Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1688: exhausted

Under Wang Yanmei’s gaze, Li Meng said calmly: “Mind power is a kind of spiritual power, it is the power of the soul. The main attack method is to expel things, but expulsion is only the most superficial way of using mind power. Stronger, you need to analyze it more deeply and control it more finely, and in this process, the power of mind will be strengthened beyond the limit."

Speaking of this, Li Mengyang waved his hand, and the blank book on the desk moved without wind, turning into pieces in the surprised eyes of the two women. No, it should be something more subtle than dust.

In the air, that piece of powder was fluttering, so spectacular.

Raising his hand once again, the powder moved and swarmed towards the tabletop, condensed into a mass, forming something.

"The end of mind power is the reshaping of matter. Any matter can be broken down into a molecular state, and then reorganized into the form you want..."

On the desktop, a thick book is forming...

Unbelievable, unbelievable...

Looking at the magnificent scenes on the desktop with a complicated expression, Wang Yanmei's heart was beating rapidly.

Wang Yanmei naturally understood what Meng'er said.

But she also knows the difficulty, such fine control, how much mental power it takes.

"Is this a genius?"

Her gaze shifted to Meng'er's body blankly. At this moment, Wang Yanmei knew where Meng'er was strong.

This strength is beyond her reach. I am afraid that no one will reach Meng'er's current height.

Although she knew the principle and a more reasonable way forward, Wang Yanmei found that she was so weak on this road. She doubted that in her limited life span, she could still go one step further. One floor?

Li Meng naturally didn't know what Wang Yanmei was thinking, nor did he need to know.

With the collection of powder, on the tabletop, a thick book is finally formed.

The book is white with a hard cover, but the material is strange and delicate.

Viewed from the front, the cover has some exquisite patterns. The patterns have no rules and no image. But at first glance, they will be fascinating and will be attracted by the patterns on the cover.

In Li Meng's hands, the emergence of white brilliance gradually formed a soft light pen, which was dazzling but not dazzling.

This kind of power again...

Seeing something in Meng'er's hand that exudes a pale white brilliance in the form of a pen, Wang Yanmei secretly said in her heart.

This kind of power is very soft and very comfortable. The last time she was injured, she was instantly healed by this power.

What is this power?

Wang Yanmei didn't know it, but she was sure that this was not mind power, but another power.

Li Meng's expression became solemn, and he took the light pen and began to write on the book.

The first stroke is the cover, and Li Meng is writing something on the cover.

Wang Yanmei was at the table, she saw Meng'er's pen, and under the pen, a few big words appeared.

Wang Yanmei does not know the font, but she has a very familiar feeling.

When the last stroke fell, Li Meng opened the book and wrote attentively on the first page.

The writing is incomparably smooth and flowing, and one font after another appears on the page of the book.

The pages of the book are gray, while the font is white, exuding a faint white brilliance, which looks quite mysterious.

Looking at Meng'er with a focused expression, Wang Yanmei's eyes were full of brilliance.

For some reason, Meng'er at this time is so dazzling, with a righteousness and holy temperament that makes people unable to remove their eyes.

Wang Yanmei is still calm, but Tyra's face is already flushed on the side, looking at Li Meng who is writing idiotically.

This is the church code, which represents the light, and was written by Li Meng for the religion of the future.

In this code, there is the power of faith, the power of light, and once it is written, it has incredible power.

In the animal-shaped fonts he wrote, different information is hidden in each font. Ordinary people cannot see what it means, but the more devout the believers of Li Meng, the more information they will get.

After watching it for a while, Wang Yanmei didn't bother Li Meng, and quietly returned to the sofa, just looking at Meng'er, who focused on writing.

This writing lasted more than a month.

In this more than a month, Li Meng devoted himself to the code.

Except for three meals a day and rest in the evening, Li Meng didn't go anywhere, so he wrote the code in the study.

It took a full thirty-five days for the temple code to make its final mark.

A dazzling white light flashed, and the light on the book dimmed and turned into a mortal thing.

Looking at the finished temple code with satisfaction, Li Mengda let out a sigh of relief and stretched his waist.

So tired...

This concentration of more than a month has exhausted Li Meng. This was the first time Li Meng felt so exhausted.

Standing lazily, Li Meng came to Wang Yanmei's side and threw Wang Yanmei on the sofa without saying a word.

Holding tightly to that soft body, Li Meng's head was buried in Wang Yanmei's double peaks, wantonly enjoying the amazing softness.

In Wang Yanmei's arms, Li Meng said dullly: "Mei'er, let me hug me well."

Wang Yanmei just smiled at Meng'er's coquettish behavior and words, holding the person in her arms lightly.

She knew that Meng'er was exhausted this month and needed a rest.

The touch on Shuangfeng made Wang Yanmei's face a little rosy, she said softly: "Meng'er, rest for a few days."

"No, time is too late. This code is only the first one, one, two... there are still six books to be written."

Although I don't know what these books have, but Wang Yanmei knows that it must be very important.

Otherwise, Meng'er would not work so hard.

Helpless, Wang Yanmei can only say distressedly: "Don't tire yourself out, it's okay to build the country later."


Perhaps it was because Wang Yanmei's embrace was so comfortable that Li Meng could not help but fall asleep.

When she noticed that Meng'er was asleep, Wang Yanmei smiled helplessly, only distressed in her eyes.

I don't know how long it took, the office door was opened, and Tyra, who had been away for a long time, returned, holding a stack of papers in her arms.

When she saw the two embracing on the sofa, Tyra was taken aback.

Seeing Tyra's eyes cast over, Wang Yanmei made a "quiet" gesture.

Tara reacted in a daze, closed the door gently, and walked to the deputy table and sat down.

Looking at the two close friends on the sofa, Tyra didn't have a taste for it.

During this month and night, Xiao Meng spent most of the night with her.

This also let Tyra know that the teacher is still innocent so far, and Xiao Meng has not touched the teacher.

Why is this so, Tyra knows, this should be Xiao Meng's respect for the teacher.

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