Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1605: Shred her dignity


This news surprised Li Meng. The controversy will not disappear for no reason. Something must have happened in the demons.

Li Meng asked curiously: "What happened?"

Isis replied: "A month ago, the Demon King raided Beth's territory, destroyed the incubation factory of the worms, and took away the zero module."

"Zero module? What is this?"

An unfamiliar vocabulary made Li Meng not understand the function of this thing.

However, since it was taken away by the devil, it must have extraordinary abilities.

Isis explained: “This is a kind of energy storage device, the energy source for the work of the worms and bacteria. It was snatched from the Kraken clan when we left the home planet. It is said to be a kind of demon engine device. The subspace absorbs free energy and stores a huge amount of energy."

Energy storage device?

This reminded Li Meng that on Leo Island, the huge demon threw a fiery red crystal into the sky burning round mirror. Could it be that the demon used the huge energy in the zero-point module to open the subspace crack?

The next words of Isis clarified Li Meng very well.

"After the successful raid, the Demon King took the Zero Point Module to a small island in the west of Eurasia. With the help of the energy in the Zero Point Module, the demon once again opened the subspace crack. This behavior of the Demon King caused a lot of pressure on the Demon Lords. In the demons, there are not many zero modules. Except for a few lords who have multiple zero modules, most lords have only one. If the demon can use the ability of the zero module to open the subspace cracks, then in the future, the magic Sooner or later, the clan will be targeted by the devil, which makes us have to guard."

It seems that the life of the Mozu is not easy.

That demon of the Demon King level can successfully raid the first time, there will be a second time.

If the energy in the zero-point module can really allow the demons to easily open the subspace cracks, as Isis said, the demons will be targeted by the demons sooner or later.

Isis continued: "Although the opinions are unified, how to do it is still under discussion. Demons are not ordinary enemies. They are very powerful. Demons do not have the upper hand in fighting against them. Although the lords know that the threat of demons is the greatest, No one wants to consume power on the devil."

Li Meng thoughtfully said: "They still want to unify humanity?"

If it were Li Meng, Li Meng would never do it. The threat of the devil is not eliminated at the moment. If he still adheres to the outdated concept, in the end, he will only get nothing.

"Yes, whether it is Amon or Ra, they will not give up the idea of ​​unifying humanity. Our race has great disadvantages. If we want to survive and multiply, we can only rule over other races."

Through the contact with Isis, Li Meng has already gained some understanding of the demons.

Demons are parasitic life forms. Although they can create bodies, such as guards, they have major drawbacks. One is that their lifespan is too short, and the other is that their growth cycle is too long to make them on a large scale.

Although the Demon's aircraft does not have this drawback, it consumes a huge amount of energy. The combination of machinery and biology also makes the internal structure of the Demon's weapon very complicated. While consuming more energy, the manufacturing process will be quite slow.

Is the manufacturing speed of a "sentinel" in fifteen days fast? Not very fast, two in a month, and only 24 in a year. Even if there are multiple incubation factories, this speed will not increase much.

The Mozu has so many flying weapons that have been accumulated over the past century. If humans are given the same time and technology, the scale of production will surely surpass the Mozu dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

It can be said that the production system of the Mozu is not advanced and there are big drawbacks.

It is not without reason why the demons would lose in the battle with the Krakens.

With a thoughtful expression on his face, Li Meng said in deep thought: "I think...the demons and humans should have a good talk."

Have a good talk?

Isis is not so optimistic.

She shook her head and said: "They won't talk to humans, especially you, Li Meng, don't forget, you destroyed their bodies. Although we are not a race that holds grudges, the enemy is the enemy, regardless of For any reason, it is impossible to change the identity of the enemy."

In other words, can't the peace talks?

It seems that destroying their bodies last time was not entirely a good thing.

The expression fell into contemplation, and for a while, Li Meng gave up his plan to negotiate with other lords of the Demon Race.

Looking at Isis in his arms, Li Meng said, "Leave the Southern Continent, and break away from the relationship with other lords, and come to me. The Southern Continent is a small place after all. The First Legion is sitting on Austria. More resources can be used, and I will change you so that you can integrate into human society more easily. Now, I also need your strength."

Leave the demons?

At Li Meng's request, Isis was taken aback and hesitated.

Once she chooses to leave, this is a big move, and everything she has in the southern continent will be abandoned.

This is a big deal, and she can't help but hesitate.

After a while, Isis seemed to have made a decision and said: "I have a request."

With a slight smile, Li Meng said softly: "Let's talk."

Li Meng knew that it was difficult for Isis to leave the demons.

Whether Isis answered or not, it was within the acceptable range of Li Meng.

Let alone a request, Li Meng can agree to any request.

Looking up at the top of the hall, Isis said calmly: "Harto must be with me. She betrayed me. I won't let her go so easily. You have to help me."

"How to help?"

Li Meng asked puzzledly.

Although Li Meng knew a little about the grievances between the two women, he didn't know much about it. Although he could feel Isis's anger, he didn't have much empathy.

With a cold expression, Isis said indifferently: "Tear her dignity, torture her heart, make her pay for everything she has done, make her desperate, make her inseparable from me and you."

Seeing the cold expression of Isis in his arms, Li Meng felt Isis's resentment and hatred.

It seems that Harto's betrayal has caused a lot of harm to her.

For some reason, Li Meng suddenly had a bad feeling.

He cautiously asked Isis: "What do you want me to do?"

When I reached Li Meng's ear, Isis muttered, not knowing what he said.

And Li Meng's expression was also very strange, staring blankly at Isis after a while.

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