Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1603: Realized

Is your strength not strong enough?

Don’t you work hard enough?

Two years ago, there was nothing in the First Army. What about now? The First Legion has become a behemoth in the human world. Whether it is the strength of the legion or the strength of the individual, it has stood at the peak of mankind.

But is this enough?

Why are there things that make me powerless?

Li Meng thought he was strong enough. Except for the legendary demon gods in the subspace, he didn't need to fear anyone or anything. However, now, Li Meng realized that no matter how strong he is, there are things he cannot do.

"No, you are already very strong. In the material world, in the world I know, you are already a "god" existence. Although the demon gods of subspace are strong, they can only stay in subspace forever. But you are different. You are the **** of the material world, a **** in the true sense. You have the power of "God". The only thing you lack is the thought of "God"."

In his head, the voice of the main brain rang, still so light and sweet.

"God's mind?"

Muttering to himself in his heart, Li Meng didn't have the slightest knowledge of the so-called God's thoughts in the main mind.

He didn't understand and couldn't understand this.

"Yes, God’s thoughts are extreme and cannot be violated. Your thoughts need to be more extreme and a clearer goal, and the most important thing is "relentless". You can have "desire" or There is "sentiment", but when you stand from the perspective of "god", you must be ruthless. Only in this way can God be awed by mortals."

"Does this change everything?"

In his heart, Li Meng asked the mastermind.

"I don't know..." This is the main brain's answer.

"But one thing is beyond doubt, what do you want most? What is the ultimate goal in your heart?"

what do you want?

The ultimate goal?

In his heart, Li Meng thought of a person, a figure that was always hidden in his heart.

"I want to find her..."

Who she is, the mastermind who is one with Li Meng naturally knows.

Although it has always known that there is a hurdle in the master's heart, it did not expect that this hurdle will become the master's goal.

is it possible?

At this moment, the main brain did not dare to say too absolute.

"She may not be the one in your heart now, even if she is still there, she may have become another kind of life form, even if that is the case, do you still want to find her?"

Li Meng understands this point better than the mastermind, but...

"As long as the soul is her, I don't care about the others."

Main brain: "..."

Even the mastermind at this moment can't help but feel speechless for its master.

Time will not go back, and there will be no regret medicine in the world, but its owner wants to turn time back and want to start again.

Everything before, all the master's experience, the mastermind is in the eyes.

For that feeling, it also feels the same with the feelings of the owner.

As an outsider, the main brain is not idle, and once reminded the owner.

But the master chose another ending, everything can be said to be created by the master himself.

Just because of regret in your heart, you do something that you can't do. What else can it be if this is not willful?

Li Meng asked, "What should I do?"

The main brain: "This is a war, which will be very long. It is a war between subspace and the material world. Unless the achievements of mankind surpass ancient mankind, otherwise in this war, mankind has no chance of victory. And the first step is Let's talk about uniting mankind and uniting the earth."

Li Meng asked in a puzzled way: "You never thought it necessary to unify mankind. Why have you changed this view now?"

Mastermind: "Because there are many roads, human beings are a big family and can embark on different roads. Each road has the possibility to move into a further future. But now I have changed this view to make better use of humans. Race, we must use more drastic means."

Unify the earth?

Although Li Meng did not have this idea before, it is not necessary to unify the earth.

The universe is huge. As long as you leave the earth and have the ability to step into the starry sky, the territory is no longer important, because there are countless planets in the starry sky. As long as you explore, the territory is the least valuable thing.

As the mastermind said, human beings are a big family. If multiple polities can enter the starry sky, multiply everywhere in the universe, and grow humans, this is also a very good way.

But now, in the face of various dangers in the universe, mankind needs a "god", a unified force, a common consciousness, and a common enemy.

From outside the window, Li Meng withdrew his gaze. The silence for more than a month made him think about many things, but also many things he couldn't figure out.

Among the things that cannot be figured out, Li Lanxin's disappearance is Li Meng's most concerned.

Did she pass away?

No, Li Meng didn't even find her soul, Li Meng didn't believe she was dead.

But where did she go?

Li Meng didn't know, and couldn't guess, this would only become a mystery.


In the room, Li Meng's voice echoed.

This made Sakuya momentarily stunned, and hurriedly said forward: "I am here, Your Highness."

"During this month or so, has something big happened outside?"


If the demonic invasion is considered a major event, then major events are happening all over the world.

Without thinking about it, Sakuya replied: "The situation in Austria is okay. Although it is not able to get rid of the devil, the demon has also lost the ability to attack. The demons in the south have not reacted much. They are still waiting. In the western part of Eurasia, the demon's offensive is unstoppable, a large area of ​​human territory has fallen, and the Seven Allies and the Order Empire are suffering. They should not last long."

Li Meng asked again: "Can there be movement in all human countries? Especially Asian countries."

Sakiya shook his head lightly, and said: "For the time being, there is no news from Konan in Kyoto, saying that Asian countries have held many meetings on the war in the west, but because of the fear of the devil and their own powerlessness, it is still Keep watching."

From Sakuya's mouth, Li Meng got a general idea of ​​the current situation.

It seems that in the last battle of Leo Island, the devil targeted Eurasia.

As if thinking of something, Sakuya said again: "By the way, according to the news sent by Xiaonan, in the last meeting, she showed her beliefs about the First Legion to other countries to watch. The cult empire should be launched recently. Related please God activities."

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