Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1600: Cognition

Kenan on the side agrees very much: "Yes, our Asian countries are very limited in strength. We are powerless in this matter. We have this heart, but we don't have this power. However, I can show you a way. , The First Legion successfully blocked the demon in Austria, so that the demon had to move. You can ask the First Legion for help."

These words are interesting, and undoubtedly pushed the First Army to the spearhead.

When this was said, Kenan glanced at a young and slender figure on the round table with a smile.

He seemed to have noticed Kenan's sight, Xiao Nan remained unmoved and sat indifferently.

is not that right……

Although the demons were unstoppable in Eurasia, they returned without success in Austria. How did the First Army do it?

Kenan's words made everyone look at Xiao Nan on the round table.

Although she is young, she is the ambassador of the First Army to Kyoto. She should know something.

The first legion?

William Adren thoughtfully, he had naturally heard of the First Army. It is said that in the entire human world, it is one of the best powers in the human world and a huge militarized organization. They also discovered the threat of the demons. For this reason, human beings are called on all over the country to deal with the threat of demons.

Although the threat of the demons has not been eliminated, the threat of the demons has come first, but the strength of the first legion is beyond doubt.

With a slight expression, William Adron said: "In this war, no one can stand aside. This time I am here, in addition to asking for help from other countries, there is one more thing to let you know why the devil is unstoppable."

Speaking of this, William Adren clapped his hands.

Amid the applause, a picture suddenly appeared on the big screen in the meeting.

The picture is a battlefield, and the endless crimson torrent is hitting the tall city wall.

And the originally indestructible city wall was torn through a huge opening, and countless demons swarmed in from this opening.

On the other side, among the demons, a huge demon is so striking, the flame giant sword in his hand makes it impossible to look away.

William Adren said in a deep voice: "The Seven Allies do not lack some cities with high walls. It stands to reason that even if they can't stop the demon's offensive, they shouldn't collapse so quickly and cause all this. The culprit is it. This demon has extraordinary power. It should be the commander of this demon army. It is incredibly powerful. As long as it swings the sword in its hand, no matter how tall the city wall is, it will look like a piece of paper. Weakness and was easily destroyed, which led to the rapid collapse of the Seven Allies."

"If you don't stop it, at most one year, the devil will sweep the entire Eurasian continent. Once the many countries in the West are destroyed, can Asia stay out of the matter? While mankind still has the power to resist, we must unite and fight together. This is not only for the Seven Allies, but also for the whole of Asia, but also for the whole of mankind."

Unite against the enemy?

The ambassadors of various countries looked at each other with different looks.

Although all countries are willing to send troops to help on the defense line of Austria, the situation before is different from now. Austria is the only defense line in Asia. As long as Austria is defended, Asia is basically worry-free. With the powerful force of the First Army, Asian countries also have the confidence to defeat the devil.

But the situation in the Western battlefield is different. The Western battlefield has no line of defense at all. No matter where they put their forces, they will not be able to effectively resist the demon's offensive, and they may even destroy the entire expeditionary army.

There are too many uncertain factors, it is better to stick to the country and use the high wall to fight the demons.

But now the situation is different again. If it is true that the demons cannot be stopped on the tall walls as William Adron said, then it will be troublesome...

"If it is really so strong, I'm very curious, how did the First Army do it? How to repel it and save Austria? Although the First Army has the strongest man in mankind, Lord Li Meng, I think , Only with the power of Your Excellency Li Meng can’t fight this demon.”

Kenan once again pointed the finger at the First Army.

This is what he is curious about, and what other countries are curious about.

If what William Adron said is true, then the power of this demon is not comparable to humans.

Seeing everyone's eyes turned to him again, Xiao Nan said calmly: "You don't know anything about power. Don't use your knowledge to treat the First Army. We have faith in our hearts and are blessed by the "God of Death". Strong, but not unmatched."

grim Reaper?

Asian countries are no longer unfamiliar with the gods believed by the First Army.

The first legion believed in the dark god, or the most terrifying **** of death.

But at this time, it is unacceptable for all countries to attribute all cause and effect to the "god".

After all, no one really thinks that "God" really exists.

With a slight smile, Kaios said gently: "Ambassador Xiaonan, if your Legion really has a way to deal with this demon, please let us know. I don't think the First Legion does not want Eurasia to fall into the hands of the devil. "

Brow Weir on the side also said: "Yes, please also Ambassador Xiaonan to say clearly that we will try our best to meet the requirements of the First Army."

Although the American Federation has not been affected by the devil, the American Federation does not intend to stay out of this battlefield. If Eurasia falls, can the American continent stay out of it?

In this war, the American Federation is more active than anyone else, and they even have plans to send troops to aid the Order Empire.

Frowning slightly, Xiao Nan felt embarrassed by the demands of ambassadors.

Facing the demon king-level demon, how can the First Legion have any good way.

I organized a vocabulary in my mind. In the eyes of the ambassadors of various countries, Xiao Nan said calmly: "The situation in Austria is not as good as you thought. Now the entire southern region of the Austrian continent is in the hands of the devil. , There are also a large number of demons looting in the outland, humans can only be huddled in the high walls, and now the First Army is at the end of the road, defensively, but no longer has the ability to attack."

It seems that everyone is the same. Under the devil's offensive, there is no much way. Does the First Army feel weak?

Everyone didn't think Xiao Nan would lie on this issue, because it was unnecessary, and the First Legion had always been self-confident and would not deliberately hide its strength.

"But it is a fact that the First Army repelled it. If it weren't, the devil would not be able to shift the front and attack the Eurasian continent. This is enough to show that Austria has something it has scruples about, and it does not dare to take risks personally.

Kenan still picked up this question and wanted to know the real answer.

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