Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1709: Body

Speaking of this, the main brain finally raised his head to look at Li Meng, and said: "Master, the task you gave me has been almost completed, but I don't know if you will be satisfied, or go and see."

"Oh... so fast?"

Li Meng's eyes lit up slightly at the words of the mastermind, and he seemed very surprised.

In Li Meng's expectation, it would take at least several years for the mastermind to complete the task. I didn't expect the mastermind to complete the task in just one year. This is too fast.

Li Meng didn't think the mastermind would lie to himself, since the mastermind said so, the matter was true.

Thinking of this, Li Meng said: "Let's take a look, I have completed the task so quickly, I also want to know how your results are."

Without saying anything, the main brain smiled slightly and said: "Master, please follow me."

It is useless to say more, whether the owner is satisfied or not, you will know if you look at it.

The upper floor of the Crystal Palace is still very large, and the laboratory is also very large, divided into multiple areas, each area is also very close, just separated by a wall.

Soon, Li Meng followed the main brain to another laboratory.

This laboratory is relatively empty, and various equipment occupies most of the space. On a metal platform, stands a huge glass jar filled with green liquid.

"this is……"

In front of the glass jar, the two stopped.

Looking at the contents of the glass jar, Li Meng's expression was slightly startled, with an incredible expression on his face.

In the glass jar, there are two little guys. Although they are still in the form of babies and curled into a ball in the glass pot, their skin is very white and looks very smooth and tender. There is a pair of little ones growing behind them. The small black wings look very cute.

And most importantly, in their bodies, Li Meng felt a powerful force, a powerful force of death.

In Li Meng’s puzzled gaze, the main brain smiled slightly and said: “This is the body I made using biotechnology. Their bodies have the genes of 323 creatures on the earth. The fusion of various genes makes them Has many kinds of talents, of course, the main gene is still human. As for the pair of wings, the master still remembers the underground world?"

Naturally, I remember it. Although several years have passed, Li Meng has not forgotten his experience in the underground world.

After all, the people of the Golden Wings are a different kind of aliens on the earth. They cannot be born from the earth, but they cannot be sure whether they are from aliens, but this race can communicate and can only communicate with Li Meng.

The Banshee Wings of the Golden Wings are even more beautiful creatures, which Li Meng likes very much.

If it were not for the complex situation in the underground world, Li Meng would have long wanted to bring them to the surface world.

As far as any race is concerned, the future is in the starry sky, and the Golden Wings are no exception.

"You went to the underground world?"

Looking at the mastermind beside him, Li Meng asked.

From the words of the mastermind, Li Meng can think of this.

Nodding lightly, the main brain said: "Yes, I went to the underground world and took a drop of blood on the queen as the master. In the bodies of these two little guys, the other main gene is the female demon. Wing human race, this gives them wings."

Speaking of this, the main brain continued: "Did you see these patterns on the glass jar? This is a magic circle, drawn according to the knowledge obtained in the world of Adras, and can absorb the power of chaos from the outside world. Made some changes to the magic circle so that it only absorbs the power of death. The owner also saw that the two bodies have been eroded by the power of death. They have become completely dead creatures, living deaths. Creatures. Although they are similar to Shi Ji, they are more special."

At this moment, the mastermind is like a mad scientist. She smiled and said excitedly: "Master, don’t underestimate them. Their evolution is almost unlimited. This is only the first generation of bodies. If we can find more powerful creatures Genes, second and third generations, as one generation gets stronger, it is not impossible to eventually become a "god"."

Looking at the little guy in the glass jar, Li Meng was satisfied.

There is nothing wrong with entrusting this task to the master. If he did it himself, he would not do it so well.

With them, the bodies of Hattor and Isis are finally resolved.

"Master, because they have the female demon wing human race genes in their bodies, they can reach adulthood in five years at most. After all, they can be regarded as creatures. If they don't let the memory occupy the body as soon as possible, they will be born with a hint of wisdom sooner or later. If this is the case , These two bodies can be wasted, because their birth is relatively special, it is impossible to have a complete consciousness, without the ability to act independently."

Calculating the time, the five-year agreement with the Mozu is almost here, and unknowingly, the four years have passed.

This made Li Meng feel a little bit, this time passed so fast, time passed without knowing it, making people feel nothing.

Six years have passed since I came into this world.

The right and wrong in the six years, the road traveled, is as vivid as yesterday's calendar.

Some people in memory are unfamiliar without realizing it.

Li Lanxin, Li Yanran, Li Yuhan, for some reason, Li Meng suddenly thought of these Li-like women.

Li Meng has no relatives in this world, and Li Meng cannot respond to them.

To Li Yanran and Li Yuhan, Li Meng always owes something in his heart.

"Master, what are you thinking? Is there something I didn't do well?"

Seeing that the master was stunned for some reason, this made the master mind very concerned and worried in his heart.

She is already serious, is there anything else the master is not satisfied with?

The voice of the mastermind brought Li Meng back to his senses. He shook his head and said, "You have done a good job. You have worked hard this year, but you can't stop now. When the earth is unified, I will do whatever you want. I can give it to you."


The mastermind was delighted, his appearance was very pretty and cute.

But when he thought that this body was his own spirit, the feeling in Li Meng's heart immediately disappeared.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "Naturally, it is true. The connection between you and me, I can lie to you."

This is also true, with a smile, the master is relieved.

With the master's words, she has to think about it.

"Well, if you keep busy, I won't bother you."

As he said, a white beam of light emerged from the void and enveloped Li Meng.

With the spread of faith, more and more believers believe in the **** of death, and Li Meng's power of faith has grown richer.

In terms of use, he was even more squandered. Now Li Meng used most of the power of faith to drive his way.

I have to say that this is very convenient, no matter where you go, even if it is thousands of miles away, you can reach it instantly.

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