Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1621: Age of god

Seeing the huge black-robed figure that suddenly appeared in the sky, the defenders on the city wall became silent. They looked at the figure in awe and reverence, fearing to make a little noise.


At this moment, a loud roar suddenly sounded in the distant forest.

The loudness of the voice swept across towards Star City.

In this roar, the crimson torrent that had charged in the distance stopped abruptly, and the wing demon, who was approaching in the sky, also stopped, and a crimson figure was suspended in the sky.

From the forest in the distance, a huge red figure suddenly soared into the sky, like a falling meteorite, across the sky, and fell into the ground outside the city wall with a "boom".

I saw a splash of mud and rocks, and under its feet, the ground cracked and sunken for a few meters.


It opened its big hideous mouth, let out an angry roar at the black robe that lined the city wall, and waved its large flame sword in its hand.

There was a flash of fire, and a huge pillar of flame swept toward the tall city wall.

The wind was disturbing everywhere, and the air was distorting, and the scorching heat could already be felt before it approached.

In the horrified gaze of the guard on the city wall, the black-robed death **** in the sky stretched out his left hand, and the palm of the bones opened.

A little black light appeared, suddenly expanded, and turned into a huge black beam of light roaring towards the incoming flame beam. The dazzling light almost made the whole world dark.

Wherever it went, the arc flickered and thunder rolled.

In the distant sky, the black beam of light collided with the flame beam.


At the moment of contact, a wave of air surging fiercely, amidst the earth-shaking explosion, a dazzling ball of light nearly 1000 meters high appeared in the sky, and the light emitted at that moment almost pierced people's eyeball.

The sphere of light burst, swept around with circles of air, and a huge cloud of mushrooms slowly rose up.

The air waves visible to the naked eye rolled in and hit the tall city wall.

For a while, the outside of the city was dusty, and the surrounding space became hot.

At the moment of the impact, the city walls were shaking, and the defenders on the city turned over.

When everything subsided, the mushroom cloud in the sky slowly dissipated. About two kilometers away from the city, a large pit with a diameter of one thousand meters appeared, and the center of the large pit was dozens of meters deep.

Looking at the huge pit outside the city blankly, the defenders on the wall showed an incredible look.

Is this the power of God?

After a little consternation, the defenders on the city wall burst into cheers.

Too strong, this is the power of God, if they can win, they will definitely win.

After this blow, the Demon King standing on the scorched earth did not continue to attack.

Only the golden pupils stared at the huge black robe that was empty on the wall. It knew that once its power was limited, the tall wall would be a natural danger that was difficult to overcome.

In the end they may win, but they will pay a great price.

Taking a deep look at the black robe on the city wall again, the huge red body of the Demon King turned and left, walking away step by step.

As it turned, the crimson torrent that had hit the city wall also retracted back into the forest, and the winged demon in the sky turned and flew in the direction they had come, and soon disappeared.

After a while, the demon on the scorched earth retreated to the forest, while the wing demon in the sky had long since disappeared.

On the wall, in the cheers of the soldiers, in countless admiration and admiration gazes, the huge black robe in the sky slowly dissipated, turning into little black gloom, disappearing without a trace.

After the black-robed death **** left, the sky that was billowing dark clouds cleared instantly, and the dark clouds dissipated. The sky was changing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, the golden sunlight passed down and Star City returned to light.

Today, it is destined to be an extraordinary day for the Order Empire.

In the eyes of everyone, the true **** has descended, and the true **** descended on the human world.

From this moment on, mankind officially entered the age of gods.

In the future history of mankind, God will definitely leave an indelible record.

"Okay, okay, okay, Sharina, you did a good job. Grim Reaper responded to us. There is no worries about Star City, and the whole sect empire. The whole mankind will remember this day. The **** of death is the only main **** of our order empire, the only **** whom I believe in and believe in."

In the main hall of the church, Sarah, who was the master, said three good words in a row.

The scenes just now, so far, Sharis has not recovered from the excitement.

He knew in his heart what the coming of Death meant to the entire Order Empire.

It means that "God" is no longer a vague existence, no longer a fictitious existence, but only exists in the human spirit. It is a real existence, it listens to human aspirations, and responds to human prayers.

"My Excellency Pope, it is not the time to be happy. Although the demons have temporarily retreated, there is no guarantee that they will not come back. Moreover, even if the demons give up attacking the Order Empire, they will quickly sweep the Middle East. Sooner or later. We will face them again."

In the hall, Sharina's soft whisper sounded.

Looking at Sarah in the high position with a calm expression, Sharina didn't feel too excited in her heart.

The arrival of Lord Grim Reaper is indeed a pleasant thing, but the devil is not an existence that can be underestimated.

As long as the devil still exists for one day, it is not the time to let go of vigilance.

Salina’s caution can be understood. He smiled faintly and said: “Our task is to hold the devil’s main force and buy more time for the entire mankind. Under the call of the First Army, human consciousness is truly It was unified and the Earth Joint Council was established. Today, the First Army has taken over military command from all countries. In March, millions, or even tens of millions of troops will arrive on this battlefield. Time is the time when humans and demons finally fight. At this time, we only need to firmly hold on to our own territory. As for the Middle East, we don’t need to care. In addition to the seven allies, there are demon races in the Middle East. The demons want to destroy the demon races. This is not an easy task. It takes time and enough time. Before the subhumans are destroyed, humans will be prepared for the final battle with the demons."

The first legion?

Sha Lina had also heard of this force, but she did not expect that in just two years, the First Legion would have the ability to unify the entire human race.

If it is as the Pope said, for today's human beings, unity is more beneficial than harm, at least in the face of foreign enemies, humans can be twisted into a rope.

This makes Sharina feel a little bit, the human situation has changed so quickly in recent years.

The disappearance of the apostles, the emergence of the demons, and then the demons, the demons appeared, but the true **** who protected humanity also appeared. Even now, Sharina has not recovered from her new knowledge.

The faith in her heart has not been shaken, especially today, she has committed her life to God.

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