Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1622: Panic Sharina

Lord Grim Reaper...

The night was dark. Last night, many people were saddened by today's battle, panic all day long, but tonight, Star City was full of laughter.

The true God has come, and the Lord of Death has come, this is a thing worth celebrating.

No matter what the scene was like yesterday, no matter how many people of the empire were slaughtered by demons in the past few months, tonight, everything is worth forgetting, because this is the night of celebrating the gods.

The hall was empty and silent, forming a clear contrast with the brightly lit lively scene outside.

"Master Saint, it's so lively outside, don't you go and see? With the participation of Master Saint, believers will be happy too.

Under the service of the nuns, a white robe was taken off from her graceful body, and the delicate body in a light veil underwear was exposed to the air.

"I'm tired……"

She softened her forehead, sat on the edge of the bed, and waved to the nuns beside her.

The nuns bowed their heads slightly and walked back lightly.

When the figures in the hall were gone, the hall was completely calm.

Only the graceful figure beside the bed frowned secretly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What are you thinking?"

Suddenly, a voice from nowhere reverberated in the hall.

It was as close as it was in the ear.

This made the pensive Shalina slightly startled, and looked up at the surroundings.

At this look, I saw a figure lying sideways on the bed.

This caused Sha Lina's face to change slightly, and she quickly got up and ran out.

"Come here, come here, there are assassins..."

She cried as she ran.

But it was useless. Although the voice came out, Sharina also saw some figures outside the door, but the nun outside the door didn't seem to hear her voice, and there was no movement.

Seeing Sha Lina's graceful posture when she was running, Li Meng smiled slightly and waved her hand slightly. Sha Lina, who was running out, flew up, turned into a phantom and returned to the bed, her slim body collapsed. Li Meng's arms.

"Let go, let me go..."

Sharina looked pale and looked at the man who suddenly appeared next to her with angry eyes.

She sternly said: "I am the saint of the Order Empire, if you dare to move me, the Order Empire will not let you go, the **** of death... Oh... you... what are you doing?"

The delicate body was touched by that evil hand, so hot, that touch made Sharina shy and unbearable, her face showed a look of fear, and she became extremely pale.

She couldn't move, her whole body seemed to have lost strength, and she couldn't lift a trace of strength.

Li Meng was quite bored in the face of her frightened and pale face, stroking it on Sharina's delicate body.

Death is coming, which means that he must focus on the body of the Order Empire.

Li Meng heard the call from Sharina, and he also obeyed those calls, allowing the spirit body to cross tens of thousands of miles and reach the sky above Star City instantly.

In order to manifest his divinity, Li Meng only made a little contrived action.

The miracle, of course, must be a little bit like, and this style must be enough to bluff people.

In fact, before he appeared, Li Meng had already come to the sky above Star City, just in the void.

After arriving in Star City, Li Meng first set a dark sky, and then pretended to be the true god.

The effect is still very obvious, and the power of faith that gushes out of the void is suddenly abundant.

Without continuing to tease Sha Lina, she retracted the hand stroking on that delicate body, looking at Sha Lina who was desperate due to fear, Li Meng smiled and said, "You should know who I am."

She knows?

Seeing that the evil hand on her body was finally gone, Sharina breathed a sigh of relief.

The words of the person in the ear made Sharina frowned slightly, and she looked at the face of the person beside her.

"It's you... Your Excellency Li Meng?"

Sha Lina finally recognized him for the black-clothed boy beside him.

As the saint of the sect empire, there are some things that Shalina has never encountered. For Li Meng, who is hailed as the number one powerhouse by mankind, Shalina naturally knows.

Thinking of this, Sharina pretended to be calm, and said with a gloomy face: "Your Excellency Li Meng, what do you mean by breaking into my room late at night? Although the First Legion is closely related to the cult empire because of death, Li If your Excellency Meng did this, wouldn’t he be afraid of damaging the relationship between the two parties?"

Hmm... she is a smart woman, at least she knows the situation clearly.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said: "I said Sharina, you didn't say that during the day. You said everything about you will belong to me. Your body, your mind and body, even your soul, will all belong to me. Since it belongs to me, there is nothing wrong with me appearing here, right? Or..."

Speaking of this, Li Meng stretched out his left hand again and stroked it on Sharina's delicate body. The smile on her face disappeared, and his expression was cold and indifferent: "Are you going to fool me, fool "God"? Or to say that your so-called beliefs are all false..."

Li Meng's words gradually made Sharina's look gradually startled, and she looked at the person next to her with a look of astonishment.

Could it be that he is...

Impossible, absolutely impossible, he is a human, how could he be a **** of death.

"Are you Grim Reaper?"

Looking at Li Meng with a complicated expression, Sharina said in disbelief.

"What do you mean?"

Li Meng looked at Sha Lina, his eyes were very flat.


Sharina was a little confused.

If he is not a **** of death, how did he enter here silently.

If he is Li Meng, who is the one in Kyoto at this time?

Shalina knew, now that His Excellency Li Meng was busy integrating mankind in Kyoto, how could it be here.

Shalina thought so, and said in a puzzled way: "If you are really Lord Grim Reaper, why use Lord Li Meng's appearance?"

The coldness and indifference on his face disappeared instantly, Li Meng smiled faintly, and said: "It was originally my body, how can I use it?"

These words made Shalina startled slightly, her face in a daze.

If this is the case, then the First Army, Lord Li Meng...

The amount of information is also huge. In other words, has Lord Grim Reaper always been among humans?

I don't know when, the restraint on her body disappeared, this time, Sha Lina did not expect to escape.

If the person next to her is really the Lord of Death, she doesn't need to run, nor can she escape.

"Don't run away?"

Looking at Sha Lina next to him, Li Meng smiled lightly.

Sha Lina shook her head. She rolled over and knelt on the bed with her knees high. She bowed her head and said: "My lord Death, I don’t know if you have come in person, and I also ask Lord Death to atone for your sins. We believe in you, this one The heart is pious. I am the saint of the sect empire. It is my duty and duty to serve you, and it is what I expect in my heart."

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