Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1686: Future plan

Hearing what the main brain said, Li Meng discovered that there was a huge square metal box behind the black warrior. It was very large and protruding from behind the black warrior. However, compared with the huge body of the black warrior, the metal box was just Slightly conspicuous, not very big.

"This set of equipment can greatly reduce logistics, only need to provide ammunition, and the capacitor needed by the skeleton warrior, and the nuclear fuel needed by the Tesla reactor behind the black warrior."

Looking at the mighty black warrior in the picture, Li Meng was very satisfied with this equipment.

The main brain is right. For the undead, advanced power equipment is not needed, because the undead’s own power is unlimited, with unlimited physical strength, and powerful strength. The older the equipment, the more effective it is, and it can also reduce logistics. pressure.

It can be said that with this set of equipment, the undead army that Li Meng has been waiting for can finally come to this world.

The full-covered armor makes it impossible for outsiders to notice that there is a skeleton under the armor. Even if the skeleton warrior is killed in battle and peels off the armor, all they can see is a pool of ashes. It can be said that this equipment makes The Undead Legion can walk in the human world.

Thinking of this, Li Meng said with satisfaction: "Very well, transfer the design drawing to Al. Now only Al’s industry has the ability to manufacture this set of equipment on a large scale. Don’t drop it, use the best titanium alloy.”

Although titanium alloy is a bit heavier than ordinary metals, it brings stronger protection, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

With the silence in his head, Li Meng took a deep breath.

Sitting on the soft sofa, Li Meng looked out the window.

Standing high and looking far away, the scenery outside the window is the sky and the dense forests of the earth. From this angle, you can't see the city.

After withdrawing from the front line, Li Meng already had a plan in mind what to do next.

Now he is undoubtedly smart, learning everything fast, it is time to invest in the research and development of abilities.


From the window, Li Meng withdrew his gaze and looked down at his hands.

With five fingers open, palms facing upwards, the black power of death poured out, and the **** of faith appeared, occupying both hands of Li Meng.

The power of death represents darkness, while the power of faith is light. Darkness and light present a balanced posture in Li Meng's hands.

Over the years, Li Meng has always been relatively casual with regard to his abilities, and he has not deliberately understood the meaning of his abilities.

But now, he must make some changes.

Although human beings are intelligent, the power of individuals is too fragile. Even if you step into the starry sky, you cannot achieve eternity with the power of technology alone.

Human beings need a kind of power, their own power.

Whether it is the power of faith that represents the light or the power of death that represents the darkness, humans can use it, and it is a good carrier.

This gave Li Meng an idea, how can humans learn to use the power of death and the power of light?

This is difficult, but it is not difficult.

Using the power of faith, there is a connection between Li Meng and his followers, and there is a network formed by the power of faith.

What Li Meng needs to do is to empower believers who agree with conditions through this network.

The power of darkness and light is not enough. It is also necessary to plunder power from the subspace to strengthen mankind.

This reminds Li Meng of the Zero Point Module...

The zero-point module is a device that connects subspaces. It can continuously draw power from the subspace. If humans can use the zero-point module, they can gain a powerful force.

How to use the zero-point module, Li Meng has no idea yet, which requires him to analyze the zero-point module in depth.

There are so many things to do...

He sighed slightly in his heart. In the next few years, Li Meng knew that he might not be free.

"One step counts one step..."

Li Meng, who was thinking so in his heart, stood up and walked out.

Only the spirit body is suitable for experiments and scientific research, because the research on the zero-point module is full of risks, and the spirit body can avoid this risk very well. Naturally, Li Meng will not take the human body to risk.

In the corridor outside, Li Meng met Wendy.

Today Wendy still wears a short black dress, a bit like a maid outfit, but more beautiful and elegant.

"His Royal Highness, the laboratory is ready, and everything is arranged according to His Royal Highness's requirements."

In the corridor, Li Meng and Wendy walked one after another towards the laboratory.

The upper area of ​​the Crystal Palace is very large, the living area only occupies a small part, most of which are laboratories, belonging to Li Meng and the main brain laboratory.

Of course, Li Meng is only an assistant, and the main brain is the main force.

After all, compared with Li Meng, the mastermind possesses more extensive knowledge and almost knows everything.

It's just because of various limited conditions that the main brain can't exert its abilities.

In the Crystal Palace, Li Menghui left the spirit body, which was completely under the control of the master mind, allowing her to experiment according to her requirements and develop some things Li Meng needed.

The spirit body is just a carrier, it is just a death force with a special structure.

Without the control of Li Meng's consciousness, the spirit body is like an unconscious ghost, invisible.

The main brain that is one with Li Meng can also control the spirit body, using her own consciousness to control the spirit body.

It's just that in these years, Li Meng will often forget the existence of the main brain, and the main brain doesn't know what it is doing. Without Li Meng's call, she rarely appears on the initiative. She has no interest in the carrier of the spirit body.

"Let’s study the zero-point module first. I am very interested in this thing. If we can analyze it, maybe we can make something amazing, but we can’t waste it."

Naturally, Li Meng would not refuse the request of the mastermind.

In his mind, Li Meng said: "Then this matter is left to you, I will be in charge of the code."

The main brain said: "The code in your heart is not a mortal thing, it is not an easy task, master, but you must pay attention to your body, your body can't be too tossing..."

It's really long-lost care...

I don't know when or where to start, and the distance between him and the mastermind begins.

When they first came to this world, when the two of them were most intimate, Li Meng had nothing to say to the master, and would ask the master about everything. At that time, the master was Li Meng's support.

But with the development of the First Legion, his words with the mastermind became less and less.

In a certain period of time, the main brain has also changed and become humane, like a girl's spring heart, and will use the projector to project the image she wants in front of Li Meng.

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