Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1708: Cursed creature

Looking at the aircraft disappearing above the clouds, the guards were silent.

What happened today was too sudden. Although they were still alive, they also experienced the taste of death.

They never thought that the profession of guards could be so dangerous.

Today, for them, it is undoubtedly a valuable lesson.

Nanlin Island, Qingcheng...

From time to noon, over the Qingcheng, a huge aircraft emerged from the clouds, leaving a disturbing hole in the clouds behind him.

The extremely fast speed went from fast to slow, and quickly approached the Crystal Palace. On the upper apron of the Crystal Palace, the huge aircraft slowly landed.

This is the Hercules transport boat of the First Legion. Although it has not publicly announced its existence, the First Legion did not deliberately hide it. In the past year, the Hercules transport boat has been used more than the Century transport aircraft.

In the face of a new generation of aircraft, the old aviation aircraft have fallen behind.

The speed is not as fast, the load is not as fast, and the voyage cannot be compared.

The control of nuclear fusion has brought about energy innovation. The fusion materials deuterium and tritium are extracted from water, which can be said to be readily available.

Although refining is not an easy task, the relevant technology has matured, and new energy sources can be said to be close to infinite.

"Oh... it's a big guy this time, hurry up, hurry up, throw it into this jar."

In the laboratory, watching the Dark Iron Warriors lift up a huge monster corpse and walk in, the master's face was delighted.

Although his face was joyful, his heart was a little bit distressed.

There are more and more types of monsters, which shows that the disaster she has caused is getting bigger and bigger.

Looking into the experiment, row after row of large and small glass jars, in the green liquid are various monsters, none of them are the same.

With the help of the Dark Iron Warriors, the huge horned monster was put into a glass jar.

The green liquid poured into the glass jar from a pipe, gradually flooding the horn monster.

"Well, go out and continue to monitor the news of monsters in the territory. This is not enough. You must collect all kinds of monsters."

Although I wonder why the mastermind collects these monsters, the Dark Iron Warriors won't ask too much.

They turned silently and walked out, strode out of the meeting room.

In front of the huge glass jar, the mastermind looked at the huge horned monster in the glass jar with a novel look, "tsk tsk" in his mouth.

"But what did you find?"

Beside the main brain, Li Meng's figure appeared silently.

The sudden sound beside him just made the main brain startled slightly, and was not shocked.

The two are in close contact, and the master naturally notices that the master is coming.

Nodded lightly, the main brain said: "These things have appeared in the last year. The earliest time they appeared was nine months ago. These monsters should be cursed creatures. They were born distorted by the erosion of the power of Chaos. They are not Natural creatures, but they can also be regarded as creatures. Master, I tested their DNA and found that the predecessors of these monsters were ordinary creatures, such as polluting beasts, fish, and even humans..."

Speaking of this, the main brain took a few steps forward and came to a smaller glass jar.

In the glass jar is a little blue guy with a height of about one and five meters. It has blue skin, a rickety body, a strange and terrifying head, and long claws. On the back, there are similar Fish's back.

Looking at the monster in the glass jar, the master said: "The predecessor of this monster is the blue scale fish, one of the most common fish in the sea. There are many types, different sizes, and different colors. They should be different from their predecessors. It’s related to the species of fish. These monsters are numerous and widely distributed. A few months ago, they could only be seen on the beach, but now they can also be seen in the inland freshwater areas. It can be said that, They exist wherever there is water."

Speaking of this, the mastermind was a bit embarrassed and said with embarrassment: "Fortunately, they are not very strong. Although they have the characteristics of living in groups, they are often in groups of five or six. For food, they will kill each other and destroy them. It's not difficult, but if you want to clean it out completely, I'm afraid you need to drain the entire ocean."

He glanced at Li Meng timidly, and the main brain whispered: "Master, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I didn't expect such a consequence, nor did I expect that creatures would be eroded by chaos and undergo mutations, becoming a curse. Creatures. Master, do you remember the trip to Azeroth many years ago? These monsters are very similar to some of the monsters recorded in the world of Azeroth. The master has read related books, so you should remember."

Naturally, Li Meng will not forget what is in his mind.

Whether the mastermind is wrong or not, there will be results long ago, and it is naturally wrong.

But a year ago, Li Meng had already forgiven the mastermind, and now naturally he won't catch the mastermind's mistakes.

Hearing what the main brain said, Li Meng remembered it.

It is indeed very similar. Isn't this blue-skinned guy the water monster in the world of Adras?

There is also this big guy, this is the shofar, exactly the same as recorded in the book.

"There is one more thing, the master should have felt it too. Some souls with resentment are affected by the power of chaos and survive in this world, turning into vicious demon spirits. Their existence lingers between the illusion and the entity, becoming the creature's enemy."

Li Meng can control the power of death, these dead things exist without death, Li Meng of course can detect it.

But these things are left in the world due to the power of chaos and are not within the jurisdiction of his death power.

He could only feel those wandering, wailing, and desperate souls for revenge, but could not do anything.

After all, the power of chaos is the power of the world, and the power of non-death can contend. Although the power of death is a bit peculiar, it exists in two different but closely related spaces, but it is only a power in the world. Gap.

He didn't say much to the mastermind, for the current Li Meng, he could only accept the worst result.

Looking at the monsters in the glass jar with great interest, Li Meng said: "Since things have happened, it is no doubt that there are many monsters in this world. Although there are more powerful monsters now, the capable people have also changed. Stronger, they should bear the responsibility of destroying monsters. This is a kind of balance."

Still have this statement?

The master can't refute the master's words.

She can only nod her head and said: "That's not wrong. If there were no monsters, the polluting beasts in the forest should be wiped out by the capable people soon. After all, they survived by hunting the polluting beasts. Once they lose their opponents For the entire human society, their existence will become a threat and a source of chaos."

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