Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1675: How dare they do this

Religious Empire, Saint Della City, Papal Hall.

"This is betrayal, naked betrayal, a group of profit-taking villains, how dare they do this, how dare they gamble on the fate of the entire mankind?"

In the huge papal hall, the angry roar of Sarah echoed.

The cardinals looked at each other as they looked at the angry Sharis on the main seat.

One person said: "There may be any misunderstandings in this, let's take a look first, Xianza still don't jump to conclusions..."

On the front line of the battlefield in the Middle East, the disintegration of the coalition forces happened under the nose. How could it be fake?

With a cold smile, Sharis said angrily: "There is nothing to wait. Their faces are already clear. The army on the northern coastline is evacuating. What kind of idea they are fighting is really when others don’t know it. Fool?"

When the demon's offensive was unstoppable, the humans became scared and terrified, so they put aside their contradictions and united rationally under the call of the First Army.

After a year of fighting, when it was discovered that the devil was not invincible, the fragile unity finally collapsed...

Just thinking about some things can make people think of the factors, and the internal struggles of human beings can never be eliminated.

"Now think about how to win the war with the devil. The coalition forces are falling apart, and a large number of troops from various countries have withdrawn. At the moment, only us, China, and the army of the First Corps remain on the front line. The strength of the army has been greatly weakened. A legion is also shrinking the line of defense. The army has withdrawn to the southern border of the cult Empire. The next battle..."

"There is no movement from the First Army these days. Let the coalition forces of all countries leave. I don't know what the First Army thinks."

"What else can I think of, the countries are so aggressive, there are more than 20 countries, big and small, now there are only three of us, how can the First Army stop it? The war with the devil is not over, and the civil war of mankind must not break out. In this matter, the First Legion can only endure, and so do we."

Cardinals, you and I say, the expressions on your faces are not very good.

The cult empire is at the front line, and the collapse of the coalition forces, the cult empire bears the brunt and has the greatest impact.

At this time, Shalina in the deputy said: "What is the situation in Kyoto right now. We don't know yet. I heard that Her Excellency Wang Yanmei, who has been fighting on the front line, has returned to Kyoto. Maybe this matter has turned for the better, at least The countries have not completely peeled off their skins. Let's take a look first. If the countries insist on doing this, all we can do is to stand in line with the First Army."

To Sharina's words, the cardinals nodded in agreement.

This is the only thing now...

Since the coalition forces fell apart and the situation in Kyoto was tense, when the army evacuated to the border of the sect empire, Wang Yanmei finally could not sit still, and she hurried back to Kyoto.

As the chief consul of China, she is undoubtedly very important among the nations of mankind, perhaps there are some special planes.

China, Kyoto, the palace...

Amid the roar of the engine, the Pangda Century transport plane slowly landed from the sky.

Tyra had already received news of the teacher's return, and was waiting on the plaza on the tarmac.

As the door of the transport plane opened, two slender figures walked out from the door.

Teacher, Tyra is naturally familiar. When she saw the person next to the teacher, Tyra was taken aback, her face sinking.


Seeing Tyra who was approaching, Wang Yanmei didn't stop her footsteps, she said, "Needless to say, go in and talk."

Leaving aside, Tyra silently followed the teacher.

Tyra chose to ignore the rose beside her.

"Sister Tyra, you and I are not unfamiliar anymore, how can you look so fertile? When did your sister offend you? If there is something wrong with your sister, your sister must tell her clearly, and the sister will apologize."

How could Qiangwei, who is clever-minded, fail to see Tyra's indifferent attitude towards her, this made Qiangwei very surprised and puzzled.

She has been in friendship with Wang Yanmei for more than a hundred years, and she often travels to and from the court. It can be said that she grew up watching Tyra.

Although she rarely saw Tyra when she grew up, the relationship between the two would not be so blunt.

To Qiangwei's words, Tyra just gave a cold "hum" and glanced at her face.

The reaction to Tyra made Qiangwei more curious...

Listening to the words of the two behind her, Wang Yanmei, who was walking ahead, said calmly: "Tara, if you want to grab a man’s heart, the first thing to do is to have a good relationship with the woman next to him, and don’t let him feel like Pressure, he was still young, it was when he was impulsive. With his identity and status, there would never be only one woman. When you followed him, you should have this consciousness."


Tyra hesitated to say what the teacher said, but finally did not say it.

Listening to the words of the master and apprentice, Qiangwei became even more confused, what is this, is it...

Thinking of this, Qiangwei smiled and said: "I said Sister Tyra, but you have a man? I think about it... I haven't had a sister recently... Isn't it... No way."

A flash of light in his mind made Qiang Wei think of a person.

With a pursed smile, Qiangwei comforted Tyra: "Sister Tyra, don’t be angry. Those are just rumors. I just happened to meet Li Meng. In the last armored train incident, Li Meng was very helpful. It's not him. How many people will die? When I returned to Kyoto, I happened to meet him and walked with him for a while. Sister Tyra also knew that my sister's reputation is not very good, and being with me is most likely to cause others. Misunderstanding, those rumors, sister Tyra, don't bother, lest you damage your relationship with Li Meng."

The spread of rumors is very fast. In the past year, Qiangwei has not had close contact with any man. After a little thought, Qiangwei thought of Li Meng.

Although this was only her conjecture, when she talked about Li Meng, the change of expression on Tyra's face made Qiangwei confirm this.

This makes Qiangwei somewhat incredible.

When did Li Meng hook up with sister Tyra, the ages of the two are far apart.

Although Sister Tyra is in very good shape and exudes a mature atmosphere, it is not a small temptation for men.

But putting Li Meng and sister Tyra together was something Qiangwei had never thought of.

With a slight sigh in her mouth, Tyra said calmly: "Sister Qiangwei don't have to think too much. If Li Meng has this thought, sister Qiangwei doesn't have to worry about it. The teacher is right. Xiao Meng is still too young. I can’t put pressure on him. Everyone is young, so let Xiao Meng enjoy this youth time."

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