Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1594: Demon Evacuation


The bone wall of the complete mission collapsed instantly, white flames appeared, and the scattered bones on the battlefield turned to ashes.

The attack of the huge demon was blocked by death again.

It was amazing. The cracks of the earth and the huge wall of bones made the soldiers on the front look stunned.

They even wondered if they had witnessed a battle of gods with their own eyes.

The scene they saw before them had long been beyond their cognition.

In the basin, seeing that his attack was blocked again, the huge demon did not roar in anger, but silently pulled out the flame giant sword from the ground.

It didn't make the next move, but stood in the basin, looking at the entire battlefield coldly.

It did not move, nor did Li Meng.

Although the Reaper's form is powerful, it consumes a lot. Li Meng's mission is to stare at it, making it unable to quickly destroy the position and change the course of a war.

King vs. King, as for the battle in the lower position, it can only be handed over to the First Army and the Allied Defense Forces, Li Meng will not take action.

Li Meng must save his strength to deal with the attack of the huge demon. If he wastes too much power on these young men, he will not be able to resist the attack of the huge demon.

It's smart...

Seeing the huge demon standing still in the basin, Li Meng's heart was very solemn.

It is very clear that if Li Meng is present, it is difficult to attack the front line.

It also knew that its existence made Li Meng very cautious, which prevented Li Meng from taking action against his relatives.

In the current battlefield, the devil's losses are great, but the advantage is on the devil's side. Even if it doesn't make a move, his family members can still win.

Both sides have scruples. In the tacit understanding, the entire battlefield has fallen into an ordinary battle.

"Rakka, Rakka."

Amidst the roars, the devil was still irritating the defense.

In the basin, continuous explosions were still taking place, and a large number of demons were extinguished in the artillery fire.

In the stalemate between the two sides, two more days passed.

Since the huge demon entered the battlefield, the demon has become much smarter.

No longer crowded in dense groups in the basin, but formed waves of offensive attacks towards the position.

Every wave of attacks left a gap. Looking towards the basin, except for the bottom of the mountain, no demons appeared in the basin, but on the opposite side of the mountain, a wave of tens of thousands of demons was rushing here. .

When they rushed to the bottom of the mountain, they just made up for the loss of the front-line battlefield demons, which kept the demons on the ground within a certain objective number.

The battlefield is just this big, no matter how many demons there are, only a small part can fight.

Too dense front will bring more casualties instead.

The demon's offensive change undoubtedly reduced casualties very well, because the rear shelling position could hardly bring effective damage to the demon, at least compared to the past, the efficiency of killing the demon has been greatly reduced.

Even so, the demon's casualties are still high.

In the battle for nearly five days, the demon has been fighting for five days in the field, but it has not been able to completely destroy the enemy.

After annihilating a wave of enemies, another wave of enemies rushed up.

The feelings of both sides are the same. Humans believe that the scale of demons is endless, and demons have this feeling.

They are very puzzled, why they have killed so many enemies, why the enemies continue to appear in front of them, they clearly move a little closer, but they are always knocked back.

The two sides can do nothing, this is a war of attrition.

In the end, the situation has changed.


In the basin, only a huge roar sounded, and the sound swept across the sky with great strength.

Under this roar, the demons who were fighting with humans on the ground responded one after another. They roared to the sky, gave up the enemy in front of them, and turned and ran towards the basin under the mountain.

The Wing Demon in the sky also seemed to have received some instructions, turning around and flying towards the south.

The evacuation of the devil made the soldiers on the front suddenly relaxed. Seeing the demon who was evacuation, the soldiers looked in a daze, as if they couldn't believe what they saw.

They won?

Yes, this may not be a victory, but they successfully prevented the demon's offensive.

On the battlefield, the soldiers did not cheer, just slumped to the ground with a tired face.

No one cares about the surrounding corpses. Whether it is a demon or a companion, the soldiers are most familiar with the battle after a few days. There is only the corpse.

The fear and sadness that were once have long since disappeared, but now the only thing left is madness and numbness.

In the basin, the golden pupils of the giant demon took a deep look at the **** of death who had always been above the line, and then his body burned.

The ground cracked under his feet, and only heard a "boom". Amidst the rolling air, a fiery red streamer rose up into the sky, broke through the clouds and disappeared into the sky.

With the evacuation of the devil, the entire battlefield became quiet. Both the gunfire and the roar of the devil disappeared. Only the wind on the mountains was howling, as if weeping the cruelty of war.

For nearly five days of fighting, whether in the basin or on the mountains, the ground is almost invisible. It has been covered by layers of corpses. The corpses of demons and humans are stacked one after another, and the air is emitting a pungent. odor.

The scene was cruel and bloody, but faced with such a hideous scene, the surviving soldiers did not feel the slightest.

Once you are familiar with any cruel scene, you will no longer have that unacceptable feeling.

"They are gone..."

Looking at the disappearing figure on the first mountain range in the distance, standing on the edge of the battlefield, Natasha whispered.

Next to her is Tan Ya, standing shoulder to shoulder with her.

Tan Ya said: "The war is not over, whether it is us or human beings."

With a calm expression, Natasha said, "Where will they go?"

Natasha could not answer this question, she could only vaguely said: "Out of Austria, or farther away, they may come back, and they will gather more power next time they come."

Of course, this possibility is very small. The Courbet Mountains can block the devil once, and naturally it can block the second time. When the devil gathers more power, the human side will also do the same.

In any case, the First Legion will not let the demons cross the Courbet Mountains.

With the departure of the huge demon, the death **** above the line also disappeared, disappearing without a trace in the eyes of the soldiers, as if it had never existed before.

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