Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1674: three things

"how come……"

Qiangwei's face was surprised, and she couldn't believe it.

"How can they withdraw the army at this time? Isn't this a joke about the survival of the entire human race?"

Yeah, let alone Qiangwei can't believe it, Wang Yanmei also can't figure it out.

Right now the battle between humans and demons is fierce. Although it has the upper hand, it is still far from victory.

At this time, human nations withdrew their troops, and the sacrifices made in the past were wasted...

With a solemn expression, Wang Yanmei said calmly, looking at the distant earth: "This is human beings. No matter when, internal fighting will not stop, but will only continue endlessly..."

Caspian Sea, Drusar City, Port.

The sea is calm, and in the sea outside the port, a large shadow of the ship stands standing on the sea.

At a glance, there are many bridges, boundless.

In the flagship of the "Counterstrike" battleship, Masyev brought bad news to Li Meng.

"Commander, there is news from the Navy Headquarters. These days, some troops in the coalition did not listen to their dispatch and withdrew privately. A similar situation occurred in the joint fleet. As for the army, 616 armored divisions have already withdrawn from the front line. Of the four fleets, 235 warships have already left their respective fleets. According to reliable sources, the evacuated troops have returned to the northern coastline of the Order Empire, and countries are preparing ships to withdraw their troops..."

Speaking of this, in the helmet, Masyev's expression was low, and he said coldly: "Commander, it is a capital crime to evacuate the battlefield privately. What should we do."

With a wave of his hand, Li Meng said calmly: "You can't kill. Allied forces come from all countries. They obey the call of their home country. This is also their duty as soldiers. Even if an officer is killed, the soldiers below will not Will follow us, let them go."

"But... if the nearly ten million troops are withdrawn, we will not be able to maintain the situation on the battlefield in the Middle East."

This is a question. After a little thought, Li Meng asked: "Which countries have not left? How many troops do we have on the Middle East battlefield?"

Masyev said: "The only country that has not evacuated is China, and there is also the ecclesiastical empire. The army has only about seven million."

More than seven million?

In his heart, Li Meng sighed slightly.

The withdrawal of the coalition took away not only soldiers, but also equipment.

Li Meng knew that even at this time, he asked the countries for the equipment provided by the First Army, the nations of mankind would only fall back.

If they are strong, they will resist, and Li Meng knows this.

The only thing that Li Meng is fortunate about is that fortunately, the First Army has left some family assets.

When the coalition was formed, the proportion of armored units in each armored division was not very high, and Li Meng did not allocate all the tanks and armored vehicles to the army.

In Nanlin Island, the inventory of tanks and armored vehicles is still ideal, enough to form an army of several million.

Thinking of this, Li Meng said to Masyev: "Keep the united fleet as it is and don’t do unnecessary things. Since they are thinking about fighting for power and profit, then fulfill them and let them fight. We just need to do our own thing. , Notify the Naval Command to hold a meeting and I will be there immediately."

"Yes, commander."

With the conclusion of a conference in Kyoto, the entire human world has developed strangely in an unknown direction.

At a time when the front-line war was fierce, the fragile unity of mankind finally collapsed.

In the eyes of ordinary people, human beings are still united as one, and they are enjoying the era of the strongest unity of mankind.

But they did not know that within a year, the rare unity of mankind had quietly collapsed.

All this is still a secret, but soon, one day, people will know the truth.

Nanhai, Nanlin Island, Qingcheng, Crystal Palace, Navy Command.

With the emergence of a beam of light in the void, the officers gathered in an office waited for the commander's arrival.

When the beam of light disappeared and retracted into the void, Li Meng's figure appeared in the main position.

Head up, chest tall, holding a military salute, everyone said in unison: "Commander."

Li Meng waved his hand lightly as a response.

Putting down the raised hand, looking around the officers at the square table, Li Meng said, "You should know the most about what happened these days. That's right, now mankind is no longer united, the coalition forces on the front line have fallen apart, and the nations of mankind have withdrawn. Now, we can’t withdraw. We still have China and the Order Empire. After this incident, I won’t hesitate anymore. Now, we have three things to do.”

Upon hearing this, the officers looked slightly straight and looked at Li Meng tightly.

The words were paused, and facing the gaze of the officers, Li Meng calmly said: "One, immediately withdraw all personnel from various countries and stop all assistance matters. The electromagnetic railguns in various places, except for China, the Cult Empire, and the empire, will be immediately demolished on the spot. , If countries prevent it, immediately initiate self-destruction procedures. Second, immediately recruit troops in Austria and Bentley. Within half a year, a five million army must be formed to go to the frontline Middle East battlefield, and the war in the Middle East will stop temporarily. The army retreats back to the border of the sect empire and focuses on defense. Third, the war against the demons and the war against the demons. These are the two wars we will experience. Once we win, we will have an ultimate goal. It is to unify the earth. You must be psychologically prepared and fight for this goal."

Standing up, raising their heads and chests, holding the military salute, the officers looked at Li Meng with fiery eyes and said loudly: "Yes!"

With a wave of his hand, Li Meng said, "Disband."

The voice fell, and a white beam of light emerged from the void. In the eyes of the officers, Li Meng disappeared without a trace with the beam of light that had retracted into the void.

Yes, today's First Army already has the clearest goal, which is to unify the earth.

In the past, although the First Army has been expanding its territory, it did not have a goal worth fighting for.

But now, the ultimate goal has emerged. In the future, the First Army will strive for this goal.

For the officers of the First Army, this is also of great significance.

Because they are in a great era, when the earth is unified, they undoubtedly created an era, a new era with their own hands.

The future of the new era will be witnessed by their own eyes. On the earth, the greatest nation of mankind will be born.

As soldiers, this is their most lofty glory, and it is worth fighting for a lifetime.

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