Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1710: Anomaly in O'Neill City

The agreement with Mozu was about to expire, and some things had to be done.

Over the years, Li Meng has not been idle, and the silence of the First Army is just for better preparation.

While developing and growing rapidly in the dark, the First Army also maintained a high degree of attention to the demons of Middle-earth.

In the last two years, the troops in the Middle East have been withdrawn bit by bit. Now, the number of troops that used to be several million is now only less than 200,000. These 200,000 troops are scattered in various cities and the defensive force It can be described as very weak.

Although there is only an army of two hundred thousand, it is more than enough to deal with demons.

As early as a year ago, the offensive of the demons had completely disappeared. Although they wandered in the Middle East, they completely lost their organizational ability. The original Demon King also disappeared without a trace, and the First Legion had found enough. It has not been found for a year.

Its disappearance even made the First Legion think that the Demon King had already left and returned to the subspace.

But is it true?

This is just a guess, no one can be sure.

The reason why the army in the Middle East withdrew was not just because the threat of the demons weakened, but the First Army became stronger.

The Death Corps of the First Corps has entered Africa and has built multiple military bases in Africa.

Using the Hercules transport boat, the First Army can quickly deploy troops around the world.

Take the Middle East as an example. If there are signs of large-scale demonic activities in the Middle East, within 15 minutes, dozens of Hercules transport boats will be able to reach the battlefield and throw tens of thousands of troops on the battlefield.

Today's First Legion is different from the past. The new equipment has allowed the First Legion to enter the starry sky, and it has the strength to face any enemy.

Today, in the eyes of the First Legion, the Earth Federation is not a threat at all. If it weren't for the demons to peep from the sidelines, the First Legion would have unified the earth long ago, and it would never be possible for the current situation to be divided into three parts.

Nanlin Island, Qingcheng, lower level of Crystal Palace, naval headquarters.

In the combat command room, a report of news caused Jevrich a headache.

"Admiral Jevrich, do we have to send a scout team? This is already the fourth one. Although we don't know why, we should make up our minds."

Rubbing his head sadly, Yevrich said in a deep voice, "What is their purpose? Oni City is just a small city. They can't betray. They only have less than 30,000 people. This can't do much. And, the commanders of the two armies are from the cult empire, and there is no doubt about loyalty. There must be some reason for this.

Davis looked at the evidence more than Jevric's disbelief.

He knew what Jevridge was worrying about. Indeed, the change in O'Neill City really made people wonder.

It's not just that Jevrich can't figure it out, he can't figure it out himself.

Davis said: "Not only did the reconnaissance team lose the news, the drone that was conducting aerial reconnaissance was also shot down. The picture before the drone was shot down clearly showed that it was shot down by the Agni missile. This type of missile comes from an air defense vehicle. The armored divisions are all installed. Although it is hard to believe, we have to accept the possibility that the 741th and 754th divisions have defected. To this end, we need to do something. We have been dragging on for long enough."

It's been a long time indeed. It has been a month since O'Neill lost the news.

As Davis said, it can't be delayed.

Putting down the hand on his forehead, Jevrich sighed slightly and asked, "Which army is the closest to O'Neill city?"

Davis said: "It's the 128th Division, stationed in a nearby farm town, about five hours away."

With a slight expression on his face, Jevrich said solemnly: "Immediately order the 128th Division to enter O'Neill City, investigate the situation in the city, and prepare the rear air force base for support. Once it is confirmed that the army in O'Neill City has rebelled, immediately For high-altitude bombing missions, we will never allow any betrayal."

The order is clear. After more than a month of events, the fog of O'Neill City will soon dissipate.

Middle East, the small farm town of McGitt.

For a farm, the concept of a farm in people's hearts is often a contiguous piece of farmland.

But the small town of McGitt Farm has long been shrouded by war. Outside the town is not a piece of farmland, but a scorched land.

A long time ago, there was a big battle here.

In the small town, there are also wreckage everywhere, the outer city walls are almost destroyed, and gaps are everywhere.

The **** battle was over, but the town did not usher in reconstruction.

A long time ago, the civilians in the small town had been slaughtered to death. Even if the demons in the Middle East were completely eliminated, it might take many years for someone to move to the small town and rebuild the town.

Although the civilians are no longer there, the town is not empty.

There is an army stationed in the town, and they occupy every intact house and every street.

Some soldiers also stood guard on the torn wall, watching the scorched earth outside.

At this time, due to an order, the division commander "Elred" was discussing with a group of staff in a temporary headquarters in the town.

"There are two "divisions" stationed in O'Neill City. What do you mean by this order? It's really strange. The above allows us to station in O'Neill City, and let us be cautious and ready to fight at any time. All are ours, who are we going to fight with?"

Allied was puzzled by this order, his face was very confused.

It doesn't matter if they are stationed in O'Neill City. They haven't had a fight for three months, and they can't do anything to stay here.

In the previous few months, there were occasional wandering demons outside the town, but now, it is so difficult to want a battle.

Sometimes Alled even thought whether all the demons had been eliminated, otherwise, how could the battlefield be so quiet.

You must know that a year ago, they had a very hard life. They were overwhelmed by the devil. I don’t know how many people died and how lucky they were to survive. Today, a year later, the situation has changed so quickly. People cannot adapt.

"Since it's an order, let's follow it. The above asks us to be careful. There must be a reason, and the order also says that if you encounter any uncontrollable situation, you can do it cheaply. There is no need to ask the above for instructions. What has changed?"

The staff's words are reasonable, and Ered doesn't plan to think too much.

Standing up from the seat, Alled said: "I took the 1, 2, 3 regiment and set off first, and the follow-up troops followed as soon as possible."


Holding the military salute, everyone said in unison.

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