Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1595: Demon's Assault

What is the next goal of the devil?

The naval headquarters in Nanlin Island is looking for answers.

"Where are they? Where is it?"

Looking around at the busy people in the headquarters, Jevric asked loudly.

"The Earth's orbit found that a high-speed object is moving, heading south, and is leaving the orbit into the atmosphere. The planned fall site... is the southern continent."

"The figure of a demon was found in the waters south of the outer continent of Austria, and it is expected that it will land on the outer continent of Austria in two hours."

Is it out of Austria?

Hearing this news, Yevrich frowned slightly and asked: "Where do these demons come from? Are they evacuated from the mainland of Austria?"

"No, it wasn't so fast. The battlefield of the Courbet Mountains only ended in less than half an hour. They did not have such a fast speed. From the perspective of the direction, they would not be the demon attacking the mainland of Austria."

"Admiral Yevridge, the demons on the mainland of Austria are evacuating westward. They should cross the Arafor Strait and invade the territory of the Danlan Kingdom."

Has the target been shifted?

Looking at the deployment plan of the command platform fiercely, Jevrich was lost in thought.

This is a bit bad. There is no natural danger like the Courbet Mountains in the Danlan Kingdom. The entire outer continent is a plain, very flat one. Once the devil invades the Danlan Kingdom, it will be troublesome. .

Thinking of this, Jevrich asked, "How is the situation in the Danlan Kingdom?"

"The residents of villages and towns have been evacuated and moved into various big cities. The Danlan Kingdom’s operational deployment is to stick to the big city with high walls and abandon the small cities. More than 90 million people have moved into the seven big cities, each There are more than 300,000 troops stationed in the city, and all kinds of materials and ammunition are ready. Once the war starts, there is no need to consider the issue of materials within a year, but..."

"But what?" Jevrich asked, frowning slightly.

"That's it. Once a war starts, the cities will be isolated and helpless. If there is a large-scale battle somewhere, the ammunition will be quickly consumed. The fronts of the cities are isolated and it is difficult to transport the ammunition, whether it is land transportation or air transportation. , The possibility of completing the task is almost zero."

There are winged demons in the air and blade demons on the ground. Once a city is besieged by demons, it is difficult for external forces to penetrate.

In this case, you can only rely on the efforts of the cities themselves.

Time is still not enough. If the Battle of the Courbet Mountains can continue for a few more days, there will be more time to prepare outside Austria.

Of course, Yevrich knew it, and it was a little natural to think so.

If Courbet continues for a few more days, the entire front may collapse completely.

If that happens, the Danlan Kingdom’s problem will be resolved, but the Austrian Kingdom will suffer.

How to do?

Yevrich's expression was dignified, and it was quite difficult to handle it.

Now the First Army has no available power. On the battlefield of the Austrian continent, the First Army suffered serious losses. Ten armored divisions and three armored divisions deployed on the Austrian continent were removed from the organization. , One armored division was maimed, and the remaining armored divisions suffered more or less losses.

The air force’s losses were even more severe. Although the MiG fighters and the sea-wing fighters were still intact, the Sky Knight unmanned fighter jets were almost completely lost, and the First Army did not dare to dispatch the air force.


Because the battle with the Wing Demon is too hurt, it is not worth it at all to trade 1 for 1, even if 3 is exchanged for 1, 5 is exchanged for 1, the first legion will suffer, unless each fighter can eliminate 20 Wing Demon, this kind of battle damage In order to allow the First Army to maintain an advantage in air combat.

But is it possible?

Undoubtedly, it is impossible. On the battlefield of the mainland of Austria, the First Army lost more than 4,000 Sky Knight unmanned fighters and hundreds of MiG fighters. Only the sea-wing fighters did not dispatch and did not lose any. In the latter part of the war, in the battle on the Courbet Mountains, why the fighters of the First Army did not appear? This is also the reason, because the First Army has no air force to dispatch.

Although there are still thousands of MiG fighters and sea-wing fighters, in a complex battlefield, manned fighters are not suitable for combat, and will only increase casualties.

The war did not end. The demons who encountered obstacles in the Courbet Mountains moved their targets and launched an attack on the outlying regions of Austria.

The battle on the mainland of Austria has ended, but the battle has just begun outside Austria.

Before the battle started outside Austria, a surprise attack began on the southern continent.

In the sky, amidst the rumble of "thunder", a huge burning fireball appeared, falling from the sky like a meteorite.


There was a violent impact, and the earth was trembling,

The fireball hit the middle of a high mountain, and the billowing flames suddenly rose and burned.


Hearing a huge roar, the flames raged and swept around.

In the dissipated flames, a huge red figure suddenly appeared.

The huge demon halfway up the mountain raised the sword and thrust it into the ground.

The earth cracked and the burning cracks spread to the top of the mountain.


Near the top of the mountain, a huge explosion broke out.

The flames soared into the sky, and the huge shock wave engulfed the soil and trees and flew everywhere.

The air waves visible to the naked eye swept across several kilometers in a radius, and the flames soaring into the sky seemed like a volcanic eruption, very spectacular.

Under the soaring flames, the surrounding earth was no longer peaceful.

Countless demons flying into the sky from the forest everywhere, one after another attacked the huge demons.

At this moment, in the high altitude, a dense red dot appeared.

It was the Wing Demon, they rushed down from above the clouds and attacked the Demon clan aircraft on the ground.

The battle in the air soon started, surrounded by huge demons, and the surrounding airspace became a battlefield.

The huge demon halfway up the mountain climbed the mountain and entered the huge crater.

The explosion just now tore almost half of the mountain, and a huge crater appeared.

In the crater, the huge demon seemed to be looking for something, and his golden pupils scanned the burning crater.


With an angry roar, a huge figure sprang out from the flames and rushed towards the huge demon.

It also has a crimson body, which is a commander.

Seeing the commanding guard attacked, the golden pupils of the huge demon shrank suddenly, and the flame sword in his hand shrank suddenly.

The strong wind was disturbing, the flames were surging, and I saw a flash of fiery red streamer.

A flaming giant sword slashed across the guard's body, and a broken body fell in front of the huge demon.

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