Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1599: Unstoppable


Following Karina's suggestion, Catherine nodded.

With a slight expression, Catherine interrupted the ministers' argument.

"Well, the debate on this matter ends here. We need to listen to the opinions of the First Army. We can't help it. It doesn't mean that the First Army has nothing to do. This matter will be discussed tomorrow."

In Catherine's final conclusion, the dynasty was over.

Although the problem was not resolved, Queen Catherine was right, and now she can only ask the First Army for help.

Nanlin Island, Naval Command.

"Material delivery? This is a problem. Although the main force of the demons is on the Eurasian continent, the demons on the outer land of Austria should not be underestimated. Once they leave the shelter of the tall city wall, they will not have the ability to survive."

The help from the Danlan Kingdom brought a new problem to the Naval Command.

"Do you have a good way?"

Looking around the high-ranking generals around the podium, Jevrich asked.

Facing Jevric's question, the officers fell silent.

Although the situation in Ogeria has stabilized at the moment, it is undoubtedly an idiotic dream to drive the demons out of Austria. Now that most demons are gathered in the outer regions of Austria, it is not wise to face the enemy. .

"The Danlan Kingdom has five cities inland. The transportation line is very important. However, it is impossible to fight the devil with the ability of the first legion. What about those coalition defense forces? Rushing out will only bring unnecessary loss."

"This is indeed a trouble. There is not even a river leading to the interior of Austria. It is impossible to use warships with heavy armor. It is difficult to break through the devil's defense line with the armor on the ground alone."

With a thoughtful look, Davis groaned: "If the terrain conditions can meet the requirements, I'll pay attention."

This undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention.

Yevrich asked, "Lieutenant General Davis, what can you do?"

Looking up at the people, Davis said: "You should know that a land cruiser super weapon in the Allied State has decent firepower and heavy armor. If you use this weapon to break through the devil’s defenses, it shouldn’t be difficult. However, this weapon requires too much terrain. Its combat areas are deserts and plains. If you want it to be used outside of Austria, you must open a road that is sufficient for it to travel."

Land Cruiser?

Everyone is no stranger to this weapon.

This is the most powerful weapon of the Allies. Although it was used in the Third War, it did not perform well.

The so-called land cruiser is just a dual-purpose battleship, equipped with a land-based device and a large crawler, which allows the battleship to land on its own strength.

"Well, you can give it a try. As long as the land cruiser is modified to strengthen the defense ability of the land cruiser, the land cruiser is a mobile fortress. Even if you fight the devil head-on, it is not without winning rate."

"Try it, now we don't have a good way, we can only try."

No one of the officers objected to Davis's proposal.

This is indeed a good way. When the Air Force cannot penetrate the defense, it can only start from the land.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Javrich nodded and said: "Well, it's so decided. I immediately notify Al, saying that we need ten land cruisers with reinforced armor and must be delivered within one month. "

Time just went by little by little, just as the First Army was thinking of a way to solve the problems it encountered.

In the western part of Eurasia, the demon's offensive is unstoppable.

The first ones to bear the brunt are some fringe countries in the west. In the face of the invading demons, they have no time to prepare nor the ability to respond.

In less than a month, large areas of the western region of Eurasia were lost, many countries were destroyed, countless cities were destroyed, and a large number of humans were slaughtered by demons. For a time, blood flowed in the western region, and tens of millions of humans were killed by demons. Under the claws.

On the Eurasian continent, the devil encountered no obstacles at all, and when it expanded south, it swept north and east at the same time.

The ecclesiastical empire in the north and the seven allied nations in the east were the first to bear the brunt.

Compared with the Order Empire, which had already received warnings from the First Legion, the Seven Allies had no connection with the First Legion. Although they knew what was happening in Asia, they also received warnings from some friendly countries, but they did not pay attention to it. Don't think they should worry about the enemy far away.

It wasn't until the devil appeared in the west and swept over many countries unstoppably that the seven allies panicked, but by then, it was too late.

For a time, the Eurasian continent was shrouded in war, and crimson torrents swept across the country at an alarming speed. More and more land was eroded by demons, and more and more cities were destroyed.

In just a few months, tens of millions of human beings were killed, countless cities were destroyed, and countries around the world were shocked.

The news can't be concealed. The news of the appearance of demons is no longer limited to the high-levels of various countries. When tens of millions of humans were slaughtered by demons, the news quickly spread throughout the human world.

Under the aggression of the devil's terror, the entire human world fell into a state of panic.

China, Kyoto, Great Hall.

"You can't sit back and watch. Now Europe, the Middle East, and Africa are on the verge of collapse under the attack of the devil, especially in Africa. As early as half a month ago, the last city was defeated by the devil. Now the entire human race in Africa is almost slaughtered by the devil. Almost all. In Europe and the Middle East, nearly one-third of the regions have fallen. The Seven Allied Powers have already died out. At this time the demons are expanding to the south and east. Once they destroy the Seven Allies and the subhumans, they will enter Asia, helping us is also helping yourself."

On the big podium in the conference room, a middle-aged man was speaking in anger.

He is the envoy of the Seven Allies, "William Adron", and is said to be the Grand Duke of a certain kingdom of the Allies.

However, regardless of his current status as an ambassador or the status of the Grand Duke, it will not bring him practical benefits at this time.

Facing the roar of William Adren, the countries remained silent and unmoved.

They naturally know the situation in the West, but what can they do?

All the countries in this room are unable to protect themselves and are in a state of panic all day long.

At this time, Keos in the round table seat spoke.

"Ambassador William Adelon, please calm down. Our country and Asian countries naturally know the truth of the truth, but we can't do anything. We cannot ignore our country's defense and send troops into the Western battlefield. You should understand this."

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