Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1604: Isis's concerns

Please god?

Li Meng was thoughtful, and it seemed that his death form was known to all nations.

Li Meng didn't think Xiao Nan had anything wrong with this approach.

In future battles with demons, the **** of death will be exposed to the eyes of all countries sooner or later. If it is exposed now, the timing is right. At present, the sect empire is being invaded by demons, and they need the protection of "gods".

For Li Meng, this is also a way of spreading faith.

The ecclesiastical empire is a big country. If you can get the faith of this country, the benefits are self-evident.

"Master, should we do something about the evil invasion of Eurasia?"

Do something?

Standing up from the soft sofa, Li Meng shook his head and said: "For the time being, it is not time for the First Army to intervene. Right now the main force of the demons should be on the Eurasian continent. First find a way to eliminate the demons in Austria. Only when the rear is stable can we resolve external issues with peace of mind."

As if thinking of something, Li Meng, who had just stood up, sat down again.

Looking back at Sakuya in a short black skirt not far away, Li Meng beckoned.

Sakuya approached very well and sat down beside Li Meng.

Seeing the slim Sakuya beside him, Li Meng smiled slightly, turned over and lay down, resting comfortably on Sakuya's thigh.

Looking at the face close at hand above, Li Meng whispered, "It was Yaner who came just now."


Sakuya nodded softly.

With a wry smile on his face, Li Meng said helplessly: "It seems that girl has to think more about it. Let her see me at night."


Sakuya responded softly.

In Sakuya's soft eyes, Li Meng closed his eyes.

In this nearly two months, he has delayed too many things, and now it is time to deal with it.

Yunan continent, in the temple of Isis.

"Why is he not here yet?"

In the empty hall, the little figure of Isis sat on the throne, his face full of sadness.

Looking at the ring on the ring finger of his left hand, Isis sighed deeply.

Calling him in the past would show up within two hours at most.

But this time, half a month has passed, and he still has no news.

Is it because of the devil?

Did something happen?

Thinking of this, Isis became worried.

The demons that appeared this time were unusual. There were demon king-level existences in them, and even the demons were difficult to deal with.


Impossible, no, he is so strong, even if he loses to the devil, he can escape safely.

The momentary thought in her heart made Isis shook her head quickly, and she never believed it.

"Isis, now you need me, let me go, I promise you, as long as this war is over, I will return to your side and let you handle it, as long as you can be happy and can calm the anger in your heart, I am willing to do anything."

In the sky, Harto's faint voice rang.

A few months of life in captivity didn't feel much to Hartuo's. To them, who had survived for tens of thousands of years, months of time was just a blink of an eye.

Although I can't see it, Harto knows that Isis is on the throne below, and she can feel the existence of Isis.

"Shut up, you hateful woman, I won't believe you anymore."

The voice from above caused Isis's face to change slightly, and he let out an angry roar, his entire face was distorted.

Betrayal from a friend, this is the pain in Isis's heart that I don't want to face, she was hurt too badly, so when facing Harto's child, her heart was twisted.

She can believe anyone's words, but she will never believe the words of anyone who has betrayed her.

"My Isis, why is it so angry?"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded beside him, and Li Meng's figure appeared beside the throne.

He stretched out his right hand and stroked Isis's twisted and beautiful face.

"Li Meng?"

Seeing Li Meng finally appeared, the distortion on Isis's face disappeared in an instant. He swooped into Li Meng's arms and hugged Li Meng's tiger waist tightly with both hands.

Li Meng sat on the throne, clinging to Isis's petite body.

"Why are you here at this time?"

Pouting and looking up at Li Meng, Isis was quite dissatisfied.

Li Meng knew that Isis had called him very early, and he did not respond in time.

Although he was apologetic, Li Meng didn't say much, lowered his head and kissed Isis's rosy lips.

Under such an offensive, Isis had no grievances, so he could only lightly hum and clasp Li Meng's neck.

After a while, Li Meng let go of the panting Isis.

Seeing the flushed face of Isis in his arms and feeling the amazing softness of Isis's body, Li Meng did not take the next step, but quietly hugged Isis, and the two of them were so nestled on the throne.

After a while, Isis in Li Meng's arms said quietly: "In the past half month, I am very worried. If you don't show up again, I have the idea of ​​going to Austria to find you."

With a slight smile, looking at the beautiful face of Isis in his arms, Li Meng teased: "Isn't this very good? This is a good talk among humans."

Isis gave Li Meng a blank look at Li Meng's words, and said angrily: "I'm serious."

"I know."

Li Meng did not doubt this.

Looking up at Li Meng, Isis whispered softly: "You don't want to know why I am looking for you?"

Shaking his head, Li Meng chuckled lightly: "Of course I want to know, but I will come no matter what happens, even if it's just to get together with me, I will come over in the shortest time."

It stands to reason that Isis should be happy, but Isis has no happy expression on his face.

She just looked at Li Meng faintly, and said intriguingly: "Are you such sweet words to all women?"

Is this a taste?

Listening to the sourness in Isis's mouth, Li Meng laughed dumbfounded.

"No, it is not easy for me to say these things."

This is true. Although there are many women around Li Meng, most of them are his own family members. To them, Li Meng doesn't need sweet words, and when he is mindful, spiritual integration is the closest connection between the two parties.

Although his face was calm, Isis was still very happy in his heart.

She put away the girl's heart, and the expression on her face became serious.

Speaking slightly, Isis whispered: "More than a month ago, a major event happened on the southern continent. This incident changed the disputes among the Demon Race, and the consciousness was unified. The Demon Lords It has been decided to expel the demons as the highest priority."

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