Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1707: The glory belongs to you

The young guard did not finish his words, but a sudden roar interrupted it.

In a house, the wreckage of the building was flying in all directions, and a hideous behemoth rushed out amid a deafening roar.

It is four meters in height and has a pair of huge horns. Under the horns is a head that looks like a bull's head, and under the head of the bull's head is a human body that looks like a skinned body. gray.

It has a pair of sharp and giant claws, and its long nails are like scimitars, very hideous.

What kind of monster is this?

Seeing it rushing out of the house, the guards panicked, with a look of fear on their faces.

"kill him……"

I don't know who uttered a loud roar.

The surrounding guards recovered and quickly raised their rifles and pulled the trigger.


Fierce gunfire suddenly sounded in the village.

The guards found desperately that the rifle in their hands could not cause effective damage to the monster.

A large number of bullets hit it, only a few more blood holes, but that's all.

The wound on its body was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the twisted bullet was squeezed out of the blood hole.


The pain in his body made it let out an angry roar.

Its huge body rushed towards a guard like a heavy tank.

"Don't come, die..."

Seeing the monster rushing towards him, the guard who was stared at shouted in horror and pulled the trigger frantically.

But it was useless. The huge monster rushed towards him, making the guards who had already fallen into madness lost their minds, unable to avoid them, and too late to avoid them.

In the guard's desperate gaze, a huge monster rushed to the guard's body, and a huge shadow almost enveloped the guard's body.

In the guard's desperate gaze, a sharp and huge claw waved at him, and the strong wind disturbed him.


The guard had to open his mouth and let out a desperate roar.


Hearing only a dull impact, the guard's roar stopped abruptly, huge claws slapped on him, and a twisted figure flew out and fell into the wreckage more than ten meters away.

The movement here caused the guards in other places to quickly gather here.

"Use a heavy machine gun, quickly, kill it..."

Several guards rushed into the car quickly, controlled the heavy machine gun, and aimed at the monster.

"Da da……"

Flames spurted, and the sound of heavy machine guns tearing the air suddenly rang.

For a time, the shells danced wildly, and the large-caliber bullets attacked the monster like raindrops.

This time, under the power of the heavy machine gun, the monster suddenly splashed blood and roared in pain.

The severe pain made it angry. It let out a low roar, lowered its head and blocked the bullet with its hard head, rushing towards the police car like a tiger descending a mountain.

"Kill it..."

Seeing the monster rushing towards the police car, the guards in the car roared in a panic...

The heavy machine gun spit out the tongue frantically, and the dense bullets formed a looming fire dragon.

But it was useless, the monster's charge did not stop.


In the intensive rain of bullets, the monster crashed into a police car like a heavy tank.

The huge force directly knocked over the police car, and the scene was chaotic.

Suddenly, the roar of monsters and dense gunfire echoed in the village.

The riot continued for more than half an hour...

In the end, with a few scattered gunfires, everything returned to calm.

At this time, in the village, there was a messy scene. Of the four police cars, three were destroyed, and the car body was distorted and formed into a pile of metal wrecks. In the wreckage, blood was flowing.

On the main road, the body of the guard was collapsed into one piece.

What's more striking is the monster's corpse. The heavy machine gun is very powerful, and the damage it caused has exceeded its self-healing ability. Under the attack of thousands of bullets, it finally fell.

There are blood holes all over the huge corpse, and there are bullets next to each other inside, so dense that people can't help their scalp tingling.

Of the more than twenty guards, only six were able to stand. Although they succeeded in eliminating the monsters, they also suffered heavy losses.

"Quickly, notify the medical team immediately, and also, take this situation to the higher level..."

Essen, whose face was extremely pale, didn't finish his words, and the sudden roar from the sky interrupted him.

In the eyes of the remaining guards, a huge aircraft pierced through the clouds and appeared in their sight.

The shape of the aircraft is square and long, with two rows of blue flames under the abdomen, very dazzling.

It was very fast, after emerging from the clouds, it came to the sky over the village within ten seconds.

The strong wind disturbed and the "buzzing" whistling sound was shocking.

The huge flying machine passed over the guards' heads and landed smoothly, quickly, and vertically on the central square of the village.

The guards did not move because the aircraft was black with a blood-stripe black flag on it, which was the flag of the First Army.

Just as the guards looked surprised and puzzled, the rear door of the aircraft was opened.

"Zhengzheng" footsteps sounded immediately, one, two, three, four...

From the hatch, seven soldiers in black armor and large swords walked out.

In speechlessness, they came to the monster's corpse, and the four of them lifted the monster's corpse together and walked towards the aircraft.

"That one……"

Seeing these dark iron warriors who came up suddenly took their spoils, Essen hesitated to speak.

This is the monster they wiped out after losing most of their companions, how could it be taken away at will.

But for these black armored soldiers, Essen was very jealous.

This is the Dark Iron Warrior, said to be the most powerful presence in the First Legion.

Each of them is more than two meters tall, and the ancient equipment makes people look under pressure.

Due to Essen's voice, a dark iron warrior stopped his departure, his helmet that was invisible to his eyes turned around and looked at Essen.

In Essen's nervous eyes, a metallic voice rang.

"Just report to your superiors truthfully, this honor belongs to you."

With that, the Dark Iron Warrior turned and left, followed his companion, and boarded the strangely shaped aircraft.

As the hatch closed, only a strong whistling sound was heard, and the huge aircraft slowly lifted into the air, from slow to fast, but within ten seconds, it soared into the sky and disappeared into the disturbing clouds.

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