Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1696: National mind

When the Kingdom of Austria received an invitation from the First Army, its leader Danlan Kingdom also received an invitation from the First Army.

Danlan Kingdom, Melorka City, Royal Palace.

In the study, Queen "Catherine", Interior Officer Karina, and Prime Minister Harandy gathered together to discuss matters.

On the throne, Catherine sat upright, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Harandy in the deputy, and whispered softly: "Prince Harandy, this is the order of the First Army. I naturally want to go. I think, The one who leads the country also received this order. Let’s not talk about the content of this discussion. There is a special order that makes me curious, and Harandy Cheng should be able to help me out."

Special order?

There was a trace of puzzlement on Harandi's old face, but he didn't think much about it, but said: "Please, Your Majesty, please speak clearly."

With a faint smile, Catherine waved: "Prime Minister Harlandi doesn’t need to think about it. I’m just a little curious. In the order, I made it clear that I hope that the daughter of Prime Minister Harlandi "Miss Monica" can accompany me to Nanlin Island. ."


How could this discussion involve his daughter?

For this, Harandi was very surprised, and said in a puzzled way: "Your Majesty, is there a misunderstanding among them? Monica grew up in frail and sickly, rarely went out, did not have the opportunity to contact others, I do not know why the First Army Will notice Monica, Monica is physically inconvenient, I am afraid that she cannot go to Nanlin Island with Her Majesty."

This is also...

Catherine had a pensive expression on her face. Catherine naturally knew the prime minister's daughter, had a relationship with him, and knew Monica's condition.

Strange, how did the First Legion know about Monica?

After thinking for a while, Catherine stopped thinking about it.

Looking at Harandi, Catherine said, "Monica must be accompanied on this trip to Nanlin Island. Maybe the prime minister should ask Monica, maybe your daughter knows something."

At Catherine's words, Harandy was taken aback for a while, then nodded silently.

The queen was right. Since the First Legion specially invited Monica, it means that for Monica, the First Legion did not know how to contact with it, they did not know it, and the daughter of the party must know it.

Could it be...

Harandi thought of that, the Lord Limon.

Harandi remembered her daughter saying that she had been in contact with Lord Li Meng, and in order to prevent her daughter from accelerating the deterioration of her condition due to sunlight, she also specially gave Monica a ring that can block ultraviolet rays.

Thinking of this, all the answers gradually became clear.

Leaving the palace, Harandi rushed back to the Ducal Palace in the first time.

He needs to discuss with his daughter about the invitation to the First Army.

Melorca City, Ducal Palace.

My father came back in a hurry, which surprised Monica. At this time, my father should be in the government affairs office of the kingdom. Why did he come back so early today?

In the meeting room, when she learned the reason her father came home, Monica sitting in the chair smiled slightly and said softly: "Since it is the invitation of the First Army Corps, I have to go to Nanlin Island. Now, father, don’t worry too much. The only one who knows I exist is that if he wants to see me, how can I say no?"

Some Monica doesn't think much about it. Although she has only one relationship with Li Meng, she already remembers this person.

Whether it was his frivolity towards her, or the ring on her finger, it was impossible for Monica to forget him.

Counting time, unknowingly, two years have passed, and the past is like smoke. When the old things are brought up again, Monica also has a kind of expectation in her heart.

Looking at the smiling daughter, Harandi had to sigh in his heart.

He has never been able to guess the thoughts of his daughter, nor does he know what relationship exists between his daughter and Li Meng.

In the past two years, despite the protection of the ring, her daughter has become more withdrawn, never going out, as if her whole world is only in this house, which makes Harandi very worried.

In the past, it was fine if there was no such condition, but now the daughter can go out and bathe in the sun like ordinary people, but still stay at home as usual. How can this make Harandi not worry.

"It’s okay to go for a walk. This Nanlin Island is the capital of the First Army. If you want to say where the world is the safest, it should be here. I can rest assured that you are walking with Her Majesty the Queen. Not at home."

Seeing that her father was about to start preaching again, Monica smiled slightly and said: "I know, father, I will take care of myself."

How could this reassuring Harandi, he never thought Monica could take care of herself.

Thinking of this, Harandi said uneasy: "Why don't you let any of your brothers accompany you, so maybe there is a caregiver?"

Shaking her head, Monica whispered: "Father, this time my Majesty the Queen is accompanying me, what can you worry about?"

This is also...

Harandi didn't force it anymore, and accompanied the queen, so naturally there was no need to worry too much.

Speaking of this, Harandi thought through his face, and said in deep thought, "I don’t know what the meeting of the First Legion is going to talk about. It is said that all the countries under the First Legion are on the invitation list. It should be a very important thing. Thing."

For her father’s words, Monica thoughtfully said: "Father, there is no need to worry, I think, for us, this should be a good thing. In the current human world, there are two camps, one is one. The Earth Federation established a year ago, the other is the First Legion, the other is a country, and the other is an organization without a status. The existing system of the First Legion will definitely change. Sooner or later."

Although staying at home, Monica is no stranger to what is happening in the human world.

As early as two years ago, the First Army established the Star Network, and newly established media have entered one after another. There are five regional official media in the Danlan Kingdom alone. On the Star Network, various news will appear every day.

Through the star network, you can know the major events in the world for the first time.

A few years ago, countries in the Austrian region were considered third world countries, but now, the situation is just the opposite. The emergence of Star Network has brought the territories under the First Army into the information age. In the eyes of the countries of the First Army, those countries that don't even know what the Internet is really backward.

The advancement of science and technology has brought about changes in life, and cognition, insight, and vision have been changed one by one.

Under the leadership of the First Army, human civilization is progressing.

Of course, this situation can only be seen in the territory of the First Army at the moment.

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