Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1687: Half a year

But this action lasted for a short time. After that, the mastermind remained silent again, and no longer appeared casually, and no longer communicated and got along with Li Meng like a girl.

Although Li Meng cared about why this was so, he did not force it.

The relationship between him and the mastermind is complex and simple. It is the master and the servant and will never change.

Sometimes Li Meng even thinks, what does the mastermind want?

But he will not get the answer, and the master will not tell him, this is a secret, the secret of the master.

At some point, Li Meng came to a very empty room with only a metal platform.

There is a glass cover on the platform, and in the cover, twelve zero-point modules are neatly placed.

This room is very unusual, the whole body is made of metal, dark silver, with a strong metallic texture.

The thoughts in his heart were put away, and Li Meng said calmly: "It's okay. With my current ability, the fragile body is no longer a bondage. There are many solutions. I just want to experience more of the days when I belonged to humans. Let it go. Naturally, when the day comes, I won’t hesitate."

This is also...

The master knows that sooner or later, the master will abandon the fragile human body and become a greater existence.

"Okay, the spirit body is left to you, do whatever you want, everything is up to you..."

With that, Li Meng's consciousness retracted, and his main consciousness returned to Kyoto, thousands of miles away.

Leaving from the front line, Li Meng split into two, the spiritual body went to Nanlin Island, and the human body returned to Kyoto.

Kyoto, palace, study...

"Meng'er, Meng'er?"

As soon as the main consciousness returned to the body, Li Meng heard Wang Yanmei's whisper next to him.

There was too much concentration on the matter over there, and the consciousness of dividing into two made Li Meng's spirit a bit trance.

After recovering, Li Meng smiled slightly, looked at Wang Yanmei beside him, and said softly: "I'm a little distracted, thinking about something."

It turned out to be like this...

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng, and Wang Yanmei said softly: "Does Meng'er have any opinions on what I said?"

Shaking his head lightly, Li Meng said with a smile: "Naturally not, just listen to Meier."

One year has passed since the founding of the Earth Federation. During this year, humanity has undergone tremendous changes.

In order for the Earth Federation to truly become the only unified government of mankind, as early as six months ago, the Earth Federation began to attack the third world countries. They used force to quell the civil unrest in the third world countries, and then incorporated into the earth in a peaceful way. In the federal system.

In just half a year, almost all the small countries in Asia and Europe joined the Earth Federation.

This also allowed Li Meng to see the determination of the Earth Federation and the consciousness of fighting the First Army.

The First Legion did not stop the various actions of the Earth Federation, only guarding one acre of land, watching the growth of the Earth Federation.

A few days ago, the Earth Federation invited China to join the Earth Federation at the expense of a president of the parliament.

Of course, the result is self-evident, and Wang Yanmei rejected it.

The current human situation is divided into two camps, one is the Earth Federation, and the other is a group headed by the First Army.

For reasons of faith, the Order Empire supports the First Legion, and their will is firm.

Needless to say, Huaxia has changed astonishingly during this year with the help of the First Army. For the civilians and businessmen of Huaxia, they believe in the First Army more than joining the Earth Federation. .

The First Army not only brought them wealth and improved their living standards, but the most important thing was "Li Meng".

They believe in Li Meng, because Li Meng and them are both Chinese, and this is enough to be the biggest factor.

When it was discovered that the two major allies of the First Army could not be shaken, the hard ones started to come soft.

Huaxia did not say that, in a certain way, Huaxia is still relatively exclusive and has no interest in joining the Earth Federation.

Wang Yanmei's prestige combined with Li Meng's prestige made the Earth Federation no chance.

But the ecclesiastical empire is different. The ecclesiastical empire is a multi-national religious organization.

Although the papal hall of the highest government, many countries in the territory have high autonomy, which gives the Earth Federation the opportunity to start frequent contacts with countries under the Order.

Although the ecclesiastical empire has a huge army of the three-nation coalition, the Earth Federation dare not really do anything, but the movement of the Earth Federation in the ecclesiastical group is just an introduction and is prepared for the future.

The small actions of the Earth Federation made the allies of the First Legion very sensitive. At the request of the cult Empire, after Wang Yanmei sent a message to Li Meng, the First Legion wanted to form a political system that would compete with the Earth Federation. In this case, the Earth The Federation dare not engage in small actions at will.

This is what Wang Yanmei just requested...

The establishment of a nation is a matter of time, so Li Meng did not deny Wang Yanmei's request.


Thinking of this, Li Meng said, "Don't worry about this. Give me half a year to prepare."

Wang Yanmei knows that building a country is not a trifle, it does require preparation.

Nodded lightly, Wang Yanmei responded softly: "Yes."

Glancing around the study room, his eyes paused for a moment on Tyra who was behind the deputy table, Li Meng said to Wang Yanmei who was beside him: "Prepare some blank books, I'm useful."

Wang Yanmei's eyes shone slightly when she said Li Meng's words. Does Meng'er want to write?

Li Meng, who thought this way, didn't care about anything. He stood up quickly, went to the bookshelf in person, and carried a stack of blank books in a wooden box.

After getting up, Li Meng came to the desk and occupied Wang Yanmei's position.

Holding a stack of blank books, Wang Yanmei came over and put the books on the desk.

After doing all this, Wang Yanmei looked at Li Meng curiously.

While working quietly on the side, Tyra, who was browsing the files, also stopped her movements and looked at Li Meng.

Seeing Wang Yanmei looking at him with a novel look, Li Meng smiled slightly and said, "Mei'er, haven't you always wanted to know the mystery of the power of mind, you have to take a good look today, this can give you a direction."

Li Meng's words made Wang Yanmei's eyes light up, and she nodded quickly, appearing urgently.

Wang Yanmei knows that Meng'er and her are both mind-powered, but Meng'er is far less powerful than her.

She also wondered why the young Meng'er had such a powerful thought power.

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