Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1706: Next spring

This made Karina very confused, and the dialogue between the two was really strange.

You can understand it, but there are too many confusing places, half-knowledge.

But there are some things Karina can still hear.

There seems to be a warm relationship between Lord Li Meng and Miss Monica.

But whether this is the case, Karina dare not confirm.

Because the relationship between the two seems close, but it also gives people a sense of life.

Catherine didn't let Li Meng wait for a long time. After a while, Catherine came back with a downcast face.

"Karina, I didn't find my big brother, those big sisters...Huh?"

Originally, she was disappointed, but when Catherine looked up and saw the figure sitting on the sofa, her eyes shone slightly, and her face was filled with joy.

The brother she had been looking for appeared in her room, how could she not like it.

Faster pace, Catherine trot to the side of Li Meng's god, and said happily: "Brother, I'm looking for you, why did you come to me?"

With a slight smile, Li Meng lightly scratched the bridge of Catherine's nose and said: "You are looking for me, brother, am I looking for you too?"

So this is ah……

Catherine said softly: "Brother, are you here to see Catherine off?"

"Yes, brother is here to send Catherine..."


Gunia is gone, Catherine is gone...

Gunia left two younger sisters, while Catherine left Monica.

With three women here, Crystal Palace is a bit more popular than before.

Since the meeting was over, Wang Yanmei has also returned to Kyoto. In the following days, Li Meng has been idle in the Crystal Palace, every day with the two sisters Dinesha or Monica.

The reason why Li Meng left Monica was selfish, not just for Monica's inexplicable possessiveness, but also for another more important and necessary reason.

Time just left inadvertently, day after day.

One month, two months, the seasons alternate, and the four seasons change until the spring of the following year.

The situation in the world has been calm for a long time. Although the Earth Federation has been doing small moves, it is harmless. They are very careful in the border dispute with the First Army. For this reason, they have set up a large number of buffer areas.

They understand very well that although the Earth Federation can be called a giant today, the First Legion is the sky, and they will not benefit from conflict with the First Legion.

The demons in the Middle East are in the charge of the First Legion. At least at this time, peace between mankind must be maintained.

A year ago, the existence of demons was paid attention to by humans, but after a year, the worries and fears of a year ago have disappeared. Humans suddenly discovered that demons are not so scary. They can be killed as well. Conquer.

Most people don't think about why this result occurred, but just accept victory as a matter of course.

This is the thinking of the petty people, as well as the thinking of most people. The world is very big. If the crisis is not found by your side, it is difficult to pay attention to the threat from far away.

The illusion of peace in the human world, the silence of the demons, the peace of the demons, the world seems to return to normal.

However, today, a year later, the problem Li Meng has been worried about finally happened.

A year ago, the misfortune caused by the mastermind led to some unimaginable incidents after all.

New calendar year 353, May 14, Kingdom of Austria, Qiushan Farm.

This is a beautiful place, at least it used to be, spring and autumn have changed, with endless wheat fields.

In the wheat field, there is a building. The house is made of wood and surrounded by a circle of iron fences nearly five meters high.

This is a village, and the owners of the wheat fields are farmers in this village.

From the edge of the forest, a path extends through the wheat fields and connects with the village.

From time to afternoon, at about fourteen o'clock, the formerly peaceful village was broken by a number of heavily armed police cars.

There are a total of four vehicles, off-road vehicles, the paint is alternated between black and 100, the roof has an alarm device, and there is a heavy machine gun.

In the village, some people in black combat uniforms are busy, and they seem to be searching for something.

The village at this time seemed a bit messy, most houses were destroyed, and the wreckage of buildings was everywhere. The houses seemed to be destroyed by some huge monster. The destruction was not complete. The main body was still there, but there were a few more holes. .

On the ground of the village lay a piece of corpse, which was colorful due to the color of the clothes.

The owners of the corpses were farmers in the village, and their deaths were miserable. Most of them had missing arms and legs, and some even had their upper body eaten, and the **** internal organs were clearly visible.

Under the busy guards, the bodies were gathered together.

A total of thirty-two corpses, seven families are gone...

"There were no gunshot wounds, and no cutting wounds from sharp weapons. They only had huge scratches. Most of the intact corpses were killed by heavy impacts. A few mutilated corpses had tooth marks on them, which were obviously What monster gnawed, did you encounter a powerful polluting beast?"

Beside the corpse, two guards wearing black police uniforms watched the corpse solemnly.

All the guards in the village come from the nearby city of Delhi, which is a municipality of the First Army. The perfection of its guard department allows them to have the best equipment, second only to the army.

"This massacre should have occurred within two days. Although I don't know who the culprit is, it must be a big guy. Look at the iron fence on the periphery, it was directly knocked through a gap. It shows the strength. Pollution Beast... There should be no such powerful Pollution Beast nearby. If there is, we won't be ignorant..."

"You are right, but what if it is not a polluting beast? Is it a demon? But those guys have been wiped out by us a long time ago. There has been no news of demons in Austria for two years. Even if there is, it is impossible to appear here. ."

"If it wasn't a polluting beast or a demon, what would it be? Anyway, since it intentionally attacked the village, it shouldn't be allowed to act recklessly. This is a big guy. You should be able to find it by following its traces."

Outside the iron fence that was knocked open was a wheat field. There was a very obvious trace in the wheat field. The trace went straight to the end of the wheat field and disappeared in the forest on the border.

"Leave it to professionals. We are understaffed. Once we enter the forest, we are vulnerable to attack. There have been many martial artists in the past year. Let's report it as soon as possible."

"You are right. The forest is not our main battlefield. We can't take risks. The corpse is handled..."

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