Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1592: Devil

Thinking it had found a chance, it swung its sharp blade and suddenly provoked it towards Natasha.

However, it was wrong...

The sword cannot be recovered quickly, but for Natasha, the sword is not the only weapon to deal with a blade demon.

Facing the demon's rushing body, Natasha folded her body, squatted slightly, made a fist with her left hand, and rushed into the devil's arms with lightning speed.


In the dull crash, Natasha's small fist was stamped on the demon's chest.

In the disturbance of the strong wind, a red figure flew out and fell into the demons tens of meters away.

If you look closely at the devil's chest, you will find a hole in the devil's chest, a hole in the back that could be seen before, and the devil only had time to let out a roar and fell to the ground.

The sword in her hand was swung again, the ground under her feet cracked, and Natasha turned into a black shadow and rushed into the demons, continuing to kill.

Life was dying, and at any sacrifice, the First Army temporarily stabilized the Courbet Mountains.

No matter how fierce the devil's offensive is, the position will always stand tall.

A large number of demons fell amidst the artillery fire and fell on the ground. The corpses were stacked on top of each other, humans and demons. The scene was grim and terrifying.

However, both parties in the battle did not care about the corpses under their feet. After three days of killing, both humans and demons were blushing. For both parties, there was only one thought in their hearts at this time, that is, to kill and destroy each other.

Humans have stronger minds. Compared with demons, humans have no retreat. Although fearful, there is also a shocking determination.

In the distance, the wing demon in the sky appeared from time to time, and another wave appeared after annihilation. In these three days of battle, I don't know how many wing demon fell from the sky, but the wing demon in the sky always maintained an objective number.

Although they are not dense, they are everywhere, and the fireball from the sky also brought great casualties to the position.

"General, there is a high-speed moving object in low-Earth orbit. It is entering the atmosphere. The location of the fall is on the defense line of the Courbet Mountains. It will directly fall into the battlefield."

The warning from the Navy Command made Natasha and Tanya stop fighting with the demons.

They felt...

That is the pressure from the sky.

Standing in the battlefield, Natasha and Tanya looked up at the sky.

They felt it and saw it.

At high altitude, a fiery red light is approaching, increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just over ten seconds, the light in the sky became a huge burning fireball, and at the same time, the entire sky burst into a thunderous rumbling.

Amid the rumbling of thunder, and the piercing sound of the air, a huge fireball fell from the sky, breaking through the clouds in the sky, like a meteorite falling from the sky, falling one end into the basin.


Hearing a loud crash, the ground was shaking violently.

The flames soared into the sky, and in the basin, the surging mud soared up into the sky several hundred meters.

A powerful shock wave swept everything around, and the demon with a radius of several hundred meters suddenly turned on its back, and was directly knocked into the sky when it was closer.

The abnormal shape in the basin attracted the attention of the soldiers on the front line, and many soldiers had seen the fireball falling from the sky.

The huge vibration, the soaring earth and flames made the soldiers look at it.

what is that……


Is there such a coincidence?

Of course not, it is not a meteorite.

Amidst the rumble of guns, I could only hear a loud roar from the basin.


The sound was deafening, sweeping across the sky with great power.

At the place where the fireball fell, the strong wind was violently disturbed, and the flames and raised dust were scattered.

In the huge crater, a seven-meter-high demon suddenly appeared.

It was completely red, holding a burning flame giant sword.

Its appearance caused the surrounding demons to stir up, waving the blade in their hands, and roaring up to the sky.

"Rakka, Rakka."

In the basin, the roar of demons suddenly sounded.

What a big demon...

Its appearance made all the soldiers on the ground horrified. It was the first time that many soldiers saw such a big demon.

Only Natasha, Tan Ya looked solemn, but she didn't expect it to enter the battlefield.

It moved on the battlefield.

I saw the ground cracked under its feet, sinking violently, and its huge figure soared into the sky, leaving strong winds sweeping around.

In the air, it spanned a distance of several kilometers, like a cannonball falling from the sky and into the position.


Hearing a dull crash and a splash of mud and rocks, it just appeared on the ground.

In the face of such a huge demon, the soldiers on the surrounding positions showed horror and gathered fire to attack.

Bullets, rockets, leaning toward the giant demon.

Sparks splashed all over the huge demon and was enveloped by the explosion of flames.

But it was useless. Under the impact of bullets and rockets, the huge demon was completely unharmed.

In the face of attacks from all sides, the huge demon opened his hideous mouth.


A huge roar rang out loudly, and in the roar, a wave of air visible to the naked eye surged from the mouth of the huge demon, across the entire front line.

"Boom, boom!"

Where the air wave passed, the people on the ground turned their horses on their backs, as if a violent explosion occurred. The raised mud and rocks rose into the sky. A large number of soldiers were directly torn by the air wave, and more soldiers flew out.

A single blow caused a large number of casualties to soldiers on the front of several kilometers, and a single blow caused the position to quickly face the crisis of collapse.

On the battlefield, several dark iron warriors were running wildly, approaching the huge demon like a sharp arrow.

When they were close enough, they jumped up, waved their big swords, and attacked the huge demon.

The phantom flickered, the sword's edge was cold, and with a strong wind, many black iron warriors slashed at the huge demon.

Facing the black iron warrior's siege, the huge demon moved, his huge golden pupils shrank slightly, and his feet slammed on him.


In the whistling sound of the strong wind, a powerful shock wave appeared and swept all around with the huge demon as the center.

Wherever he passed, the ground was cracked, the wind was disturbed, and the mud and rocks were flying. The dark iron warrior who was attacking the huge demon was swept by the shock wave and immediately flew out.

After flying a distance of tens of meters, he rolled to the ground.

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