Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1653: Before the war

Li Meng smiled slightly at what Sha Lina said, lowered his head, and kissed between the snow-white neck, and his hands were up and down to untie Sha Lina's body.

Sha Lina was unable to resist Li Meng's actions, she wanted to push Li Meng away but did not dare.

Li Meng could only lose the last layer of defense in the hesitation.

Slightly got up and looked at the complex expression on her face with a hint of shyness on her face. She was at a loss. Li Meng just smiled and said, "Don't forget, I am the **** of death."

With that said, Li Meng's whole body pressed up...

With a slight frown, Sha Lina looked at Li Meng with a complex expression, accepting everything helplessly and appointed.

Accept that the man in your eyes runs on her.

It was late at night, only the Ruowu gasps in the dim bedroom telling the difference tonight.

After a few hours, everything subsided.

Under the soft blanket, Sha Lina lay lazily in Li Meng's arms, her white thighs slightly exposed outside the blanket, adding a temptation to the delicate body under the blanket.

Her eyes were wide open, her expression stunned, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"What are you thinking?"

Li Meng, with his upper body bare, reached out and stroked Sharina's beautiful face, softly speaking.

Li Meng is no stranger to Sharina's body. In the past two months, she has been holding her to bed almost every night.

But tonight, Li Meng really owns her body and understands her body thoroughly.

Speaking slightly, Shalina's expression was a little dazed, and she said softly: "I don't know, I have thought a lot, but I don't have any ideas."

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "Well, it's just crazy thinking, go to sleep, stop thinking."

Looking up, Sharina looked at Li Meng's ordinary face with beautiful eyes, and said with anxiety: "My lord... if my father... the Pope discovers that I have lost my body, I..."

Speaking of this, tears appeared in Sharina's eyes, and she was about to flow out, with a pitiful appearance.

Sha Lina's helpless appearance made Li Meng feel a little bit emotional.

It seems that in the eyes of Sharina, her father has high prestige and is very afraid.

Bowing her head, Li Meng kissed her red lips in the stunned gaze of Salina. After a deep kiss, she kissed away the worries in her heart. Li Meng let go until the worries on her face disappeared and became rosy Sharina with a shy face.

Looking at Sharina’s beautiful face, Li Meng chuckled lightly: “Don’t worry, if necessary, I will let him know that his daughter is so beautiful, even the “god” wants to kiss Fangze.”

Sharina lowered her head shyly to Li Meng's words, her face flushed, and the gloom in her eyes finally disappeared.

"grown ups……"

Seeing that the adult was speechless for a long time, Sharina looked up, only to find that the adult was looking straight at her chest.

I don't know when, the blanket slipped gently, revealing the snow white on his chest.

Sharina shyly pulled up the blanket and concealed the scenery.

But the next moment she discovered that it was useless for her to do so.

Because the hand under the blanket climbed up and occupied her...

Looking at the adult with flushing face, Sha Lina gritted her teeth with a flattery.

It wasn't until late at night that Li Meng let Sha Lina go. In order not to affect Sha Lina's reputation, Li Meng quietly returned to his room before dawn.

Hanging out with Sharina all night, the crazy thoughts in my mind finally calmed down

Early the next morning, Li Meng said farewell to Salix.

In front of the tarmac on the welcoming platform, Sharis took a group of cardinals to see off.

"Your Excellency Li Meng, I wish you a smooth journey, and may the **** of death protect you so that this disaster can be eliminated. We are waiting for your good news."

Nodding lightly, Li Meng's gaze swept across Sharina's body. In Sharina's soft gaze, Li Meng said to Shalish: "I hope it goes well, then, I'll leave."

With that, Li Meng said to Wang Yanmei beside him: "Let's go."

The two turned around and boarded the Century Transport Plane in the eyes of the people of Sarris.

Amidst the roar of the engine, the huge Century Transport Aircraft slowly rose up, gradually disappearing in everyone's eyes.

The city of Santa de la is a harbour city, built at the estuary of the Saint Ni River.

It is precisely because of this that this city is very peculiar. The city is separated by the Saint Ni River and divided into two, and the Saint Gate Bridge connects the city together.

Although the port of Santander City is large, it cannot accommodate a huge fleet. Most of the warships stay in the river area. This allows huge warships to be seen everywhere on the river under the Santo Gate Bridge.

Taking the century transport plane, Li Meng and Wang Yanmei returned to the fleet.

When the Century Transport plane landed on the Dreadnought-class battleship as the flagship, it was time for Li Meng and Wang Yanmei to part with each other.

Without saying much, in the cabin, Li Meng smiled slightly and hugged Wang Yanmei's soft body.

In her ear, Li Meng whispered: "Meier, I really hope that the war will end soon."

In Wang Yanmei's slightly shy expression, Li Meng let go of Wang Yanmei and left the Century Transport Aircraft with a smile.

In Li Meng's eyes, the cabin door of the Century Transport Aircraft was slowly closed, and the graceful figure disappeared.

As the rumbling engine roar sounded, the huge Century transport plane slowly rose up, flew into the sky in Li Meng's eyes, and disappeared to the edge of the sky.

The Dreadnought-class battleship is still very large. There is an apron on the rear deck. Although it is not used to land the Century transport aircraft, it is not a problem for pilots with superb skills.

Wang Yanmei left, taking away Li Meng's cranky thoughts.

Combined fleet, flagship, "Counterstrike" Dreadnought-class battleship, in the combat command room.

"The commander enters the combat command room..."

With a loud cry, Li Meng entered the combat command room surrounded by a group of officers.

Following Li Meng’s side was not the fleet commander of each fleet, but the captain "Masyev" and his lieutenants. Although Masyev belongs to the Twelfth Fleet, his ship is now It is the command center of the entire combined fleet.

Striding to the command platform, the blue light flickered, and the originally dim command platform lit up.

"Commander, the fleets have been assembled and they are docked in the three port cities along the coast. Since the transportation of army troops is still in progress, the Navy Command has not issued relevant orders to the fleet. The commanders of the fleets have been notified. The frontline command is assumed by the commander, and everything obeys the commander's orders."

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