Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1652: Turned out to be father and daughter

The ecclesiastical empire is a state system, composed of multiple countries. The regional government is each country, and the highest government is a religious group headed by the cardinal.

In the ecclesiastical empire, although regional power is divided, the power of the center is very concentrated, a highly centralized government led by the seven bishops and the pope.

Li Meng didn't like the lively scene, and left after showing up.

"Are you going?"

On a balcony away from the banquet hall, Li Meng looked at Wang Yanmei beside him in surprise.

Nodded lightly, Wang Yanmei said softly: "Under the organization of the First Legion, many martial artists have arrived in the cult Empire. They are in the frontline Star City. They need a person to lead. This person can only be me. ."

It turned out to be like this...

With his right hand stretched out, Li Meng took Wang Yanmei's waist and hugged her into his arms.

Wang Yanmei looked around nervously at Meng'er's intimate behavior, and she was relieved to see that there was no one around.

In Wang Yanmei's ear, Li Meng whispered: "Mei'er, I don't worry about leaving you alone."

Meng'er was worried about her, and Wang Yanmei naturally felt it.

She raised her head, looked at Meng'er's ordinary face with beautiful eyes, and said softly: "Meng'er, I am not a weak person. By your side, I can't do anything. Since I'm here, let me Use your abilities."

Seeing the beautiful and moving Wang Yanmei in his arms, Li Meng hesitated, and the hand on the waist slid down unconsciously and placed it on Wang Yanmei's round buttocks.

This made Wang Yanmei's face reddened, and she gave Li Meng an angry look.

But she didn't struggle, but her face was a little ruddy, and she secretly looked around.

Feeling the softness in his hands, Li Meng sighed slightly and could only compromise.

He knew that once Wang Yanmei decided, it would be difficult to change.

"Well, but..."

Leaning to Wang Yanmei's ear, Li Meng said something quietly.

Wang Yanmei's expression turned red, and Li Meng gave Li Meng an angry look, but in the end she nodded hesitantly.

Seeing Wang Yanmei's consent, Li Meng smiled slightly, with force in his hands, and rubbed the soft body into his arms even more forcefully in Wang Yanmei's tender voice.

Not too much, until late at night, Li Meng reluctantly parted with Wang Yanmei, and went back to the room.

Although Meier accepted him, she still refused to take the last step, which made Li Meng very helpless.

Li Meng still respects Wang Yanmei. Perhaps it is the age difference that makes Li Meng somewhat restrained in front of Wang Yanmei. He dare not go too far, and naturally will not force her.

Obviously a great beauty is right by her side, she can see and touch, but she can't eat.

On the soft big bed, Li Meng tossed over and over again, still unable to sleep, he was insomnia.

This person, once he has something to look forward to, his mind can't help but think about it. Li Meng is probably in this state now.


He patted his cheek, Li Meng smiled helplessly, when his willpower was so weak, he would be thinking about such a thing, and his heart could not calm down.

"Forget it..."

With a slight sigh, Li Meng's appointment got up, put on the black clothes, and left the room.

Walking in the corridors of the church, everything is quiet, occasionally I can see some passing nuns.

It was late at night, but to the nun on duty, tonight is a sleepless color.

Where to go, Li Meng has no purpose, as long as he wants to take a walk outside.

He is no stranger to this church.

When in "Ayre", his spirit body was in the Order Empire, beside Sharina.


In the corridor, Li Meng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, turned and walked to the other side.

It was late at night, and everything became quiet. After avoiding the nun on duty, Li Meng quietly came to the door of the familiar room and gently opened the door.

The sound was very small and did not disturb the people in the room.

Turning to close the door, Li Meng walked towards the bedroom lightly.

In the bedroom, Li Meng saw Sharina on the bed.

She was dressed in a white veil pajamas, covered with a flimsy blanket, and the curves of her delicate body were visible.

At the bedside, Li Meng sat down and looked down at Sharina who was already asleep.

She slept very deeply, and his arrival did not wake her up.

After a while, Li Meng got up and took off his clothes quickly, got into the blanket, and took the soft body into his arms.


With an exclamation, Sharina woke up.

She felt the hot hand on her waist and the warm embrace behind her.

When she turned around angrily, she saw a face that looked like a smile.

Very familiar and unfamiliar, this made Shalina startled slightly.

Speaking slightly, Sha Lina said suspiciously: "Are you Lord Grim Reaper or Lord Li Meng?"

Without answering Sha Lina’s clear question, Li Meng lowered his head and kissed the red lips in Sha Lina’s horrified gaze. , Completely fallen.

At first, Sha Lina was panicked, her two small hands gently pushed Li Meng's chest, but after a while she lost her strength and let Li Meng play with her, her face turned ruddy.

After a long time, Li Meng let Sharina off and left from the red lips.

Between the corners of their mouths, a silver silk thread was connected, which made Shalina turn her head too shyly.

With a slight smile, looking at Sha Lina, Li Meng said, "Now you know who I am."

To Li Meng’s words, Sha Lina showed a complex expression, and said softly: “It’s Lord Li Meng and Lord Death, but now I am next to Lord Li Meng. There is a breath in Lord Li Meng. It is the breath of human beings, which cannot be felt in Lord Grim Reaper."

"You are not afraid that I am not it?"

With a grieving look at Li Meng, Sha Lina said in an angry tone: "If you are not Lord Death, how can you find this? Lord Li Meng has never been here."


With a slight smile, Li Meng turned over and pressed Sha Lina under his body, and bowed his head to kiss Sha Lina's red lips again.

"do not……"

With a soft cry, Sharina looked at Li Meng who had stopped with a complex expression, and said softly: "I am the saint of the sect empire. I have vowed to serve the Lord Death for life. I must remain pure. Otherwise, I will If I was regarded as betrayal, I would be sent to the torture. Even my father, the Pope, "Saalis" could not save me.

Shalish and Sharina, it turns out that the two are in a father-daughter relationship.

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