruction, by that time, hundreds of thousands of casualties will be a small number, and millions, or even tens of millions of soldiers and civilians will die under the devil's claws.

Don't the joint defense forces understand?

No, most officers and soldiers understand it.

They knew why the First Army had to defend the Courbet Mountains, and they knew the importance of the Courbet Mountains.

"Don't they feel tired?"

Three days, three days later, those dark iron warriors who have always fought with demons on the forefront have never been on the battlefield. Under their sharp swords, a large number of demons have fallen on the ground.

When the soldiers exclaimed their strength, they were also in deep awe.

Not only the Dark Iron Warrior, but also her, the generals of the First Legion.

In the positions on the left and right sides of the front line, the generals of the First Legion fought together with the Dark Iron Warriors on the front line.

They are unstoppable, stronger than the mighty dark iron warriors. A large number of demons fell under their feet. They on the battlefield are like the death gods in the dark, the beautiful death gods, in the dance, harvesting one after another. .

No demon was their opponent, and they were cut under the sword just one face.

This is true whether it is a blade demon or a two-headed **** dog.


The strong wind roared, a little light flashed, and a huge crescent-shaped black light burst out of the air. Wherever it passed, the strong wind disturbed the demons, and the black light disappeared until it broke through a hundred meters away.

On this one-hundred-meter straight line, dozens of demons were cut in half by a crescent-shaped black mang and fell to the ground.


A demon roared towards Natasha.

It chose the right time. Natasha's sword has just been swung, and it has not been recovered.

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