Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1697: Minamibayashi Island

Due to the short period of time, with the exception of the territories directly under the First Army, other human countries have no idea what the star network is, nor do they have the equipment to enter the star network. Their network age is still in the wired network and is very backward.

From her daughter's words, Harandi heard something, which made him suspicious: "What does my daughter mean, the First Army will build a nation?"

In this regard, Monica can’t deny: “It’s just natural. The First Army can’t always be a militarized organization. It will be sooner or later to establish a country with a more reasonable system, and now, perhaps the time is ripe. Up."

Is the time ripe?

Harandi didn't think so. He retorted: "Now the First Army is busy eliminating the threat of the Middle East demons. It is not the time to establish a nation."

A pair of beautiful white eyes looked at her father, and Monica calmly said, "Father, how many years has the war with the devil been going on? You probably don’t know it, if the devil is really capable of destroying mankind, the war will not last. Now, for the First Legion, the demons should not be considered a threat. Although the situation is a bit more complicated right now, in addition to the demons, the First Legion has another enemy. However, the change of the system and the establishment of the country will make the first The strength of the Legion is getting stronger. It doesn't seem like the time, but now is the best time."

Perhaps the daughter is right. In certain matters, the daughter always has unique opinions.

In recent years, in some major events, the daughter's decision has never been missed, not in the past, and Harandi believes that it will not be in the future.

Getting up, Harandi stood up and said to Monica: "You take a good rest, it's still early, there are still things in the government affairs office that I want to deal with..."

With that, Harandi turned around and left. In the drawing room, Monica was alone.

Seeing the back of her father leaving, Monica was lost in thought.

She was thinking about this trip to Nanlin Island, and also thinking about him...

Thinking of him, Monica couldn't help but think of the first time they met a long time ago.

He was so rude, but Monica didn't have any anger in his heart for his frivolity.

Never before had a man dared to treat her like this, and this was the first time she was treated so rudely.

Her first kiss was also taken away by him. Over the years, in her dreams, Monica would often think of him, revisiting the meeting in the palace that day. Monica originally thought it had been so long, for him , I should have forgotten her a long time ago.

Unexpectedly, today, two years later, she would see him again.

This made Monica have a strange feeling in her heart, whether it was happiness or other unspeakable feelings.

With a faint sigh, Monica stopped her fantasies and looked at the courtyard outside the door unconsciously...

Time passed quickly, and the three-day period was sufficient. On the second day alone, the heads of the countries under the First Army arrived at Nanlin Island one after another.

Naturally, Bentley does not say that although Austria is thousands of miles away from Nanlin Island, relying on the Century Transport Plane, the distance of thousands of miles is not that far away.

In the eyes of the subordinate countries of the First Army, Nanlin Island is mysterious because Nanlin Island is the base camp of the First Army.

But when they really arrived at Nanlin Island by transport, for most of them, they were disappointed.

Nanlin Island is just a small island with a radius of no more than a hundred kilometers. There is only a seaport and a small city.

Although Qingcheng has changed a lot after these years of development, more than three years is short-lived for a city. Although the changes are big, Qingcheng is nothing but a city with a population of more than 100,000.

Since in the plan for the development of the First Army Corps, it was never thought of building Nanlin Island into an industrial base. Instead, it was developed with the goal of a commercial and financial center, focusing on the environment. From the outside, Qingcheng did not appear to be Shocking.

Of course, apart from the crystal palace that straight into the sky, in front of this giant, even the city looks a little tiny, even if you look towards Nanlin Island from the sea far from Nanlin Island, you can see the crystal palace straight into the sky.

I have to say that when the First Army decided to build this Crystal Palace, its plan was very correct.

Only this behemoth can tell the greatness of the First Army.

The only people who came to Nanlin Island for the first time were not shocked when they saw the giant standing in the Qingcheng.

This is a miracle, a miracle in the history of human architecture, and its construction speed is beyond everyone's imagination.

In two years, such a miraculous building only took more than two years, and the speed is not unpleasant.

The roar of rumble engines echoed in the sky, and a huge Century transport plane would emerge from the clouds, slowly descending, and entering the sky above Qingcheng, approaching the huge crystal palace not far away.

Because it is a loaded passenger cabin, there are windows that can look outside.

In the cabin, a group of people are watching the scenery outside with interest.

Nanlin Island, Qingcheng, Crystal Palace, everything is novel to them.

This is the first time they have come to Nanlin Island and have seen this mysterious place with their own eyes.

"So pretty..."

In front of a window, two small and slender figures came together and looked outside with interest.

Their faces are exactly the same, one in a black short skirt and the other in a white skirt. Although they are young, they have the youthful atmosphere of a girl.

"Sister Teresa, do you think we can see the big brother?"

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the Crystal Palace not far from the window, and Dinessa asked her sister beside her.

When asked about Dinessa, Teresa just nodded and said without a doubt: "I will see it."

For some reason, the always lively Dinessa showed a nervous look on her face, she said timidly: "If I see my brother, what should I say, it's almost three years, my brother won't forget us."

As if aware of her sister’s tension, Teresa stretched out her little hand, rubbed Dinessa’s head, and said softly: “Sister, don’t worry, brother won’t forget us. My sister doesn’t know what to say, then what Don't say anything, just like Teresa, just keep silent..."

Angrily gave her sister a blank look, and Dinesha grabbed her sister's hand on her head and said dullly: "If you don't say anything, I..."

The words stopped abruptly, and Dinessa's eyes shone lightly, her small eyeballs rolled round, and she leaned into Teresa's ear and didn't know what she said.

"is this okay?"

Teresa looked at her sister with a puzzled face, she didn't know the meaning of her sister doing this.

With a smile, Dinesha waved: "Sister Teresa, you also want to know the result."

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